Source code for plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This module contains classes that:

  - build :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` objects for various data types
    used in genomics

  - parse those arguments into useful file types

Arguments are grouped into the following sets:

    ===========================================================   ======================================
    **Parameter/argument set**                                    **Parser building class**
    -----------------------------------------------------------   --------------------------------------
    Generic parameters (e.g. for error reporting, logging)        :class:`BaseParser`

    :term:`Read alignments` or :term:`count files <count file>`   :class:`AlignmentParser`

    Genomic feature or mask annotations                           :class:`AnnotationParser`

    Genomic sequence files                                        :class:`SequenceParser`

    Plotting parameters for charts                                :class:`PlottingParser`
    ===========================================================   ======================================

To use any of these in your own command line scripts, follow these steps:

  #. Import one or more of the classes above::

         >>> import argparse
         >>> from plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers import AnnotationParser

  #. Use the first function to create an  :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`,
     and supply this object as a `parent` when you build your script's

         >>> ap = AnnotationParser()

         # create annotation file parser
         >>> annotation_file_parser = ap.get_parser(disabled=["some_option_to_disable"])

         # create my own parser, incorporating flags from annotation_file_parser
         >>>> my_own_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[annotation_file_parser])

         # add script-specific arguments
         >>> my_own_parer.add_argument("positional_argument",type=str)
         >>> my_own_parser.add_argument("--foo",type=int,default=5,help="Some option")
         >>> my_own_parser.add_argument("--bar",type=str,default="a string",help="Another option")

  #. Then, use the second parse the arguments::

         >>> args = parser.parse_args()

         # get transcript objects from arguments
         # this will be an iterator over |Transcripts|
         >>> transcripts = ap.get_transcripts_from_args(args)

         >>> pass # rest of your script

Your script will then be able process whatever sorts of annotation files that
plastid currently supports.

See Also
    Python documentation on argument parsing

    Source code of command-line scripts, for further examples
import sys
import os
import functools
import argparse
import warnings
import pkg_resources
import pysam

from import (
from import deprecated
from import opener, NullWriter
from import CommentReader
from plastid.genomics.roitools import Transcript, SegmentChain
from plastid.readers.gff import (

# INDEX: Constants used in parsers below

# Size above which we recommend sorting a GFF/GTF2 file
_GFF_SORT_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024

_MAPPING_RULE_TITLE = "alignment mapping functions (BAM & bowtie files only)"
"""For BAM or bowtie files, one of the mutually exclusive read mapping functions
is required:

_MAPPING_OPTION_TITLE = "filtering and alignment mapping options"
The remaining arguments are optional and affect the behavior of specific
mapping functions:

"Open alignment or count files and optionally set mapping rules"

_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_FILE_PARSER_TITLE = "count & alignment file options"

"Open one or more genome annotation files"

"annotation file options (one or more annotation files required)"

"""Sort and index your GTF2/GFF with Tabix as follows:

    $ sort -k1,1 -k4,4n my_file.FORMAT | bgzip > my_file_sorted.FORMAT.gz
    $ tabix -p gff my_file_sorted.FORMAT.gz

See for download and documentation of
tabix and bgzip."""

_MASK_PARSER_TITLE = "mask file options (optional)"
"""Add mask file(s) that annotate regions that should be excluded from analyses
(e.g. repetitive genomic regions)."""


_DEFAULT_PLOTTING_TITLE = "Plotting options"

