Source code for plastid.genomics.splicing

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Utility functions for systematically naming splice junctions and retrieving their sequences
import re

# INDEX: Utility functions for naming splice junctions and retrieving sequences

junction_pat = re.compile(r"([^@]+)@([0-9]+)\^([0-9]+)\(([+-])\)f([0-9]+)")
"""Regex for matching splice junctions in plastid's notation"""

[docs]def get_junction_tuple(ivc): """Convert a |SegmentChain| representing a splice junction to a tuple Parameters ---------- ivc : |SegmentChain| A two-exon fragment representing a splice junction Returns ------- tuple `(chromosome name, half-open end of fiveprime exon, first position of threeprime exon, strand)` """ return (ivc.spanning_segment.chrom, ivc[0].end, ivc[1].start, ivc.spanning_segment.strand)