Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This module contains custom exception and warning classes, implements 
a custom warning filter action, called `"onceperfamily"`, and monkey-patches
warning output to improve legibility.


.. contents::

The `onceperfamily` action
`onceperfamily` groups warning messages by families regular expressions,
and only prints the first warning instance that matches a given family's 
regular expression. In contrast, Python's native `once` action prints any string
literal once, even if it matches the same regex as another warning already given.

To use this action, use the following two functions:

  - :func:`filterwarnings` to create the warnings filter. Because :func:`filterwarnings`
    wraps Python's :func:`warnings.filterwarnings`, it may be used as a drop-in
    replacement for creation of any warnings filter.
  - :func:`warn` or :func:`warn_explicit`. Again, these are drop-in replacements
    for Python's :func:`warnings.warn` and :func:`warnings.warn_explicit` that
    additionally check the `onceperfamily` filters.
For convenience, there are also functions that both issue a warning, and create
a `onceperfamily` filter for it if one doesn't already exist:

  - :func:`warn_onceperfamily`
  - :func:`warn_explicit_onceperfamily`

Exception types
    Raised when a file cannot be parsed as expected, and
    execution must halt

Warning types
    Warning for command-line arguments that:
      - are nonsenical, but recoverable
      - together might cause very slow execution
        (e.g. run would be optimized by other combinations)

    Warning for slightly malformed but usable files

    Warning raised when:

      - data has unexpected attributes
      - data has nonsensical, but recoverable values for attributes
      - when values are out of the domain of a given operation,
        but skipping the operation or estimating the value is permissible

See also
    Warnings module
import re
import warnings
import inspect
import linecache
import textwrap
from import colored

_wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(break_long_words=False, width=77)