# INDEX: Base class for parsers

[docs]class Parser(object): """Base class for argument parser factories used below Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes """ def __init__(self, groupname=None, prefix="", disabled=None, **kwargs): """Create a parser Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes """ self.prefix = prefix self.disabled = [] if disabled is None else disabled self.groupname = groupname # define in __init__ of subclass self.arguments = []
[docs] def get_parser( self, parser=None, groupname=None, arglist=None, title=None, description=None, **kwargs ): """Create an populate :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` with arguments Parameters ---------- parser : :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` or None, optional If `None`, a new parser will be created, and arguments will be added to it. If not `None`, arguments will be added to `parser`. (Default: `None`) groupname : str or None, optional If not `None`, default to `self.groupname`. If either `groupname` or `self.groupname` is not `None`, an option group with this name will be added to `parser`, and arguments added to that groupname instead of the main argument group of `parser`. In this case, `title` and `description` will be applied to the option group instead of to `parser`. Default : `None`) arglist : list, optional If not `None`, arguments in this list will be added to `parser`. Otherwise, arguments will be taken from `self.arguments`. The list should be a list of tuples of ('argument_name',dict_of_options), where `argument_name` is a string, and `dict_of_options` a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`. title : str, optional Optional title for parser description : str, optional Optional description for parser kwargs : keyword arguments Additional arguments passed during creation of :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` """ if groupname is None: groupname = self.groupname if parser is None: if groupname is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, add_help=False, **kwargs) else: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, **kwargs) addto = parser if groupname is not None: addto = parser.add_argument_group(title=title, description=description) arglist = self.arguments if arglist is None else arglist for arg_name, arg_opts in filter(lambda x: x[0] not in self.disabled, arglist): addto.add_argument("--%s%s" % (self.prefix, arg_name), **arg_opts) return parser
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: Alignment & count file parser #===============================================================================
[docs]class AlignmentParser(Parser): """Parser for files containing read alignments or quantitative data. Checks for additional mapping rules and command-line arguments by checking the entrypoints ``plastid.mapping_rules`` and ``plastid.mapping_options`` Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices for input allow_mapping : bool, optional Enable/disable user configuration of mapping rules (default: True) """ def __init__( self, prefix="", disabled=None, input_choices=("BAM", "bigwig", "bowtie", "wiggle"), groupname="alignment_options", allow_mapping=True ): # yapf: disable """Create a parser for read alignments and/or quantitative data Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices for input allow_mapping : bool, optional Enable/disable user configuration of mapping rules (default: True) """ Parser.__init__(self, groupname=groupname, prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled) self.input_choices = input_choices self.allow_mapping = allow_mapping self.bamfuncs = {} self.bowtiefuncs = {} self.arguments = [ ("count_files" , dict(type=str, default=[], nargs="+", help="One or more count or alignment file(s) from a single sample or set of samples to be pooled.")), ("countfile_format", dict(choices=input_choices, default="BAM", help="Format of file containing alignments or counts (Default: %(default)s)")), ("normalize" , dict(action="store_true", help="Whether counts should be normalized"+ " to counts per million (usually not. default: %(default)s)", default=False)), ("sum" , dict(type=float,default=None, help="Sum used in normalization of counts and RPKM/RPNT calculations "+\ "(Default: total mapped reads/counts in dataset)")), ] length_ops = [ ( "min_length", dict( type=int, default=25, metavar="N", help=( "Minimum read length required to be included " "(BAM & bowtie files only. Default: %(default)s)" ), ), ), ( "max_length", dict( type=int, default=100, metavar="N", help=( "Maximum read length permitted to be included " "(BAM & bowtie files only. Default: %(default)s)" ), ), ), ] big_genome = [ ( "big_genome", dict( action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Use slower but memory-efficient implementation " "for big genomes or for memory-limited computers. " "For wiggle & bowtie files only." ), ), ), ] maxmem = [ ( "maxmem", dict( type=float, default=0, help=( "Maximum desired memory footprint in MB to devote to " "BigBed/BigWig files. May be exceeded by large queries. " "(Default: 0, No maximum)" ) ) ), ] # filetype-specific options self.filetype_options = { "BAM": length_ops, "bowtie": length_ops + big_genome, "wiggle": big_genome, "bigwig": maxmem, } if self.allow_mapping == False: self.map_rules = [] self.map_ops = [] else: map_rules = [ ( "fiveprime_variable", dict( action="store_const", const="fiveprime_variable", dest="%smapping" % prefix, help=( "Map read alignment to a variable offset from 5' " "position of read, with offset determined by read " "length. Requires `--offset` below" ), ), ), ( "fiveprime", dict( action="store_const", const="fiveprime", dest="%smapping" % prefix, help="Map read alignment to 5' position." ), ), ( "threeprime", dict( action="store_const", const="threeprime", dest="%smapping" % prefix, help="Map read alignment to 3' position" ), ), ( "center", dict( action="store_const", const="center", dest="%smapping" % prefix, help=( "Subtract N positions from each end of read, " "and add 1/(length-N), to each remaining position, " "where N is specified by `--nibble`" ) ) ), ] map_ops = [ ( "offset", dict( default=0, metavar="OFFSET", help=( "For `--fiveprime` or `--threeprime`, provide an integer " "representing the offset into the read, starting " "from either the 5\' or 3\' end, at which data " "should be plotted. For `--fiveprime_variable`, " "provide the filename of a two-column tab-delimited " "text file, in which first column represents read " "length or the special keyword `'default'`, and " "the second column represents the offset from the " "five prime end of that read length at which the " "read should be mapped. (Default: %(default)s)" ), ), ), ( "nibble", dict( type=int, default=0, metavar="N", help=( "For use with `--center` only. nt to remove from " "each end of read before mapping " "(Default: %(default)s)" ), ), ), ] for epoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group="plastid.mapping_rules"): reg_name = pdict = epoint.load() if "name" in pdict: reg_name = pdict.pop("name") pdict["const"] = reg_name pdict["action"] = "store_const" pdict["dest"] = "%smapping" % self.prefix bamfunc = pdict.get("bamfunc", None) bowtiefunc = pdict.get("bowtiefunc", None) if bamfunc is not None: self.bamfuncs[reg_name] = bamfunc pdict.pop("bamfunc") if bowtiefunc is not None: self.bowtiefuncs[reg_name] = bowtiefunc pdict.pop("bowtiefunc") map_rules.append((reg_name, pdict)) for epoint in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group="plastid.mapping_options"): reg_name = pdict = epoint.load() if "name" in pdict: reg_name = pdict.pop("name") map_ops.append((reg_name, pdict)) self.map_rules = map_rules self.map_ops = map_ops
