Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This module provides a thin compatibility layer between Python 2.7 and 3.x.
Various objects are aliased as follows:

    ===================    ===============================   =======================
    **Exported object**     **Points to in 2.x**              **Points to 3.x**
    -------------------    -------------------------------   -----------------------
    ``safe_bytes``         :func:`bytes`                      ``lambda x: bytes(x,"utf-8")``
    ``safe_str``           :func:`str`                        ``lambda x: x.decode("utf-8")``
    ``cStringIO``          :mod:`cStringIO`                   :mod:`io`
    ``StringIO``           :mod:`StringIO`                    :mod:`io`
    ``xrange``             :func:`xrange`                     :func:`range`
    ``quote``              :func:`urllib.quote`               :func:`urllib.parse.quote`
    ``unquote``            :func:`urllib.quote`               :func:`urllib.parse.unquote`
    ``quote_plus``         :func:`urllib.quote_plus`          :func:`urllib.parse.quote_plus`
    ``unquote_plus``       :func:`urllib.unquote_plus`        :func:`urllib.parse.unquote_plus`
    ``ifilter``            :func:`itertools.ifilter`          :func:`filter`
    ``Iterable``           :class:`collections.Iterable`      :class:``
    ===================    ===============================   =======================

Also, one function is defined:

    ========================    ================================================
    **Function**                **Action**
    ------------------------    ------------------------------------------------
    :func:`get_func_code`       Retrieves ``function.func_code`` in 2.x, ``function.__code__`` in 3.x
    ========================    ================================================

import sys
import urllib
import itertools
import collections

# yapf: disable
if sys.version_info >= (3, ):
    import io as cStringIO
    import io as StringIO
    import io
    xrange       = range
    quote        = urllib.parse.quote
    unquote      = urllib.parse.unquote
    quote_plus   = urllib.parse.quote_plus
    unquote_plus = urllib.parse.unquote_plus
    ifilter      = filter
    safe_bytes   = lambda x: bytes(x, "utf-8")
    safe_str     = lambda x: x.decode("utf-8")
    safe_file    = io.FileIO

    # function code
    _func_code_attr = "__code__"

    # abstract base classes
    Iterable =
    import cStringIO
    import StringIO
    xrange       = xrange
    quote        = urllib.quote
    unquote      = urllib.unquote
    quote_plus   = urllib.quote_plus
    unquote_plus = urllib.unquote_plus
    ifilter      = itertools.ifilter
    safe_bytes   = bytes
    safe_str     = str
    safe_file    =   file

    # function code
    _func_code_attr = "func_code"

    # abstract base classes
    Iterable = collections.Iterable

[docs]def get_func_code(func): """Return function code attribute for function ``func`` ========== =================== Version Function attribute ---------- ------------------- 2.x ``func_code`` 3.x ``_code`` ========== =================== Parameters ---------- func : function Query function Returns ------- code Function code """ return getattr(func, _func_code_attr)