Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Function decorators useful for scripts or analyses

    Catch warnings raised by wrapped function
    Function or class decorator. Wrapped functions or classes raise FutureWarnings
    when called or instantiated, respectively

    Parallelize the running of a single-parameter function over multiple instances
    of its parameter

    Redirect standard out from a wrapped function into a buffer

    Redirect standard error from a wrapped function into a buffer

    Run decorated function in a separate process, to force garbage collection
    of that function's memory contents when the function completes and reduce
    overall long-term memory usage.

    Wrapped functions raise NotImplementedErrors. Use if committing incomplete code.

    No effects. Used for code annotation only

    Function decorator for unit tests. Wrapped methods will be skipped if
    they are called from a :py:class:`unittest.TestCase` with `'Abstract'`
    in its name, and run only in subclasses of the abstract :py:class:`unittest.TestCase`
    in which they are defined
import functools
import os
import sys
import warnings
import types
from import get_func_code
from import warn_explicit_onceperfamily

[docs]def notimplemented(func): """NotImplemented annotation decorator. Calls to functions annotated with this decorator raise :class:`NotImplementedError`, which record attributes of function callers Parameters ---------- func : function Function to wrap Returns ------- function wrapped function """ @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): func_code = get_func_code(func) message = "NotImplementedException: call to unimplemented "+\ "function %s in module %s line %s" % (func.__name__, func.__module__, func_code.co_firstlineno + 1) raise NotImplementedError(message) return new_func
[docs]def notused(func): """Notused annotation decorator. Only for marking code. Parameters ---------- func : function Function to wrap Returns ------- function wrapped function """ @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) return new_func
[docs]def catch_warnings(simple_filter="ignore"): """Function factory producing function decorators that suppress warnings Parameters ---------- simple_filter : str Warnings filter action. Quoted from :py:mod:`warnings`: ============== ================================================== **Value** **Disposition** -------------- -------------------------------------------------- *error* Turn warnings into exceptions *ignore* Ignore all warnings *always* Always print warnings *default* Print first occurrence of each warning type, for each location where warning is issued *module* Print first occurrence of each warning type, for each module where warning is issued *once* Print first occurrence of matching warnings, regardless of location ============== ================================================== (source: :py:mod:`warnings`) This decorator does NOT support the `onceperfamily` custom warning action. Returns ------- function Decorator function See also -------- warnings Warnings module, especially sections on warnings filters """ def decorator(func): """Function decorator that catches warnings of type %s Parameters ---------- func : function Function to decorate Returns ------- function Wrapped function """ % simple_filter @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter(simple_filter) result = func(*args, **kwargs) return result return new_func return decorator
[docs]def deprecated(func=None, version=None, instead=None): """Deprecation annotation decorator for functions or classes. Wrapped functions or classes will raise FutureWarnings with called or instantiated, respectively. Parameters ---------- func : function or class, optional Function or class to deprecate. This is just a hack to main backward compatibility with non-keyword accepting versions of `deprecated`. version : str, optional If not `None`, version by which deprecated function or class will be removed instead : str, optional If not `None`, users will be told to use this function or class instead Returns ------- object wrapped function or class """ def decorator(func_or_class): message = "is deprecated and will be removed from module %s in " % func_or_class.__module__ if version is not None: message += ("plastid version %s." % version) else: message += "future versions of plastid." if instead is not None: message += " Use %s instead." % instead message = "%s '%s' " + message # Based on useful hints from if isinstance(func_or_class, types.FunctionType): message = message % ("Function", func_or_class.__name__) @functools.wraps(func_or_class) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): func_code = get_func_code(func_or_class) warn_explicit_onceperfamily( message, category=FutureWarning, filename=func_code.co_filename, lineno=func_code.co_firstlineno + 1 ) return func_or_class(*args, **kwargs) return new_func # two tests here. Top line for Python 2.7. Bottom for 3.x elif (sys.version_info <= (3,) and (isinstance(func_or_class,types.ClassType) or isinstance(func_or_class,types.TypeType))) \ or isinstance(func_or_class,type): old_init = func_or_class.__init__ message = message % ("Class", func_or_class.__name__) @functools.wraps(func_or_class.__init__) def new_func(self, *args, **kwargs): warn_explicit_onceperfamily( message, category=FutureWarning, filename=sys._getframe(1).f_globals["__name__"], lineno=sys._getframe(1).f_lineno ) return old_init(self, *args, **kwargs) func_or_class.__init__ = new_func return func_or_class else: raise TypeError( "Attempt to deprecate '%s', a %s. Only functions and classes can be deprecated." % (func_or_class.__name__, type(func_or_class)) ) if func is not None: return decorator(func) return decorator