[docs] def get_parser( self, title=_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_FILE_PARSER_TITLE, description=_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_FILE_PARSER_DESCRIPTION, **kwargs ): """Return an :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` that opens alignment (`BAM`_, or `bowtie`_) or count (`Wiggle`_, `bedGraph`_) files. In the case of `bowtie`_ or `BAM`_ import, also parse arguments for mapping rules (e.g. fiveprime end mapping, threeprime end mapping, et c) and optional read length filters Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) kwargs : keyword arguments Additional arguments to pass to :meth:`Parser.get_parser` Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` """ parser = Parser.get_parser(self, title=title, description=description, **kwargs) extra_args = [] for k in self.input_choices: arglist = self.filetype_options.get(k, []) for arg in arglist: if arg not in extra_args: extra_args.append(arg) if len(extra_args) > 0: # use mutator function- add new parser to `parser` Parser.get_parser( self, parser=parser, arglist=extra_args, title=title, description=description, ) if self.allow_mapping == True: Parser.get_parser( self, parser=parser, groupname="mapping_options", arglist=self.map_rules, title=_MAPPING_RULE_TITLE, description=_MAPPING_RULE_DESCRIPTION, ) Parser.get_parser( self, parser=parser, groupname="sub_options", arglist=self.map_ops, title=_MAPPING_OPTION_TITLE, description=_MAPPING_OPTION_DESCRIPTION, ) return parser
[docs] def get_genome_array_from_args(self, args, printer=None): """Return a |GenomeArray|, |SparseGenomeArray| or |BAMGenomeArray| from arguments parsed by :py:func:`get_alignment_file_parser` Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Arguments from the parser printer : file-like, optional A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (default: |NullWriter|) Returns ------- |GenomeArray|, |SparseGenomeArray|, or |BAMGenomeArray| """ from plastid.genomics.genome_array import ( GenomeArray, SparseGenomeArray, BAMGenomeArray, BigWigGenomeArray, SizeFilterFactory, CenterMapFactory, FivePrimeMapFactory, ThreePrimeMapFactory, VariableFivePrimeMapFactory, five_prime_map, three_prime_map, center_map, variable_five_prime_map, ) args = PrefixNamespaceWrapper(args, self.prefix) disabled = self.disabled map_rule = args.mapping if printer is None: printer = NullWriter() # require at least one countfile if len(args.count_files) == 0: printer.write("Please include at least one input file.") sys.exit(1) # require mapping rules unless wiggle if map_rule is None and args.countfile_format in ("BAM", "bowtie"): printer.write("Please specify a read mapping rule.") sys.exit(1) if "countfile_format" not in disabled: if args.countfile_format in ("BAM", "CRAM"): count_files = [pysam.Samfile(X, "rb") for X in args.count_files] try: ga = BAMGenomeArray(count_files) except ValueError: printer.write("Input BAM file(s) not indexed. Please index via:") printer.write("") for fn in args.count_files: printer.write(" samtools index [-b|-c] %s" % fn) printer.write("") printer.write("Exiting.") sys.exit(1) size_filter = SizeFilterFactory(min=args.min_length, max=args.max_length) ga.add_filter("size:%s-%s" % (args.min_length, args.max_length), size_filter) if map_rule == "fiveprime": map_function = FivePrimeMapFactory(int(args.offset)) elif map_rule == "threeprime": map_function = ThreePrimeMapFactory(int(args.offset)) elif map_rule == "center": map_function = CenterMapFactory(args.nibble) elif map_rule == "fiveprime_variable": if str(args.offset) == "0": printer.write( "Please specify a filename to use for fiveprime " "variable offsets in --offset." ) sys.exit(1) offset_dict = _parse_variable_offset_file(CommentReader(open(args.offset))) map_function = VariableFivePrimeMapFactory(offset_dict) elif map_rule in self.bamfuncs: map_function = functools.partial(self.bamfuncs[map_rule], args=args) else: printer.write( "Mapping rule '%s' not implemented for BAM input. " "Exiting." % map_rule ) sys.exit(1) ga.set_mapping(map_function) elif args.countfile_format == "bigwig": ga = BigWigGenomeArray(maxmem=args.maxmem) for align_file in args.count_files: ga.add_from_bigwig("" % align_file, "+") ga.add_from_bigwig("" % align_file, "-") # wiggle/bedGraph and bowtie else: if "big_genome" not in disabled and args.big_genome == True: ga = SparseGenomeArray() else: ga = GenomeArray() # wiggle/bedGraph if args.countfile_format == "wiggle": for align_file in args.count_files: printer.write("Opening wiggle files %s ..." % align_file) with open("%s_fw.wig" % align_file) as fh: ga.add_from_wiggle(fh, "+") with open("%s_rc.wig" % align_file) as fh: ga.add_from_wiggle(fh, "-") # bowtie elif args.countfile_format == "bowtie": trans_args = {"nibble": int(args.nibble)} if map_rule == "fiveprime_variable": transformation = variable_five_prime_map if str(args.offset) == "0": printer.write( "Please specify a filename to use for " "fiveprime variable offsets in --offset." ) sys.exit(1) else: with open(args.offset) as myfile: trans_args["offset"] = _parse_variable_offset_file( CommentReader(myfile) ) else: trans_args["offset"] = int(args.offset) if map_rule == "fiveprime": transformation = five_prime_map elif map_rule == "threeprime": transformation = three_prime_map elif map_rule == "entire": transformation = center_map elif map_rule == "center": transformation = center_map elif map_rule in self.bowtiefuncs: transformation = self.bowtiefuncs[map_rule] trans_args["args"] = args else: printer.write( "Mapping rule '%s' not implemented for bowtie " "input. Exiting." % map_rule ) sys.exit(1) for infile in args.count_files: with opener(infile) as my_file: ga.add_from_bowtie( my_file, transformation, min_length=args.min_length, max_length=args.max_length, **trans_args ) printer.write("Counted %s total reads." % ga.sum()) if "sum" not in disabled and args.sum is not None: ga.set_sum(args.sum) if "normalize" not in disabled and args.normalize == True: printer.write("Normalizing to reads per million.") ga.set_normalize(True) return ga
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: Annotation file parser #===============================================================================
[docs]class AnnotationParser(Parser): """Parser for annotation files in various formats Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices for input allow_mapping : bool, optional Enable/disable user configuration of mapping rules (default: True) """ def __init__( self, prefix="", disabled=None, groupname="annotation_options", input_choices=("BED", "BigBed", "GTF2", "GFF3") ): """Create a parser for genomic features in an annotation file Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices for input allow_mapping : bool, optional Enable/disable user configuration of mapping rules (default: True) """ Parser.__init__(self, groupname=groupname, prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled) self.input_choices = input_choices self.arguments = [ ( "annotation_files", dict( metavar="infile.[%s]" % " | ".join(input_choices), # | psl]", type=str, nargs="+", default=[], help="Zero or more annotation files (max 1 file if BigBed)" ) ), ( "annotation_format", dict( choices=input_choices, default="GTF2", help=( "Format of %sannotation_files (Default: GTF2). " "Note: GFF3 assembly assumes SO v.2.5.2 feature " "ontologies, which may or may not match your specific " "file." % prefix ) ) ), ( "add_three", dict( default=False, action="store_true", help=( "If supplied, coding regions will be extended by 3 " "nucleotides at their 3\' ends (except for GTF2 files " "that explicitly include `stop_codon` features). " "Use if your annotation file excludes stop codons " "from CDS." ), ) ), ( "tabix", dict( default=False, action="store_true", help=( "%sannotation_files are tabix-compressed and indexed " "(Default: False). Ignored for BigBed files." % prefix ) ) ), ( "sorted", dict( default=False, action="store_true", help=( "%sannotation_files are sorted by chromosomal position " "(Default: False)" % prefix ) ) ), ] # options for specific filetypes self.filetype_options = { "BED" : [("bed_extra_columns", dict(default=0, nargs="+", help="Number of extra columns in BED file (e.g. in custom ENCODE formats) "+ "or list of names for those columns. (Default: %(default)s).")) ], "BigBed" : [ ("maxmem" , dict(type=float,default=0, help="Maximum desired memory footprint in MB to devote to BigBed/BigWig files. May be exceeded by large queries. (Default: 0, No maximum)")), ], "GFF3" : [("gff_transcript_types", dict(type=str, default=_DEFAULT_GFF3_TRANSCRIPT_TYPES, nargs="+", help="GFF3 feature types to include as transcripts, even "+\ "if no exons are present (for GFF3 only; default: use SO v2.5.3 specification)")), ("gff_exon_types", dict(type=str, default=_DEFAULT_GFF3_EXON_TYPES, nargs="+", help="GFF3 feature types to include as exons (for GFF3 only; default: use SO v2.5.3 specification)")), ("gff_cds_types", dict(type=str, default=_DEFAULT_GFF3_CDS_TYPES, nargs="+", help="GFF3 feature types to include as CDS (for GFF3 only; default: use SO v2.5.3 specification)")), ] }
