Source code for plastid.plotting.plots

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Sommon common plots that are not directly implemented in :mod:`matplotlib`,
as well as some specific plots used by :mod:`plastid`. Demos of these appear
in :doc:`/examples/z_plotting`.

General plots
        Create a stacked bar graph

        Plot a kernel density estimate (continuous histogram) of data

    :func:`scatterhist_x`, :func:`scatterhist_y`, and :func:`scatterhist_xy`
        Create scatter plots with kernel density estimates of the marginal 
        distributions along side them

        Plot a heatmap, with a columnwise median (or other profile summarizing
        the heatmap) in an upper panel above it, with aligned coordinates

        Plot data lying on the plane x + y + z = k (e.g. codon phasing)
        in a homogeneous 2D representation

Plots for genomics
        Plot fold changes between `x` and `y` (:math:`\log_{2} (y/x)`) as
        a function of the mean of x and y (:math:`0.5*(x+y)`).

        For ribosome profiling. Plot sub-codon phasing of ribosome-protected
        foorpints stratified by read length, as well as the fraction of total
        reads represented by each length.

import copy
import numpy
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.artist import Artist
from plastid.plotting.colors import lighten, darken, process_black
from plastid.plotting.plotutils import get_fig_axes, split_axes, clean_invalid, get_kde

# Default keyword arguments for plots or subplots
# and helper functions

plastid_default_scatter = {
    "marker"    : "o",
    "alpha"     : 0.7,
    "facecolor" : "none",
    "s"         : 8,
    "rasterized": True,
} # yapf: disable
"""Default parameters for scatter plots"""

[docs]def get_color_cycle(ax): """Get color cycle iterator from multiple versions of matplotlib axes Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Returns ------- iterator Iterator over colors, passable to matplotlib `color` keyword """ if hasattr(ax, "_get_lines"): if hasattr(ax._get_lines, "prop_cycler"): return (X["color"] for X in ax._get_lines.prop_cycler) elif hasattr(ax._get_lines, "color_cycle"): return ax._get_lines.color_cycle else: raise AssertionError("get_color_cycle: Could not find color cycle")
#============================================================================== # Stacked bar #==============================================================================
[docs]def stacked_bar(data, axes=None, labels=None, lighten_by=0.1, cmap=None, **kwargs): """Create a stacked bar graph Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of data, in which each row is a stack, each column a value in that stack. axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) labels : list, optional Labels for each stack. If `None`, stacks are labeled sequentially by number. (Default: `None`) lighten_by : float, optional Amount by which to lighten sequential blocks in each stack. (Default: 0.10) cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional Colormap from which to generate bar colors. If supplied, will override any `color` attribute in `**kwargs`. (Default: `None`) **kwargs : keyword arguments Other keyword arguments to pass to :func:`` Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes containing plot """ fig, ax = get_fig_axes(axes) rows, cols = data.shape labels = labels if labels is not None else range(rows) defaults = [("align", "center"), ("width", 0.8)] if cmap is not None: kwargs["color"] = cmap(numpy.linspace(0, 1.0, num=10)) elif kwargs.get("color", None) is None: kwargs["color"] = [next(get_color_cycle(ax)) for _ in range(rows)] x = numpy.arange(rows) + 0.5 xaxis = ax.xaxis xaxis.set_ticks(x) xaxis.set_ticklabels(labels) bottoms = numpy.zeros(rows) for k, v in defaults: if k not in kwargs: kwargs[k] = v for i in range(cols): color = kwargs["color"] if i > 0: kwargs["color"] = lighten(color, amt=lighten_by) heights = data[:, i], heights, bottom=bottoms, **kwargs) heights.shape bottoms += heights ax.set_xlim(-0.5, rows + 0.5) return fig, ax
#============================================================================== # Kernel density estimate #==============================================================================
