Source code for plastid.util.scriptlib.help_formatters

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This module contains post-processors that reformats module docstrings for
use as command-line script help, by removing rich formatting, substitutions,
`reStructuredText`_ markup, and some `numpydoc`_ tokens.

See also
    Python regular expressions module

`reStructuredText <>`_
    Specification for `reStructuredText`_, a markup language used by the
    `Sphinx`_ documentation engine, and used throughout the docstrings found
    in this package

`numpydoc <>`_
    A docstring standard and `Sphinx`_ extension that converts human-readable
    docstrings into valid `reStructuredText`_ 
import re

[docs]def shorten_help(inp): """Pretty prints `numpydoc`_-formatted module, class, or function docstrings for use in command-line help, by removing some `reStructuredText`_ markup, and truncating the docstring at the appropriate `numpydoc`_ tokens. Parameters ---------- inp : multi-line str Class or function docstring to format Returns ------- str Cleaned helptext """ inp = pyrst_pattern.sub(r"\g<spacing>\g<argument>", inp) inp = subst_pattern.sub(r"\g<1>", inp) inp = link_pattern.sub(r"\g<1>", inp) tokens = ["Parameters", "Returns", "Yields", "Raises", "Attributes"] indices = [inp.find("%s" % X) for X in tokens] indices.extend([inp.find(" %s" % X.lower()) for X in tokens]) for n, idx in enumerate(indices): if idx == -1: indices[n] = len(inp) return inp[:min(indices)].strip() + "\n"
[docs]def format_module_docstring(inp): """Pretty prints module docstrings for use in command-line help, by removing some `reStructuredText`_ markup, truncating the docstring at the first `numpydoc`_ token, and surrounding help text with separators. Parameters ---------- inp : multi-line str Module docstring to format Returns ------- str Formatted docstring """ return _separator + "\n" + shorten_help(inp) + "\n" + _separator
pyrst_pattern = re.compile( r"(?P<spacing>^|\s+)(?::(?P<domain>[^:`<>]+))?:(?P<role>[^:`]*):`(?P<argument>[^`<>]+)(?: +<(?P<pointer>[^`]+)>)?`" ) """RegEx pattern that detects `reStructuredText`_ markup of python tokens of the form ``:domain:role:`argument``` or simply ``:role:`argument```, if the token is preceded by whitespace or begins a line. Retrieves domain, role, and argument as named attributes if :py:meth:`pyrst_pattern.groupdict` is called. """ subst_pattern = re.compile(r"\|([^|]*)\|") """RegEx pattern that matches `reStructuredText`_ substitution tokens of form ``|substitution|`` """ link_pattern = re.compile(r"`([^`<>]+)( <[^`]+>)?`_") """RegEx pattern that matches `reStructuredText`_ link references of forms ```Linkname`_`` and ```Link text <url>`_`` """ _separator = "\n" + (78 * "-") + "\n" """78-dash long text separator for separating help sections in command-line environments"""