[docs] def get_parser( self, title=_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_PARSER_TITLE, description=_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_PARSER_DESCRIPTION, **kwargs ): """Return an :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` that opens annotation files. Parameters ---------- title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) kwargs : keyword arguments Additional arguments to pass to :meth:`Parser.get_parser` Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` """ parser = Parser.get_parser(self, title=title, description=description, **kwargs) for k in self.input_choices: arglist = self.filetype_options.get(k) if arglist is not None: # use mutator function- add new parser to `parser` Parser.get_parser( self, parser=parser, groupname="%s_%s_options" % (self.groupname, k), title="%s-specific options" % k, arglist=arglist ) return parser
[docs] def get_transcripts_from_args(self, args, printer=None, return_type=None, require_sort=False): """Return a generator of |Transcript| objects from arguments parsed by :func:`get_annotation_file_parser` Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :py:func:`get_annotation_file_parser` printer : file-like, optional A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (Default: |NullWriter|) return_type : |SegmentChain| or subclass, optional Type of object to return (Default: |Transcript|) require_sort : bool, optional If True, quit if the annotation file(s) are not sorted or indexed Returns ------- iterator |Transcript| objects, either in order of appearance (if input was a `BED`_, `BigBed`_, or `PSL`_ file), or sorted lexically by chromosome, start coordinate, end coordinate, and then strand (if input was `GTF2`_ or `GFF3`_). See Also -------- get_annotation_file_parser Function that creates :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` whose output :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` is processed by this function """ return self.get_segmentchains_from_args( args, printer=printer, return_type=Transcript, require_sort=require_sort )
[docs] def get_segmentchains_from_args(self, args, printer=None, return_type=None, require_sort=False): """Return a generator of |SegmentChain| objects from arguments parsed by :py:func:`get_annotation_file_parser` Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :py:func:`get_annotation_file_parser` printer : file-like, optional A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (Default: |NullWriter|) return_type : |SegmentChain| or subclass, optional Type of object to return (Default: |Transcript|) require_sort : bool, optional If True, quit if the annotation file(s) are not sorted or indexed Returns ------- iterator |SegmentChain| objects, either in order of appearance (if input was a `BED`_, `BigBed`_, or `PSL`_ file), or sorted lexically by chromosome, start coordinate, end coordinate, and then strand (if input was `GTF2`_ or `GFF3`_). See Also -------- get_annotation_file_parser Function that creates :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` whose output :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` is processed by this function """ if printer is None: printer = NullWriter() if return_type is None: return_type = SegmentChain args = PrefixNamespaceWrapper(args, self.prefix) disabled = self.disabled if require_sort == True and 'sorted' not in disabled: if args.annotation_format in ("BED", "GTF2", "GFF3") \ and args.sorted == False \ and 'tabix' not in disabled \ and args.tabix == False: printer.write( "Using unsorted/unindexed annotation files requires " "impractical amounts of memory." ) if args.annotation_format == "BED": printer.write( """Convert BED to BigBed using Jim Kent's bedToBigBed utility as follows: $ sort -k1,1 -k2,2n my_file > my_file_sorted.bed $ bedToBigBed my_file_sorted.bed chrom.sizes See for download & documentation of Kent utilities""" ) sys.exit(1) else: printer.write(GFF_SORT_MESSAGE.replace("FORMAT", args.annotation_format)) sys.exit(1) printer.write("Parsing features in %s ..." % ", ".join(args.annotation_files)) if "tabix" not in disabled: tabix = args.tabix else: tabix = False if "add_three" not in disabled: add_three = args.add_three else: add_three = False if "bed_extra_columns" not in disabled: bed_extra_columns = args.bed_extra_columns if not (isinstance(bed_extra_columns, list)): try: bed_extra_columns = int(bed_extra_columns) except ValueError: pass else: bed_extra_columns = 0 if args.annotation_format.lower() == "bigbed": if len(args.annotation_files) > 1: printer.write("Bad arguments: we can only process one BigBed file.") sys.exit(2) if tabix == True: warnings.warn( "Tabix compression is incompatible with BigBed files. Ignoring.", ArgumentWarning, ) from plastid.readers.bigbed import BigBedReader transcripts = iter( BigBedReader( args.annotation_files[0], return_type=return_type, cache_depth=1, add_three_for_stop=add_three, printer=printer, maxmem=args.maxmem ) ) elif tabix == True: streams = [ pysam.tabix_iterator(opener(X), pysam.asTuple()) for X in args.annotation_files ] else: streams = (opener(X) for X in args.annotation_files) if args.annotation_format in ("GFF3", "GTF2"): from plastid.readers.gff import GFF3_TranscriptAssembler, GTF2_TranscriptAssembler if 'sorted' not in disabled \ and args.sorted == False \ and 'tabix' not in disabled \ and args.tabix == False \ and any((os.stat(X).st_size >= _GFF_SORT_SIZE for X in args.annotation_files)): msg = ( "Transcript assembly on large FORMAT files can require " "a lot of memory. Consider using a sorted file with " "the '--sorted' flag and/or tabix-compression. " ) msg += GFF_SORT_MESSAGE msg = msg.replace("FORMAT", args.annotation_format) warnings.warn(msg, ArgumentWarning) if args.annotation_format.lower() == "gff3": transcripts = GFF3_TranscriptAssembler( *streams, transcript_types=args.gff_transcript_types, exon_types=args.gff_exon_types, cds_types=args.gff_cds_types, printer=printer, add_three_for_stop=add_three, tabix=tabix, return_type=return_type, is_sorted=args.sorted ) elif args.annotation_format.lower() == "gtf2": transcripts = GTF2_TranscriptAssembler( *streams, printer=printer, tabix=tabix, return_type=return_type, add_three_for_stop=add_three, is_sorted=args.sorted ) elif args.annotation_format.lower() == "bed": from plastid.readers.bed import BED_Reader transcripts = BED_Reader( *streams, add_three_for_stop=add_three, tabix=tabix, return_type=return_type, printer=printer, extra_columns=bed_extra_columns ) elif args.annotation_format.lower() == "psl": from plastid.readers.psl import PSL_Reader transcripts = PSL_Reader( *streams, tabix=tabix, return_type=return_type, printer=printer ) return transcripts
[docs] def get_genome_hash_from_args(self, args, printer=None): """Return a |GenomeHash| of regions from command-line arguments Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :py:func:`get_mask_file_parser` printer : file-like A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (Default: |NullWriter|) Returns ------- |GenomeHash| Hashed data structure of masked genomic regions See Also -------- get_mask_file_parser Function that creates :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` whose output :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` is processed by this function """ from plastid.genomics.genome_hash import GenomeHash, BigBedGenomeHash, TabixGenomeHash from plastid.readers.bed import BED_Reader from plastid.readers.gff import GTF2_Reader, GFF3_Reader from plastid.readers.psl import PSL_Reader if printer is None: printer = NullWriter() prefix = self.prefix args = PrefixNamespaceWrapper(args, prefix) if len(args.annotation_files) > 0: printer.write( "Opening mask annotation file(s) %s ..." % ", ".join(args.annotation_files) ) if args.annotation_format in ("BED", "GTF2", "GFF3") and args.tabix == False: msg = ( "Unindexed mask files can require lots of memory in large " "(e.g. mammalian) genomes. Consider converting to BigBed " "or using tabix to index your mask file." ) warnings.warn(msg, ArgumentWarning) if len(args.annotation_files) > 0: if args.annotation_format == "BigBed": if len(args.annotation_files) > 1: printer.write("Bad arguments: we can only process one BigBed file.") sys.exit(2) return BigBedGenomeHash(args.annotation_files[0]) elif "tabix" not in self.disabled and args.tabix == True: return TabixGenomeHash( args.annotation_files, args.annotation_format, printer=printer ) else: streams = (opener(X) for X in args.annotation_files) if args.annotation_format == "BED": reader = BED_Reader elif args.annotation_format == "GTF2": reader = GTF2_Reader elif args.annotation_format == "GFF3": reader = GFF3_Reader elif args.annotation_format == "PSL": reader = PSL_Reader else: assert False hash_ivcs = list(reader(*streams)) return GenomeHash(hash_ivcs) else: return GenomeHash()