[docs]def kde_plot( data, axes = None, color = None, label = None, alpha = 0.7, vert = False, log = False, base = 10, points = 500, bw_method = "scott", rescale = False, zorder = None, fill = True ): # yapf: disable """Plot a kernel density estimate of `data` on `axes`. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of data axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) color : matplotlib colorspec, optional Color to use for plotting (Default: use next in matplotlibrc) label : str, optional Name of data series (used for legend; default: `None`) alpha : float, optional Amount of alpha transparency to use (Default: 0.7) vert : bool, optional If true, plot kde vertically log : bool, optional If `True`, `data` is log-transformed before the kde is estimated. Data are converted back to non-log space afterwards. base : 2, 10, or :obj:`numpy.e`, optional If `log` is `True`, this serves as the base of the log space. If `log` is `False`, this is ignored. (Default: 2) points : int Number of points over which to evaluate kde. (Default: 100) bw_method : str Bandwith estimation method. See documentation for :obj:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. (Default: "scott") Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes containing plot """ fig, axes = get_fig_axes(axes) if color is None: color = next(get_color_cycle(axes)) a, b = get_kde(data, log=log, base=base, points=points, bw_method=bw_method) if rescale == True: b /= b.max() fbargs = {"alpha": alpha, "facecolor": lighten(color), "edgecolor": color} if label is not None: fbargs["label"] = label if vert == True: if fill == True: axes.fill_betweenx(a, b, 0, **fbargs) # plot twice because in some versions of matplotlib, # fill_between doesn't add to legend # TODO: remove in future when mpl's behavior changes axes.plot( b, a, color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label ) if log == True: axes.semilogy() else: if fill == True: axes.fill_between(a, b, 0, **fbargs) axes.plot(a, b, color=color, alpha=alpha, label=label) if log == True: axes.semilogx() return fig, axes
#============================================================================== # Triangle plot #============================================================================== rotate = numpy.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]]) _triA = numpy.array([[1, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 1]]) _triT = numpy.array([[0.5, 1], [0.5 * (3**0.5), 0]]) _triTA = _triverts = numpy.array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]])
[docs]def trianglize(data): """Convert points from triangular space to Cartesian space for plotting. Called internally by :func:`triangle_plot`. Parameters ---------- data : class:`numpy.ndarray` Mx2 or Mx3 list or array of points in triangular space, where the first column is the first coordinate, the second column the second, and the third, the third. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding Nx2 array of points in Cartesian space, for plotting on a standard axis """ if data.shape[1] == 2: data =[data, numpy.ones((data.shape[0], 1))]).T).T else: data =[:, (0, 2)].T).T return data
[docs]def triangle_plot( data, axes=None, fn="scatter", vertex_labels=None, grid=None, clip=True, do_setup=True, **kwargs ): """Plot data lying in a plane x + y + z = k in a homogenous triangular space. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Mx2 or Mx3 list or array of points in triangular space, where the first column is the first coordinate, the second column the second, and the third, the third. axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) fn : str, optional Name of plotting function. Must correspond to an attribute of a :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` (e.g. 'scatter', 'plot', 'hexbin'et c.), that is be able to take an Nx2 :class:`numpy.ndarray` in Cartesian space as input (e.g. 'plot', 'scatter', 'hexbin'; Default: 'scatter'). vertex_labels : list or None, optional Labels for vertex. If `None`, vertices aren't labeled. (Default: `None`) grid : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None, optional If not `None`, draw gridlines at intervals specified in `grid`, as long as the grid coordinate is > 0.33333 (center of triangle) and <= 1.0 (border). clip : bool, optional If `True` clipping masks corresponding to the triangle boundaries will be applied to all plot elements (Default: `True`) do_setup : bool, optional If `True`, the plot area will be prepared. A triangle will be drawn, gridlines drawn, et c. Specify `False` if plotting a second dataset ontop of an already-prepared axes (Default: `True`) **kwargs : keyword arguments Other keyword arguments to pass to function specified by `fn`. Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` Axes containing plot """ fig, ax = get_fig_axes(axes) mplrc = matplotlib.rcParams if do_setup == True: triverts = trianglize(_triverts) tripatch = matplotlib.patches.Polygon( triverts, closed=True, facecolor=mplrc["axes.facecolor"], edgecolor=mplrc["axes.edgecolor"], linewidth=mplrc["axes.linewidth"], zorder=-10 ) ax.add_patch(tripatch) # format axes ax.set_xlim((0, 1)) ax.set_ylim((0, _triverts[:, 1].max())) ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # label vertices if vertex_labels is not None: l1, l2, l3 = vertex_labels tkwargs = {"fig": fig, "units": "points"} p1trans = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData, x=0, y=8, **tkwargs) p2trans = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData, x=-10, y=-12, **tkwargs) p3trans = matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData, x=10, y=-12, **tkwargs) ax.text(triverts[0, 0], triverts[0, 1], l1, transform=p1trans) ax.text(triverts[1, 0], triverts[1, 1], l2, transform=p2trans) ax.text(triverts[2, 0], triverts[2, 1], l3, transform=p3trans) # add gridlines grid_kwargs = { K.replace("grid.", ""): V for (K, V) in mplrc.items() if K.startswith("grid") } if grid is not None: grid = numpy.array(grid) remainders = (1.0 - grid) / 2 for i, r in zip(grid, remainders): if i >= 1.0 / 3: points = [numpy.array([i, r, r])] for _ in range(3): points.append([-1])) points = numpy.array(points) points = trianglize(points[:, [0, 2]]) myline = matplotlib.lines.Line2D(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], **grid_kwargs) ax.add_line(myline) # scale data data = trianglize(data) # plot data artists = [] fn = getattr(ax, fn) res = fn(*zip(*data), **kwargs) if isinstance(res, Artist): artists.append(res) elif isinstance(res, list): artists.extend([X for X in res if isinstance(X, Artist)]) # clip if clip == True: for artist in artists: artist.set_clip_path(tripatch) artist.set_clip_on(True) return fig, ax
#============================================================================== # Heatmaps with profiles on top #==============================================================================
[docs]def sort_max_position(data): """Generate indices that sort rows in `data` by column in which the row's maximal value is attained Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Indices of rows that sort data by max position """ maxvals = numpy.nanmax(data, 1) maxidx = numpy.zeros(len(maxvals)) for i, maxval in enumerate(maxvals): maxidx[i] = (data[i, :] == maxval).argmax() return numpy.argsort(maxidx)
_heatmap_defaults = { "aspect": "auto", "origin": "upper", "interpolation": "none", }
[docs]def profile_heatmap( data, profile = None, x = None, axes = None, sort_fn = sort_max_position, cmap = None, nancolor = "#666666", im_args = {}, plot_args = {} ): # yapf: disable """Create a dual-paned plot in which `profile` is displayed in a top panel, above a heatmap showing the intensities of each row of `data`, optionally sorted top-to-bottom by `sort_fn`. Parameters ---------- data : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of data, in which each row is an individual aligned vector of data for region of interest, and each column a position in that vector profile : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or None Reduced profile of data, often a column-wise median. If not supplied, it will be calculated. x : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Array of values for X-axis axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `None`, optional Axes in which to place plot. If `None`, a new figure is generated. (Default: `None`) sort_fn : function, optional Sort rows in `data` by this function before plotting. Function must return a :class:`numpy.ndarray` of indices corresponding to rows in `data` (Default: sort by ascending argmax of each row) cmap : :class:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional Colormap to use in heatmap. It not `None`, overrides any value in `im_args`. (Default: `None`) nancolor : str or matplotlib colorspec Color used for plotting `nan` and other illegal or masked values im_args : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` plot_args : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` for plotting metagene average Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes dict Dictionary