# INDEX: Warning and exception classes

[docs]class MalformedFileError(Exception): """Exception class for when files cannot be parsed as they should be """ def __init__(self, filename, message, line_num=None): """Create a |MalformedFileError| Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file causing problem message : str Message explaining how the file is malformed. line_num : int or None, optional Number of line causing problems """ self.filename = filename self.msg = message self.line_num = line_num def __str__(self): if self.line is None: return "Error opening file '%s': %s" % (self.filename, self.msg) else: return "Error opening file '%s' at line %s: %s" % ( self.filename, self.line_num, self.msg )
[docs]class ArgumentWarning(Warning): """Warning for nonsensical but recoverable combinations of command-line arguments, or arguments that risk slow program execution""" pass
[docs]class FileFormatWarning(Warning): """Warning for slightly malformed but usable files""" pass
[docs]class DataWarning(Warning): """Warning for unexpected attributes of data. Raised when: - data has unexpected attributes - data has nonsensical, but recoverable values - values are out of the domain of a given operation, but execution can continue if the value is estimated or the operation skipped """
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: Plastid's extensions to Python warnings #=============================================================================== pl_once_registry = {} """Registry of `onceperfamily` warnings that have been seen in the current execution context""" pl_filters = [] """Plastid's own warnings filters, which allow additional actions compared to Python's"""
[docs]def filterwarnings(action, message="", category=Warning, module="", lineno=0, append=0): """Insert an entry into the warnings filter. Behaviors are as in :func:`warnings.filterwarnings`, except the additional action `'onceperfamily'` can be used to allow one warning per `family` of messages, specified by a regex. This allows individual warnings to give more detailed information, without each being regarded as its own warning by Python's warning system (the defualt behavior of `'once'`). Parameters ---------- action : str How the warning should be filtered. Accceptable values are "error", "ignore", "always", "default", 'module", "once", and "onceperfamily" message : str, optional str that can be compiled to a regex, used to detect warnings. If "onceperfamily" is chosen, only the first warning to give a string that matches the regex will be shown. For other actions, behaviors are as described in :mod:`warnings`. (Default: `""`, match any message) category : Warning or subclass, optional Type of warning. (Default: :class:`Warning`) module : str, optional str that can be compiled to a regex, limiting the warning behavior to modules that match that regex. (Default: `""`, match all modules) lineno : int, optional integer line used to specify warning in source code. If 0 (default), match all warnings regardless of line number. append : int, optional If 1, add warning to end of filter list. If 0 (default), insert warning at beginning of filters list. See also -------- warnings.filterwarnings Python's warnings filter """ tup = (action, re.compile(message, re.I), category, re.compile(module), lineno) if action == "onceperfamily": if tup in pl_filters: return else: if append == 1: pl_filters.append(tup) else: pl_filters.insert(0, tup) else: warnings.filterwarnings( action, message=message, category=category, module=module, lineno=lineno, append=append )
[docs]def warn_onceperfamily(message, pattern=None, category=None, stacklevel=1): """Issue a warning and create a warning filter for that warning if it does not already exist Parameters ---------- message : str Message of warning. Can be a string that compiles to a regex. Printed as warning text and used to create warning filter if `pattern` is `None`. pattern : str or None, optional If not `None`, override message when generating warnings filter category: :class:`Warning`, or subclass, optional Type of warning stacklevel : int Ignored See also -------- plastid-specific warnings filters warnings.warn Python's warning system, which this wraps """ if pattern is None: pattern = message filterwarnings("onceperfamily", message=pattern, category=category) warn(message, category=category, stacklevel=stacklevel)
[docs]def warn_explicit_onceperfamily( message, category, filename, lineno, pattern=None, module=None, registry=None, module_globals=None ): """Low-level interface to issue warnings, allowing `plastid`-specific warnings filters Parameters ---------- message : str Message pattern : str or None, optional If not `None`, override message when generating warnings filter category: :class:`Warning`, or subclass, optional Type of warning filename : str Name of module from which warning is issued lineno : int, optional Line in module at which warning is called module : str, optional Module name registry : dict, optional Registry of ignore filters (see source code for :func:`warnings.warn_explicit` module_globals : dict, optional Dictionary of module-level variables See also -------- plastid-specific warnings filters warnings.warn_explicit Python's warning system, which this wraps """ if pattern is None: pattern = message filterwarnings("onceperfamily", message=pattern, category=category) if module is None: # or module_globals is None: frame = inspect.currentframe() if frame is None: module = __name__ else: try: module = inspect.getmodule(frame.f_back.f_code).__name__ finally: del frame warn_explicit( pattern, category, filename, lineno, module=module, registry=registry, module_globals=module_globals )
[docs]def warn(message, category=None, stacklevel=1): """Issue a non-essential warning to users, allowing `plastid`-specific warnings filters Parameters ---------- message : str Message category: :class:`Warning`, or subclass, optional Type of warning stacklevel : int Ignored See also -------- plastid-specific warnings filters warnings.warn Python's warning system, which this wraps """ if category is None: category = UserWarning _, filename, lineno, _, _, _ = inspect.stack()[stacklevel] warn_explicit(message, category, filename, lineno, module=filename)
[docs]def warn_explicit( message, category, filename, lineno, module=None, registry=None, module_globals=None ): """Low-level interface to issue warnings, allowing `plastid`-specific warnings filters Parameters ---------- message : str Message category: :class:`Warning`, or subclass, optional Type of warning filename : str Name of module from which warning is issued lineno : int, optional Line in module at which warning is called module : str, optional Module name registry : dict, optional Registry of ignore filters (see source code for :func:`warnings.warn_explicit` module_globals : dict, optional Dictionary of module-level variables See also -------- plastid-specific warnings filters warnings.warn_explicit Python's warning system, which this wraps """ global pl_once_registry if module is None: frame = inspect.currentframe() if frame is None: module = __name__ else: try: module = inspect.getmodule(frame.f_back.f_code).__name__ finally: del frame for _, pat, filter_category, mod, filter_line in pl_filters: if pat.match(message) and issubclass(category,filter_category) and\ (module is None or mod.match(module)) and\ (filter_line == 0 or filter_line == lineno): tup = (pat.pattern, filter_category, mod, filter_line) if tup in pl_once_registry: return else: pl_once_registry[tup] = 1 break warnings.warn_explicit( message, category, filename, lineno, module=module, registry=registry, module_globals=module_globals )
[docs]def formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): """Wrapper to colorize warnings for readability. Overrides :func:`warnings.formatwarning` Parameters ---------- message : str Warning message category : Warning Class (not instance) of warning filename : str Name of file calling warning lineno : int Line in file calling warning file : something implementing a `write` method File to which output is written. Default: :obj:`sys.stderr` line : str Text of line in file calling warning. If `None`, `line` is taken to be line number `lineno` of `filename` Returns ------- str Pretty-printed warning message """ sep = colored("-" * 75, color="cyan") message = str(message) if not "\n" in message: message = _wrapper.fill(str(message)) message = colored(message, color="white", attrs=["bold"]) name = colored(category.__name__, color="cyan", attrs=["bold"]) if line is None: numwidth = len(str(lineno + 3)) fmtstr = "{0: >%ss} {1}" % (numwidth) lines = [] for x in range(max(0, lineno - 2), lineno + 3): tmpline = linecache.getline(filename, x).strip("\n") if tmpline: attrs = ["bold"] if x == lineno else [] lines.append( fmtstr.format( colored(x, color="green", attrs=attrs), colored(tmpline, attrs=attrs) ) ) line = "\n".join(lines) filename = "in %s, line %s:" % (colored(filename, color="cyan"), lineno) ltmp = [sep, name, message, filename, "", line, "", sep, ""] return "\n".join(ltmp)
warnings.formatwarning = formatwarning