[docs]class MaskParser(AnnotationParser): """Create a parser for masking genomic features given in an annotation file Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices for input allow_mapping : bool, optional Enable/disable user configuration of mapping rules (default: True) """ def __init__( self, prefix="mask_", disabled=None, groupname="mask_options", input_choices=("BED", "BigBed", "GTF2", "GFF3", "PSL") ): """Create a parser for genomic features in an annotation file Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices for input allow_mapping : bool, optional Enable/disable user configuration of mapping rules (default: True) """ AnnotationParser.__init__( self, prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled, groupname=groupname, input_choices=("BED", "BigBed", "GTF2", "GFF3", "PSL") )
[docs] def get_parser(self, title=_MASK_PARSER_TITLE, description=_MASK_PARSER_DESCRIPTION, **kwargs): """Return an :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` that opens annotation files as masks alignment (`BAM`_ or `bowtie`_) or count (`Wiggle`_, `bedGraph`_) files. Parameters ---------- title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) arglist : list, optional If not `None`, arguments in this list will be added to `parser`. Otherwise, arguments will be taken from `self.arguments`. The list should be a list of tuples of ('argument_name',dict_of_options), where `argument_name` is a string, and `dict_of_options` a dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`. Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` """ return AnnotationParser.get_parser(self, title=title, description=description, **kwargs)
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: Sequence parser #===============================================================================
[docs]class SequenceParser(AnnotationParser): """Parser for sequence files Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices for input """ def __init__( self, groupname="sequence_options", prefix="", disabled=None, input_choices=("fasta", "fastq", "twobit", "genbank", "embl"), ): """Create a parser for genomic sequence Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices for input """ Parser.__init__(self, groupname=groupname, prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled) self.input_choices = input_choices self.arguments = [ ( "sequence_file", dict( metavar="infile.[%s]" % " | ".join(input_choices), type=str, help="A file of DNA sequence" ) ), ( "sequence_format", dict( choices=input_choices, default="fasta", help="Format of %ssequence_file (Default: fasta)." % prefix ) ), ]
[docs] def get_parser( self, title=_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_PARSER_TITLE, description=_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_PARSER_DESCRIPTION, **kwargs ): """Return an :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` that opens sequence files Parameters ---------- title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) kwargs : keyword arguments Additional arguments to pass to :meth:`Parser.get_parser` Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` See also -------- get_seqdict_from_args function that parses the :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` returned by this :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` """ return Parser.get_parser(self, title=title, description=description, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_seqdict_from_args(self, args, index=True, printer=None): """Retrieve a dictionary-like object of sequences Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :py:func:`get_sequence_file_parser` index : bool, optional If sequence format is anything other than twobit, open with lazily-evaluating :func:`Bio.SeqIO.index` instead of :func:`Bio.SeqIO.to_dict` (Default: `True`) printer : file-like A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (Default: |NullWriter|) Returns ------- dict-like Dictionary-like object mapping chromosome names to :class:`Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord`-like objects """ if printer is None: printer = NullWriter() args = PrefixNamespaceWrapper(args, self.prefix) printer.write("Opening sequence file '%s'." % args.sequence_file) if args.sequence_format == "twobit": from plastid.genomics.seqtools import TwoBitSeqRecordAdaptor return TwoBitSeqRecordAdaptor(args.sequence_file) else: from Bio import SeqIO if index == True: return SeqIO.index(args.sequence_file, args.sequence_format) else: return SeqIO.to_dict(SeqIO.parse(args.sequence_file, args.sequence_format))
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: Plotting parser #===============================================================================
[docs]class PlottingParser(Parser): """Parser for plotting options Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes """ def __init__(self, groupname="plotting_options", prefix="", disabled=None): """Create a parser for plotting arguments Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes """ Parser.__init__(self, groupname=groupname, prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled) from matplotlib.backend_bases import FigureCanvasBase as fcb if len(prefix) > 0: prefix += "_" try: filetypes = sorted(fcb.get_supported_filetypes().keys()) default_ftype = fcb.get_default_filetype() except: # matplotlib < 1.4.0 filetypes = ["eps", "jpeg", "pdf", "png", "svg"] default_ftype = "pdf" self.arguments = [ ( "figformat", dict( default=default_ftype, type=str, choices=filetypes, help="File format for figure(s); Default: %(default)s)" ), ), ( "figsize", dict( nargs=2, default=None, type=float, metavar="N", help=( "Figure width and height, in inches. " "(Default: use matplotlibrc params)" ), ), ), ("title", dict(type=str, default=None, help="Base title for plot(s).")), ( "cmap", dict( type=str, default=None, help=( "Matplotlib color map from which palette will be made " "(e.g. 'Blues','autumn','Set1'; default: use colors " "from ``--stylesheet`` " "if given, or color cycle in matplotlibrc)" ), ), ), ("dpi", dict(type=int, default=150, help="Figure resolution (Default: %(default)s)")), ] try: import stylesheets = if "stylesheet" not in self.disabled: self.arguments.append( ( "stylesheet", dict( default=None, choices=stylesheets, help=( "Use this matplotlib stylesheet instead " "of matplotlibrc params" ), ) ) ) except ImportError: # matplotlib < 1.4.0 pass
[docs] def get_parser(self, title=_DEFAULT_PLOTTING_TITLE, description=None): """Return an :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` to control plotting Parameters ---------- title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` """ return Parser.get_parser(self, title=title, description=description)
[docs] def set_style_from_args(self, args): """Parse style information, if present on system and defined in `args` Parameters ---------- args : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :func:`get_plotting_parser` """ try: import if getattr(args, "stylesheet", None) is not None: except ImportError: pass