of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`. "top" refers to the panel containing the summary profile. "main" refers to the heatmap of individual values """ fig, ax = get_fig_axes(axes) axes = split_axes(ax, top_height=0.2) if sort_fn is None: sort_indices = numpy.arange(data.shape[0]) else: sort_indices = sort_fn(data) if x is None: x = numpy.arange(0, data.shape[1]) if profile is None: profile = numpy.nanmedian(data, axis=0) im_args = copy.deepcopy(im_args) # populate with defaults for k, v in _heatmap_defaults.items(): if k not in im_args: im_args[k] = v if "extent" not in im_args: im_args["extent"] = [x.min(), x.max(), 0, data.shape[0]] if "vmin" not in im_args: im_args["vmin"] = numpy.nanmin(data) if "vmax" not in im_args: im_args["vmax"] = numpy.nanmax(data) if cmap is not None: im_args["cmap"] = cmap elif "cmap" in im_args: cmap =["cmap"]) else: cmap = cmap.set_bad(nancolor, 1.0) axes["top"].plot(x, profile, **plot_args) axes["top"].set_ylim(0, profile.max()) axes["top"].set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) #axes["top"].set_yticks([]) axes["top"].set_yticks([0, profile.max()]) axes["top"].xaxis.tick_bottom() axes["top"].grid(True, which="both") axes["main"].xaxis.tick_bottom() axes["main"].imshow(data[sort_indices, :], **im_args) return fig, axes
#============================================================================== # Scatter plots with marginal distributions #============================================================================== def _scatterhist_help( axes = None, top_height = 0, left_width = 0, right_width = 0, bottom_height = 0, ): # yapf: disable """Create a scatter plot with the marginal distribution for `x` plotted in a separate pain as a kernel density estimate. Parameters ---------- color : matplotlib colorspec, or None, optional Color to plot data series axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, dict, or `None`, optional If a :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, an axes in which to place plot. This axes will be split into relevant panels. If a dict, this is expected to be a group of pre-split axes. If `None`, a new figure is generated, and axes are split. (Default: `None`) top_height, left_width, right_width, bottom_height : float, optional If not `None`, a panel on the corresponding side of the `ax` will be created, using whatever fraction is specified (e.g. 0.1 to use 10% of total height). Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Parent figure of axes dict of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` axes containing plot space """ if axes is None: fig = plt.figure() axes = plt.gca() if isinstance(axes, matplotlib.axes.Axes): fig = axes.figure axes = split_axes( axes, top_height=top_height, left_width=left_width, right_width=right_width, bottom_height=bottom_height ) elif isinstance(axes, dict): fig = axes["main"].figure if left_width > 0: assert "left" in axes if right_width > 0: assert "right" in axes if bottom_height > 0: assert "bottom" in axes if top_height > 0: assert "top" in axes return fig, axes
[docs]def scatterhist_x( x, y, color = None, axes = None, label = None, top_height = 0.2, mask_invalid = True, log = "", min_x = -numpy.inf, min_y = -numpy.inf, max_x = numpy.inf, max_y = numpy.inf, scargs = plastid_default_scatter, bw_method = "scott", kdalpha = 0.7 ): # yapf: disable """Produce a scatter plot with a kernel density estimate of the marginal `x` distribution Parameters ---------- x, y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or list Pair arrays or lists of corresponding numbers color : matplotlib colorspec, optional Color to use in plot label : str, or None If not None, a label for plotting axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, dict, or `None`, optional If a :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, an axes in which to place plot. This axes will be split into relevant panels. If a dict, this is expected to be a group of pre-split axes. If `None`, a new figure is generated, and axes are split. (Default: `None`) top_height : float, optional fraction of `axes` height to use in top panel containing marginal distribution (Default: 0.2) mask_invalid : bool, optional If `True` mask out any `nan`s or `inf`s, as these mess up kernel density estimates and histograms in matplotlib, even if in masked arrays min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y : number, optional If supplied, set values below `min_x` to `min_x`, values larger than `max_x` to `max_x` and so for `min_y` and `max_y` log : str, "", "x", "xy", or "xy", optional Plot these axes on a log scale (Default: "" for no log axes) scargs : Keyword arguments, optional Arguments to pass to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` (Default: :obj:`plastid_default_scatter`). We highly recommend setting `rasterized` to `True`! kdalpha : float, optional Alpha level (transparency) for marginal distributions (Default: 0.7) bw_method : str Bandwith estimation method. See documentation for :obj:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. (Default: `"scott"`) Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure dict Dictionary of axes. `'orig'` refers to `ax`. The central panel is `'main'`. Other panels will be mapped to `'top'`, `'left'` et c, if they are created. """ fig, axes = _scatterhist_help(axes=axes, top_height=top_height) xlog = False if color is None: color = next(get_color_cycle(axes["main"])) if mask_invalid == True: x, y = clean_invalid(x, y, min_x=min_x, max_x=max_x, min_y=min_y, max_y=max_y) if label is not None: scargs = copy.deepcopy(scargs) scargs["label"] = label if "x" in log: axes["main"].semilogx() axes["top"].semilogx() xlog = True xmask = x > 0 else: xmask = numpy.tile(True, x.shape) if "y" in log: axes["main"].semilogy() axes["main"].scatter(x, y, edgecolor=color, **scargs) # arguments for kernel desntiy plot kargs = { "color": color, "alpha": kdalpha, "bw_method": bw_method, } if xmask.sum() > 0: kde_plot(x[xmask], log=xlog, axes=axes["top"], **kargs) return fig, axes
[docs]def scatterhist_y( x, y, color = None, axes = None, label = None, right_width = 0.2, mask_invalid = True, log = "xy", min_x = -numpy.inf, min_y = -numpy.inf, max_x = numpy.inf, max_y = numpy.inf, scargs = plastid_default_scatter, bw_method = "scott", kdalpha = 0.7 ): # yapf: disable """Produce a scatter plot with a kernel density estimate of the marginal `y` distribution Parameters ---------- x, y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or list Pair arrays or lists of corresponding numbers color : matplotlib colorspec, optional Color to use in plot label : str, or None If not None, a label for plotting axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, dict, or `None`, optional If a :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, an axes in which to place plot. This axes will be split into relevant panels. If a dict, this is expected to be a group of pre-split axes. If `None`, a new figure is generated, and axes are split. (Default: `None`) right_width : float, optional fraction of `axes` width to use in right panel containing marginal distribution (Default: 0.2) mask_invalid : bool, optional If `True` mask out any `nan`s or `inf`s, as these mess up kernel density estimates and histograms in matplotlib, even if in masked arrays min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y : number, optional If supplied, set values below `min_x` to `min_x`, values larger than `max_x` to `max_x` and so for `min_y` and `max_y` log : str, "", "x", "xy", or "xy", optional Plot these axes on a log scale (Default: "" for no log axes) scargs : Keyword arguments, optional Arguments to pass to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` (Default: :obj:`plastid_default_scatter`). We highly recommend setting `rasterized` to `True`! kdalpha : float, optional Alpha level (transparency) for marginal distributions (Default: 0.7) bw_method : str Bandwith estimation method. See documentation for :obj:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. (Default: "scott") Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure dict Dictionary of axes. `'orig'` refers to `ax`. The central panel is `'main'`. Other panels will be mapped to `'top'`, `'left'` et c, if they are created. """ fig, axes = _scatterhist_help(axes=axes, right_width=right_width) ylog = False if color is None: color = next(get_color_cycle(axes["main"])) if label is not None: scargs = copy.deepcopy(scargs) scargs["label"] = label if mask_invalid == True: x, y = clean_invalid(x, y, min_x=min_x, max_x=max_x, min_y=min_y, max_y=max_y) if "x" in log: axes["main"].semilogx() if "y" in log: axes["main"].semilogy() axes["right"].semilogy() ylog = True ymask = y > 0 else: ymask = numpy.tile(True, y.shape) axes["main"].scatter(x, y, edgecolor=color, **scargs) # kernel density kargs = { "color": color, "alpha": kdalpha, "bw_method": bw_method, } if ymask.sum() > 0: kde_plot(y[ymask], log=ylog, axes=axes["right"], vert=True, **kargs) return fig, axes
