Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Tools for reading values from binary files

See Also
    Binary data structures in Python
import numpy
import sys
import struct
from collections import namedtuple

[docs]class BinaryParserFactory(object): """Parser factory for different types of binary records. Creates parsers that unpack binary byte streams into dictionaries that match field names to values. These parsers are most useful as components of binary file readers. Parameters ---------- name : str Name for parser fmt : str String specifying binary format of data. See :py:mod:`struct` fields : list Ordered list of field names to bind to data unpacked from binary file Attributes ---------- name : str Human-readable name for parser fmt : str String specifying binary format of data, as specified in :py:mod:`struct` fields : list List of strings specifying variable names to bind to data when unpacked from a binary file, in same order as items in ``fmt`` nt : :class:`~collections.namedtuple` A :class:`~collections.namedtuple` instance that will provide names to the unpacked data Examples -------- A binary RGB color parser:: >>> ColorParser = BinaryParserFactory("ColorParser","3Q",["r","g","b"]) >>> fh = open("some_binary_file_containing_colors.bin","rb") # 'b' is important in mode flag!! >>> >>> rgb_dict = ColorParser(fh) # read and parse 3 8-bit integers from file >>> rgb_dict { "r" : 255, "g" : 0, "b" : 52 } See Also -------- struct For information on format strings """ def __init__(self, name, fmt, fields): """Create a |BinaryParserFactory| Parameters ---------- name : str Name for parser fmt : str String specifying binary format of data. See :py:mod:`struct` fields : list Ordered list of field names to bind to data unpacked from binary file """ = name self.fmt = fmt self.fields = fields self.nt = namedtuple(name, fields) def __str__(self): return "<%s fmt='%s' fields='%s'>" % (, self.fmt, ",".join(self.fields)) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __call__(self, fh, byte_order="<"): """Parse data from `fh` into a dictionary mapping field names to their values Parameters ---------- fh : byte stream File-like pointing to binary data. Pointer in file must be aligned with start of record. byte_order : str Character indicating endian-ness of data (default: `'<'` for little-endian) Returns ------- :py:class:`~collections.OrderedDict` Dictionary mapping field names from `self.fields` to their values """ tmp_dict = self.nt._make( struct.unpack(byte_order + self.fmt, )._asdict() for k in tmp_dict: if isinstance(tmp_dict[k], bytes): # Python 3.x returns bytes # convert byte objects to strings tmp_dict[k] = tmp_dict[k].decode("ascii") if sys.version_info < (3, ) and isinstance(tmp_dict[k], unicode): # Python 2.x returns unicodes # convert unicode to strings tmp_dict[k] = str(tmp_dict[k].decode("ascii")) return tmp_dict
[docs] def calcsize(self, byte_order="<"): """Return calculated size, in bytes, of record Parameters ---------- byte_order : str Character indicating endian-ness of data (default: `'<'` for little-endian) Returns ------- int Calculated size of record, in bytes """ return struct.calcsize(byte_order + self.fmt)
[docs]def find_null_bytes(inp, null=b"\x00"): """Finds all null characters in a byte-formatted input string Parameters ---------- inp : bytes (or str in Python 2.7) byte string Returns ------- :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` numpy array of integers indexing where the null character *\x00* was found """ indices = [] last_found = inp.find(null) while last_found > -1: indices.append(last_found) last_found = inp.find(null, 1 + last_found) return numpy.array(indices)