[docs] def get_figure_from_args(self, args, **kwargs): """Return a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` following arguments from :func:`get_plotting_parser` A new figure is created with parameters specified in `args`. If these are not found, values found in `**kwargs` will instead be used. If these are not found, we fall back to matplotlibrc values. Parameters ---------- args : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :func:`get_plotting_parser` kwargs : keyword arguments Fallback arguments for items not defined in `args`, plus any other keyword arguments. Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Matplotlib figure """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt args = PrefixNamespaceWrapper(args, self.prefix) fargs = {} # keep this loop in place in case we add additional # command line attributes as fig properties later for attr in ("figsize", ): if attr in kwargs: v = kwargs[attr] else: v = getattr(args, attr, None) if v is not None: fargs[attr] = v # copy values from fargs kwargs.update(fargs) return plt.figure(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_colors_from_args(self, args, num_colors): """Return a list of colors from arguments parsed by a parser from :func:`get_plotting_parser` If a matplotlib colormap is specified in `args.figcolors`, colors will be generated from that map. Otherwise, if a stylesheet is specified, colors will be fetched from the stylesheet's color cycle. Otherwise, colors will be chosen from the default color cycle specified ``matplotlibrc``. Parameters ---------- args : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :func:`get_plotting_parser` num_colors : int Number of colors to fetch Returns ------- list List of matplotlib colors """ import args = PrefixNamespaceWrapper(args, self.prefix) figcolors = getattr(args, "cmap", None) if figcolors is not None: import numpy cmap = if num_colors > 1: colors = cmap(numpy.linspace(0, 1.0, num_colors)) else: colors = [cmap(0.5)] else: from itertools import cycle try: color_cycle = cycle(matplotlib.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"]) except KeyError: color_cycle = cycle(matplotlib.rcParams["axes.color_cycle"]) colors = [next(color_cycle) for _ in range(num_colors)] return colors
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: Parser for generic command-line options (e.g. warning control) #===============================================================================
[docs]class BaseParser(Parser): """Parser basic options Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes """ def __init__( self, groupname="base_options", prefix="", disabled=None, ): """Create a parser for basic options for command-line scripts, such as warnings and logging Parameters ---------- groupname : str, optional Name of argument group. If not `None`, an argument group with the specified name will be created and added to the parser. If not, arguments will be in the main group. prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser, without preceding dashes """ Parser.__init__(self, groupname=groupname, prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled) self.arguments = [] # self.level_desc = ["--silent","--quiet","--verbose","--raise"]
[docs] def get_parser(self, title=None, description=None): """Return an :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` Parameters ---------- title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` """ p = Parser.get_parser(self) g = p.add_argument_group(title="warning/error options") g.add_argument( "-q", "--quiet", dest="warnlevel", action="store_const", const=-1, help="Suppress all warning messages. Cannot use with '-v'." ) g.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="warnlevel", action="count", help=( "Increase verbosity. With '-v', show every warning. " "With '-vv', turn warnings into exceptions. " "Cannot use with '-q'. " "(Default: show each type of warning once)" ) ) p.set_defaults(warnlevel=0) return p
[docs] def get_base_ops_from_args(self, args): global warnings args = PrefixNamespaceWrapper(args, self.prefix) warnlevel = args.warnlevel actions = ["ignore", "onceperfamily", "always", "error"] if warnlevel >= len(actions) - 1: warnlevel = len(actions) - 2 try: action = actions[warnlevel + 1] except IndexError: warnings.warn( ( "Invalid warning level. Expected 0-3, found %s. " "Defaulting to level 1 (`--once`)." % warnlevel ), UserWarning, ) action = actions[1] for type_, msg in PLASTID_WARNINGS: filterwarnings(action, message=msg, category=type_)
PLASTID_WARNINGS = [ # mapping rules (DataWarning, "File contains read alignments shorter"), (DataWarning, "No offset for reads of length"), (DataWarning, "longer than read length"), # genome_array (DataWarning, "Temporarily turning off normalization"), # roi_tools (DataWarning, "is a zero-length SegmentChain. Returning 0-length count vector"), # metagene (Warning, r"IndexError finding common positions at region.*"), (DataWarning, "has no gene_id. Inferring gene_id"), (DataWarning, "has no attribute"), (DataWarning, "Ignoring labels"), # phase_by_size (DataWarning, "is not divisible by 3. Ignoring last partial codon."), # (Warning, "Could not alert listener"), # (DeprecationWarning, "is deprecated and will be removed from module"), # gff (DataWarning, "because it contains exons on multiple chromosomes or strands"), (DataWarning, "because start or stop codons are outside exon boundaries"), (DataWarning, "with no `Parent` or `ID`. Ignoring."), (DataWarning, "because it contains exons on multiple strands"), (DataWarning, "because start or stop codons are outside exon boundaries."), # bed (FileFormatWarning, "Extra columns specified by."), (FileFormatWarning, "Are you sure this is a"), (FileFormatWarning, "Are you sure this BED file has extra columns"), (FileFormatWarning, "Maybe this BED has extra columns"), # gff_tokens (FileFormatWarning, "Found duplicate attribute key"), # BigBed (FileFormatWarning, "Could not find or could not parse autoSql declaration in BigBedFile"), # autoSql (DataWarning, "Could not convert autoSql value"), # psl (FileFormatWarning, "Rejecting line") ] #=============================================================================== # INDEX: Deprecated alignment functions, now aliased to classes above #===============================================================================
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="AlignmentParser") def get_alignment_file_parser( input_choices=("BAM", "bigwig", "bowtie", "wiggle"), disabled=None, prefix="", title=_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_FILE_PARSER_TITLE, description=_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT_FILE_PARSER_DESCRIPTION, map_desc=_MAPPING_RULE_DESCRIPTION, return_subparsers=False ): tmp = AlignmentParser(input_choices=input_choices, prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled) return tmp.get_parser(title=title, description=description)
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="AlignmentParser.get_genome_array_from_args()") def get_genome_array_from_args(args, prefix="", disabled=None, printer=None): """Return a |GenomeArray|, |SparseGenomeArray| or |BAMGenomeArray| from arguments parsed by :py:func:`get_alignment_file_parser` Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :py:func:`get_alignment_file_parser` prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: "") Must be same prefix that was added in call to :py:func:`get_alignment_file_parser` (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that were disabled when the argparser was created in :py:func:`get_alignment_file_parser`. (Default: ``[]``) printer : file-like, optional A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (default: |NullWriter|) Returns ------- |GenomeArray|, |SparseGenomeArray|, or |BAMGenomeArray| See Also -------- get_alignment_file_parser Function that creates :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` whose output :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` is processed by this function """ tmp = AlignmentParser(prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled) return tmp.get_genome_array_from_args(args, printer=printer)
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: deprecated annotation file parser, and helper functions #===============================================================================