[docs]def scatterhist_xy( x, y, color = None, axes = None, label = None, top_height = 0.2, right_width = 0.2, mask_invalid = True, log = "xy", min_x = -numpy.inf, min_y = -numpy.inf, max_x = numpy.inf, max_y = numpy.inf, scargs = plastid_default_scatter, kdalpha = 0.7, bw_method = "scott" ): # yapf: disable """Produce a scatter plot with kernel density estimate of the marginal `x` and `y` distributions Parameters ---------- x, y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or list Pair arrays or lists of corresponding numbers color : matplotlib colorspec, optional Color to use in plot label : str, or None If not None, a label for plotting top_height : float, optional fraction of `axes` height to use in top panel containing marginal distribution (Default: 0.2) right_width : float, optional fraction of `axes` width to use in right panel containing marginal distribution (Default: 0.2) top_height : float, optional fraction of `axes` height to use in top panel containing marginal distribution (Default: 0.2) axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, dict, or `None`, optional If a :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, an axes in which to place plot. This axes will be split into relevant panels. If a dict, this is expected to be a group of pre-split axes. If `None`, a new figure is generated, and axes are split. (Default: `None`) mask_invalid : bool, optional If `True` mask out any `nan`s or `inf`s, as these mess up kernel density estimates and histograms in matplotlib, even if in masked arrays min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y : number, optional If supplied, set values below `min_x` to `min_x`, values larger than `max_x` to `max_x` and so for `min_y` and `max-y` log : str, "", "x", "xy", or "xy", optional Plot these axes on a log scale (Default: "" for no log axes) scargs : Keyword arguments, optional Arguments to pass to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` (Default: :obj:`plastid_default_scatter`). We highly recommend setting `rasterized` to `True`! kdalpha : float, optional Alpha level (transparency) for marginal distributions (Default: 0.7) bw_method : str Bandwith estimation method. See documentation for :obj:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde`. (Default: "scott") Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure dict Dictionary of axes. `'orig'` refers to `ax`. The central panel is `'main'`. Other panels will be mapped to `'top'`, `'left`' et c, if they are created. """ fig, axes = _scatterhist_help(axes=axes, top_height=top_height, right_width=right_width) xlog = ylog = False if color is None: color = next(get_color_cycle(axes["main"])) if mask_invalid == True: x, y = clean_invalid(x, y, min_x=min_x, max_x=max_x, min_y=min_y, max_y=max_y) if label is not None: scargs = copy.deepcopy(scargs) scargs["label"] = label if "x" in log: axes["main"].semilogx() axes["top"].semilogx() xlog = True xmask = x > 0 else: xmask = numpy.tile(True, x.shape) if "y" in log: axes["main"].semilogy() axes["right"].semilogy() ylog = True ymask = y > 0 else: ymask = numpy.tile(True, y.shape) axes["main"].scatter(x, y, edgecolor=color, **scargs) # kernel densities kargs = { "color": color, "alpha": kdalpha, "bw_method": bw_method, } if ymask.sum() > 0: kde_plot(y[ymask], log=ylog, axes=axes["right"], vert=True, **kargs) if xmask.sum() > 0: kde_plot(x[xmask], log=xlog, axes=axes["top"], **kargs) return fig, axes
#============================================================================== # Plots specific for genomics #==============================================================================
[docs]def ma_plot( x, y, axes = None, color = None, label = None, xlabel = None, ylabel = None, title = None, right_width = 0.2, log = "xy", min_x = -numpy.inf, max_x = numpy.inf, min_y = -numpy.inf, max_y = numpy.inf, scargs = plastid_default_scatter, mask_invalid = True, kdalpha = 0.7 ): # yapf: disable """Plot fold changes (:math:`\log_{2} (y/x)`) as a function of the mean of x and y (:math:`0.5*(x+y)`). Parameters ---------- x, y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` or list Pair arrays or lists of corresponding numbers color : matplotlib colorspec, optional Color to use in plot label : str or None, optional If not `None`, a label for plotting xlabel : str or None, optional If not `None`, an x-axis label ylabel : str or None, optional If not `None`, a y-axis label right_width : float, optional fraction of `axes` width to use in right panel containing marginal distribution (Default: 0.2) axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, dict, or `None`, optional If a :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, an axes in which to place plot. This axes will be split into relevant panels. If a dict, this is expected to be a group of pre-split axes. If `None`, a new figure is generated, and axes are split. (Default: `None`) mask_invalid : bool, optional If `True` mask out any `nan`s or `inf`s, as these mess up kernel density estimates and histograms in matplotlib, even if in masked arrays min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y : number, optional If supplied, set values below `min_x` to `min_x`, values larger than `max_x` to `max_x` and so for `min_y` and `max_y` log : str, "", "x", "xy", or "xy", optional Plot these axes on a log scale (Default: "xy") scargs : Keyword arguments, optional Arguments to pass to :func:`~matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` (Default: :obj:`plastid_default_scatter` ). Recommend: set `rasterized` to `True` kdalpha : float, optional Alpha level (transparency) for marginal distributions (Default: 0.7) Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure dict Dictionary of axes. `'orig'` refers to `ax`. The central panel is `'main'`. Other panels will be mapped to `'top'`, `'left'` et c, if they are created. """ do_setup = axes is None logs = / x)) imask = ~logs.mask ratio = y / x mean = 0.5 * (x + y) fig, axdict = scatterhist_y( mean[imask], ratio[imask], axes = axes, min_x = min_x, max_x = max_x, min_y = min_y, max_y = max_y, log = log, right_width = right_width, color = color, mask_invalid = mask_invalid, label = label, kdalpha = kdalpha ) # yapf: disable if do_setup == True: axdict["main"].axhline(1, color=process_black, zorder=-5, linewidth=1) axdict["right"].axhline(1, color=process_black, zorder=-5, linewidth=1) axdict["right"].xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) if ylabel is None: ylabel = "log2 fold change" axdict["main"].set_ylabel(ylabel) if xlabel is not None: axdict["main"].set_xlabel(xlabel) if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title) return fig, axdict
[docs]def phase_plot(counts, labels=None, cmap=None, color=None, lighten_by=0.2, fig={}, line={}, bar={}): """Phasing plot for ribosome profiling Creates a two-panel plot: - the top panel is a line graph indicating the fraction of reads as a function of read length - the bottom panel is a stacked bar graph, showing the fraction of reads in each codon position for each read length, with codon position 2 stacked above position 1 stacked above position 0 Parameters ---------- counts : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Nx3 array of raw counts, where each row represents a read length, and each column a codon phase labels : list, optional Labels for each stack. If `None`, stacks are labeled sequentially by number. (Default: `None`) lighten_by : float, optional Amount by which to lighten sequential blocks in each stack. (Default: 0.10) cmap : :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, optional Colormap from which to generate bar colors. If supplied, will override any `color` attribute in `**kwargs`. color : matplotlib colorspec, or list of these Colors to use in plot. Overridden if `cmap` is supplied. fig : dict Keyword arguments to :func:`matplotlib.pylot.figure` line : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.plot` in top panel bar : dict Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`` in bottom panel Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Figure tuple Tuple of :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`; the first corresponding to the line graph (top panel), the second, the bar graph (bottom). """ fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True, **fig) totals = counts.sum(1) phases = (counts.astype(float).T / totals).T stacked_bar( phases, axes=ax2, labels=labels, lighten_by=lighten_by, cmap=cmap, color=color, **bar ) ax2.set_xlabel("Read length (nt)") ax2.set_ylabel("Fraction in each phase") x = numpy.arange(len(totals)) + 0.5 if "color" not in line: line["color"] = process_black ax1.plot(x, (totals.astype(float)) / totals.sum(), **line) ax1.set_ylabel("Fraction of reads") return fig, (ax1, ax2)