Demo dataset

We have put together a small demo dataset that is used in the Tour and in Tutorials. It consists of feature annotations, ribosome profiling data, and RNA-seq from the merlin (laboratory) strain of human cytomegalovirus (hCMV).


Part 1 includes the following files:





Sequence of hCMV merlin strain

GenBank, accession no. NC_006273.2

merlin_orfs.bed, merlin_orfs.gtf

Coding region models for hCMV strain, plus estimated UTRs

[SGWM+12] (CDS). 5’ UTRs estimated as 50 nt upstream of CDS. 3’ UTRs estimated as 100 nt downstream of CDS.


Ribosome profiling data, 5 hours post hCMV infection, aligned to hCMV merlin strain genome sequence

[SGWM+12], raw data available at SRA, accession no. SRR609197


RNA-seq data, 5 hours post CMV infection, aligned to hCMV merlin strain genome sequence

[SGWM+12], raw data available at SRA, accession no. SRR592963

Part 2 includes further replicates, as well as timepoint data from 24 hours post-infection.