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="AnnotationParser") def get_annotation_file_parser( input_choices=["BED", "BigBed", "GTF2", "GFF3"], disabled=[], prefix="", title=_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_PARSER_TITLE, description=_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_PARSER_DESCRIPTION, return_subparsers=False ): """Return an :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` that opens annotation files from `BED`_, `BigBed`_, `GTF2`_, or `GFF3`_ formats Parameters ---------- input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices. (Default: '["BED","BigBed","GTF2","GFF3"]'). 'PSL'_ may also be added disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser without preceding dashes prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: `''`) title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) return_subparsers : bool, optional if True, additionally return a dictionary of subparser option groups, to which additional options may be added (Default: `False`) Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` See also -------- get_transcripts_from_args function that parses the :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` returned by this :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` """ tmp = AnnotationParser( groupname="annotation_options", prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled, input_choices=input_choices ) parser = tmp.get_parser(title, description) return parser
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="AnnotationParser.get_transcripts_from_args()") def get_transcripts_from_args( args, prefix="", disabled=[], printer=NullWriter(), return_type=None, require_sort=False ): """Return a list of |Transcript| objects from arguments parsed by :py:func:`get_annotation_file_parser` Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :py:func:`get_annotation_file_parser` prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options. Must be same prefix that was added in call to :py:func:`get_annotation_file_parser` (Default: `''`) disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that were disabled when the annotation file parser was created by :py:func:`get_annotation_file_parser`. (Default: `[]`) printer : file-like, optional A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (Default: |NullWriter|) return_type : |SegmentChain| or subclass, optional Type of object to return (Default: |Transcript|) require_sort : bool, optional If True, quit if the annotation file(s) are not sorted or indexed Returns ------- iterator |Transcript| objects, either in order of appearance (if input was a `BED`_, `BigBed`_, or `PSL`_ file), or sorted lexically by chromosome, start coordinate, end coordinate, and then strand (if input was `GTF2`_ or `GFF3`_). See Also -------- get_annotation_file_parser Function that creates :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` whose output :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` is processed by this function """ tmp = AnnotationParser(groupname="annotation_options", prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled) return tmp.get_transcripts_from_args( args, printer=printer, return_type=return_type, require_sort=require_sort )
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="AnnotationParser.get_parser()") def get_segmentchain_file_parser( input_choices=["BED", "BigBed", "GTF2", "GFF3", "PSL"], disabled=[], prefix="", title=_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_PARSER_TITLE, description=_DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_PARSER_DESCRIPTION ): """Create an :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` to open annotation files as |SegmentChains| Parameters ---------- input_choices : list, optional list of permitted alignment file type choices (Default: `["BED","BigBed","GTF2","GFF3", "PSL"]`) disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser without preceding dashes prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: `''`) title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` See Also -------- get_segmentchains_from_args function that parses the :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` returned by this :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` """ disabled.append([prefix + "add_three"]) return get_annotation_file_parser( input_choices=input_choices, prefix=prefix, title=title, disabled=disabled, description=description )
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="AnnotationParser.get_transcripts_from_args()") def get_segmentchains_from_args( args, prefix="", disabled=[], printer=NullWriter(), require_sort=False ): """Return a list of |SegmentChain| objects from arguments parsed by an :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` created by :func:`get_segmentchain_file_parser` Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :py:func:`get_segmentchain_file_parser` prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options. Must be same prefix that was added in call to :py:func:`get_segmentchain_file_parser` (Default: "") disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that were disabled when the annotation file parser was created by :py:func:`get_segmentchain_file_parser`. (Default: ``[]``) printer : file-like A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (Default: |NullWriter|) require_sort : bool, optional If True, quit if the annotation file(s) are not sorted or indexed Returns ------- iterator sequence of |SegmentChain| objects, either in order of appearance (if input was a BED or PSL file), or sorted lexically by chromosome, start coordinate, end coordinate, and then strand (if input was) GTF or GFF See Also -------- get_segmentchain_file_parser Function that creates :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` whose output :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` is processed by this function """ disabled.append([prefix + "add_three"]) return get_transcripts_from_args( args, prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled, printer=printer, return_type=SegmentChain, require_sort=require_sort )
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="AnnotationParser") def get_mask_file_parser(prefix="mask_", disabled=[]): """Create an :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` to open annotation files that describe regions of the genome to mask from analyses Parameters ---------- prefix : str, optional Prefix to add to default argument options (Default: `'mask_'`) disabled : list, optional list of parameter names to disable from the mask file parser (Default: `[]`. `add_three` is always disabled.) Returns ------- argparse.ArgumentParser See Also -------- get_genome_hash_from_mask_args function that parses the :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` returned by this :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` """ tmp = AnnotationParser( groupname="%s_options" % prefix, prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled, input_choices=["BED", "GTF2", "GFF3", "BigBed", "PSL"] ) return tmp.get_parser(_MASK_PARSER_TITLE, _MASK_PARSER_DESCRIPTION)
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="AnnotationParser.get_genome_hash()") def get_genome_hash_from_mask_args(args, prefix="mask_", printer=NullWriter()): """Return a |GenomeHash| of regions from command-line arguments Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :py:func:`get_mask_file_parser` prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options. Must be same prefix that was added in call to :py:func:`get_mask_file_parser` (Default: "mask_") printer : file-like A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (Default: |NullWriter|) Returns ------- |GenomeHash| Hashed data structure of masked genomic regions See Also -------- get_mask_file_parser Function that creates :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` whose output :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` is processed by this function """ tmp = AnnotationParser(groupname="mask_options", prefix=prefix) return tmp.get_genome_hash_from_args(args, printer=printer)