[docs]def skip_if_abstract(func): """Decorator function to keep :py:mod:`unittest` from running methods (defined in abstract classes) that are only intended to be run when inherited by fully-fleshed out subclasses. Wrapped methods are actually called from all non-abstract subclasses that inherit the method. Parameters ---------- func : function Function that should only be run in a non-abstract subclass Returns ------- function wrapped function """ import unittest @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): if "Abstract" in args[0].__class__.__name__: return unittest.skip( "Skipping all tests from abstract class (don't worry, this is expected)." )( func ) else: return func(*args, **kwargs) return new_func
[docs]def catch_stderr(buf=None): """Function factory producing decorators that capture stderr to a buffer Parameters ---------- buf : file Buffer that will hold captured stderr output. Must import ``write()`` and ``fileno()`` methods. If `None`, :py:obj:`os.devnull` will be used. Examples -------- Create a ``pipe``, and use it to catch stderr:: >>> import sys >>> import os >>> >>> def my_func(): >>> sys.stderr.write("some message") >>> read_end, write_end = os.pipe() >>> buf = os.fdopen(write_end,"w") >>> wrapped = catch_stderr(buf)(my_func) >>> wrapped() # generates stderr >>> buf.close() >>> captured = os.fdopen(read_end).read() >>> print(captured) # output from captured stderr here >>> captured.close() # remember to close! Returns ------- function Function decorator """ def decorator(func, buf=buf): """Decorator that suppresses standard error output from a function Parameters ---------- func : function Function whose standard error will be captured Returns ------- function wrapped function """ if buf is None: buf = open(os.devnull, "a") @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): stderr_fd = os.dup(sys.__stderr__.fileno()) new_fd = buf.fileno() os.dup2(new_fd, sys.stderr.fileno()) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException as e: sys.stderr.flush() os.dup2(stderr_fd, sys.stderr.fileno()) raise (e) sys.stderr.flush() os.dup2(stderr_fd, sys.stderr.fileno()) return result return new_func return decorator
# cannot write unit tests for this because nose substitutes # a StringIO object for sys.stdout, which messes up the file descriptor # properties
[docs]def catch_stdout(buf=None): """Function factory producing decorators that capture stdout to a buffer Parameters ---------- buf : file or None Buffer that will hold captured stdout output. Must import ``write()`` and ``fileno()`` methods. If `None`, :py:obj:`os.devnull` will be used. Examples -------- Create a ``pipe``, and use it to catch stdout:: >>> import sys >>> import os >>> >>> def my_func(): >>> sys.stdout.write("some message") >>> read_end, write_end = os.pipe() >>> buf = os.fdopen(write_end,"w") >>> >>> wrapped = catch_stdout(buf)(my_func) >>> wrapped() # generates stdout >>> buf.close() >>> captured = os.fdopen(read_end).read() >>> print(captured) # output here >>> captured.close() # remember to close! Returns ------- function Function decorator """ def decorator(func, buf=buf): """Decorator that suppresses standard error output from a function Parameters ---------- func : function Function whose standard error will be captured buf : file-like, optional Open stream, which **must** have a `fileno()` method. ``StringIO`` objects will not work! (Default: `os.devnull`) Returns ------- function wrapped function """ if buf is None: buf = open(os.devnull, "a") @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): stdout_fd = os.dup(sys.stdout.fileno()) new_fd = buf.fileno() os.dup2(new_fd, sys.stdout.fileno()) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException as e: sys.stdout.flush() os.dup2(stdout_fd, sys.stdout.fileno()) raise (e) sys.stdout.flush() os.dup2(stdout_fd, sys.stdout.fileno()) return result return new_func return decorator
[docs]def in_separate_process(func): """Decorator that runs a function in a separate process, to force garbage collection collection upon termination of that process, limiting long-term memory usage. Parameters ---------- func : function Function to run in a separate process. Per multiprocessing spec, must be declared in global scope. Returns ------- function wrapped function See Also -------- multiprocessing Python multiprocessing module, for writing parallel programs """ @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(*args, **kwargs): import multiprocessing recv_pipe, send_pipe = multiprocessing.Pipe(False) def temp_func(conn, args, kwargs): result = func(*args, **kwargs) conn.send(result) conn.close() proc = multiprocessing.Process(target=temp_func, args=(send_pipe, args, kwargs)) proc.start() proc.join() result = recv_pipe.recv() recv_pipe.close() return result return new_func
[docs]def parallelize(func): """Decorator to parallelize the running of a single-parameter function over multiple instances of its parameter(s) Parameters ---------- func : function Function to parallelize. Must take one parameter. Per multiprocessing spec, must be declared in global scope. processes : int, optional Number of processes to use (Default: `4`) Returns ------- function wrapped function See Also -------- multiprocessing Python multiprocessing module, for writing parallel programs """ @functools.wraps(func) def new_func(args, processes=4, chunksize=None, **kwargs): import multiprocessing pf = functools.partial(func, **kwargs) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes) pool_results =, args, chunksize=chunksize) pool.close() pool.join() return pool_results message = """ Notes ----- #. This function has been parallelized with %s processes via :py:func:``. Therefore, supply a lists of the function's parameter, rather than a single parameter. #. Output is not guaranteed to be sorted. #. This function additionally takes the keyword argument ``processes``, which determines how many processes it will use. """ if new_func.__doc__ is not None: new_func.__doc__ += message else: new_func.__doc__ = message return new_func
[docs]def skipdoc(func_or_class): """Instruct Sphinx not to generate documentation for ``func_or_class`` Parameters ---------- func_or_class : function or class Function or class not to document Returns ------- object Wrapped function or class """ func_or_class.plastid_skipdoc = True return func_or_class