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: deprecated sequence file parser #===============================================================================
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="SequenceParser") def get_sequence_file_parser( input_choices=("fasta", "fastq", "twobit", "genbank", "embl"), disabled=(), prefix="", title=_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_PARSER_TITLE, description=_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_PARSER_DESCRIPTION ): """Return an :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` that opens annotation files from `BED`_, `BigBed`_, `GTF2`_, or `GFF3`_ formats Parameters ---------- input_choices : list, optional list of permitted sequence file type choices. (Default: '["FASTA","twobit","genbank","embl"]'). disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser without preceding dashes prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: `''`) title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` See also -------- get_seqdict_from_args function that parses the :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` returned by this :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` """ tmp = SequenceParser(disabled=disabled, prefix=prefix, input_choices=input_choices) return tmp.get_parser(title=title, description=description)
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="SequenceParser.get_seqdict_from_args()") def get_seqdict_from_args(args, index=True, prefix="", printer=NullWriter()): """Retrieve a dictionary-like object of sequences Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :py:func:`get_sequence_file_parser` prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options. Must be same prefix that was added in call to :py:func:`get_sequence_file_parser` (Default: "") index : bool, optional If sequence format is anything other than twobit, open with lazily-evaluating :func:`Bio.SeqIO.index` instead of :func:`Bio.SeqIO.to_dict` (Default: `True`) printer : file-like A stream to which stderr-like info can be written (Default: |NullWriter|) Returns ------- dict-like Dictionary-like object mapping chromosome names to :class:`Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord`-like objects """ tmp = SequenceParser(prefix=prefix) return tmp.get_seqdict_from_args(args, index=index, printer=printer)
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: deprecated plotting #===============================================================================
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="PlottingParser") def get_plotting_parser(prefix="", disabled=[], title=_DEFAULT_PLOTTING_TITLE): """Return an :py:class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` to control plotting Parameters ---------- disabled : list, optional list of parameter names that should be disabled from parser without preceding dashes prefix : str, optional string prefix to add to default argument options (Default: `''`) title : str, optional title for option group (used in command-line help screen) description : str, optional description of parser (used in command-line help screen) Returns ------- :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` See also -------- get_colors_from_args parse colors and/or colormaps from this argument parser """ tmp = PlottingParser(prefix=prefix, disabled=disabled) return tmp.get_parser(title=title)
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="PlottingParser.get_figure_from_args()") def get_figure_from_args(args, **kwargs): """Return a :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` following arguments from :func:`get_plotting_parser` A new figure is created with parameters specified in `args`. If these are not found, values found in `**kwargs` will instead be used. If these are not found, we fall back to matplotlibrc values. Parameters ---------- args : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :func:`get_plotting_parser` kwargs : keyword arguments Fallback arguments for items not defined in `args`, plus any other keyword arguments. Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Matplotlib figure """ tmp = PlottingParser() return tmp.get_figure_from_args(args, **kwargs)
[docs]@deprecated(version="0.6.1", instead="PlottingParser.get_colors_from_args()") def get_colors_from_args(args, num_colors): """Return a list of colors from arguments parsed by a parser from :func:`get_plotting_parser` If a matplotlib colormap is specified in `args.figcolors`, colors will be generated from that map. Otherwise, if a stylesheet is specified, colors will be fetched from the stylesheet's color cycle. Otherwise, colors will be chosen from the default color cycle specified ``matplotlibrc``. Parameters ---------- args : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace object from :func:`get_plotting_parser` num_colors : int Number of colors to fetch Returns ------- list List of matplotlib colors """ tmp = PlottingParser() return tmp.get_colors_from_args(args, num_colors)
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: Utility classes #===============================================================================
[docs]class PrefixNamespaceWrapper(object): """Wrapper class to facilitate processing of :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` objects created by :py:func:`get_alignment_file_parser` or :py:func:`get_annotation_file_parser` with non-empty ``prefix`` values, as if no prefix had been used. Attributes ---------- namespace : :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` Result of calling :py:meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args` prefix : str Prefix that will be prepended to names of attributes of `self.namespace` before they are fetched. Must match prefix that was used in creation of the :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` that created `self.namespace` See Also -------- get_annotation_file_parser get_alignment_file_parser get_genome_array_from_args get_transcripts_from_args """ def __init__(self, namespace, prefix): """Create a |PrefixNamespaceWrapper| Parameters ---------- namespace : :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` Result of calling :py:meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args` prefix : str Prefix that will be prepended to items from the :py:class:`~argparse.Namespace` before they are checked """ self.namespace = namespace self.prefix = prefix def __getattr__(self, k): """Fetch an attribute from `self.namespace`, appending `self.prefix` to `k` before fetching Parameters ---------- k : str Attribute to fetch """ return getattr(self.namespace, "%s%s" % (self.prefix, k))
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: Utility functions #=============================================================================== def _parse_variable_offset_file(fh): """Read a variable-offset text file into a dictionary. These text files contain two columns and are tab-delimited. The first column specifies the read length, or contains the special value `'default'`. The second column specifies the offset from the 5' end of that read length to use. Parameters ---------- fh : file-like open filehandle pointing to data Returns ------- dict dictionary mapping sequencing read lengths to their 5' offsets """ my_dict = {} for line in fh: if line.startswith("length"): continue items = line.strip("\n").split("\t") if len(items) != 2: name = getattr(fh, "__name__", "Variable offset file") raise MalformedFileError( name, "More or fewer than two columns on line:\n\t%s" % line.strip("\n") ) if items[0] == "length": continue key = items[0] try: key = key if key == "default" else int(key) except ValueError: name = getattr(fh, "__name__", "Variable offset file") raise MalformedFileError( name, "Non integer value for key '%s' on line:\n\t%s" % (key, line.strip("\n")), ) if key in my_dict: name = getattr(fh, "__name__", "Variable offset file") raise MalformedFileError(name, "multiple offsets defined for read length %s" % key) else: try: my_dict[key] = int(items[1]) except ValueError: name = getattr(fh, "__name__", "Variable offset file") raise MalformedFileError( name, ( "Non integer value for value '%s' on line:\n\t%s" % (items[1], line.strip("\n")) ), ) return my_dict