Source code for plastid.bin.metagene

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Performs :term:`metagene` analyses. The workflow is separated into the
following subprograms:

    A :term:`metagene` profile is a position-wise average over all genes
    in the vicinity of an interesting landmark (e.g. a start codon). Because
    genes can have multiple transcript isoforms that may cover different
    genomic positions, which transcript positions (and therefore which
    genomic positions) to include in the average can be ambiguous when
    the isoforms are not knnow.
    To handle this problem, we define for each gene the :term:`maximal spanning window`
    over which every position at a given distance from the landmark of interest
    (e.g. a start or stop codon) maps to the same genomic coordinates in all
    transcript isoforms. The windows are defined by the following algorithm: 
     #. Transcripts are grouped by gene.
     #. Landmarks are detected on each transcript for each gene. For genes in
        which all transcripts do not share the same genomic coordinate for the
        landmark of interest, no window can be defined, and that gene is
        excluded from further analysis.
     #. For each set of transcripts that passes step (2), the maximal spanning
        window is created by aligning the set of transcripts at the landmark, and
        bidirectionally growing the maximal spanning window until either:
           - the next nucleotide position added no longer corresponds to 
             the same genomic position in all transcripts
           - the window reaches the maximum user-specified size

    **Note**: if annotations are supplied as `BED`_ files, transcripts cannot be
    grouped by gene, because `BED`_ files don't contain this information.
    In this case one ROI is generated per transcript.
    .. Rubric :: Output files
        A tab-delimited text file describing the maximal spanning window for
        each gene, with columns as follows:
        ================   ==================================================
        **Column**         **Contains**
        ----------------   --------------------------------------------------

        alignment_offset   Offset to align window to all other windows in the
                           file, if the window happens to be shorter on the 5'
                           end than specified in ``--flank_upstream``. Typically
                           this is `0`.

        region_id          ID of region (e.g. gene) from which window was made
        region             maximal spanning window, formatted as
        window_size        with of window
        zero_point         distance from 5' end of window to landmark
        ================   ==================================================
        Maximal spanning windows in `BED`_ format for visualization in
        a :term:`genome browser`. The thickly-rendered portion of a window
        indicates its landmark

    where `OUTBASE` is supplied by the user.
    This program generates :term:`metagene` profiles from a dataset of
    :term:`counts` or :term:`alignments`, taking the following steps:
     1. The **raw counts** at each position in each :term:`maximal spanning window`
        (from the ``generate`` subprogram) fetched as a raw count vector for the

     2. A **normalized count vector** is created for each window by dividing
        its raw count vector by the total number of counts occurring within a
        user-defined normalization region within the window.
     3. A **metagene average** is created by taking aligning all of the
        normalized count vectors, and taking the median normalized counts
        over all vectors at each nucleotide position. Count vectors deriving
        from windows that don't meet a minimum count threshold (set via the
        ``--norm_region`` option) are excluded.
    .. Rubric :: Output files

    Raw count vectors, normalized count vectors, and metagene profiles are all
    saved as tab-delimited text files, for subsequent plotting, filtering,
    or reanalysis.
        Tab-delimited table of metagene profile, containing the following

        ================   ==================================================
        **Column**         **Contains**
        ----------------   --------------------------------------------------
        x                  Distance in nucleotides from the landmark
        metagene_average   Value of metagene average at that position
        regions_counted    Number of maximal spanning windows included at
                           that position in the average. i.e. windows that
                           both met the threshold set by ``--min_counts`` and
                           were not masked at that position by a :term:`mask file`
        ================   ==================================================        
        Saved if ``--keep`` is specified. Table of raw counts. Each row is a
        maximal spanning window for a gene, and each column a nucleotide position
        in that window. All windows are aligned at the landmark.
        Saved if ``--keep`` is specified. Table of normalized counts, produced
        by dividing each row in the raw count table by the of counts in that
        row within the columns specified by ``--normalize_over``.

        Saved if ``--keep`` is specified. Matrix of masks indicating which
        cells in ``normcounts`` were excluded from computations.

    OUTBASE_metagene_overview.[png | svg | pdf | et c...]
        Metagene average plotted above a heatmap of normalized counts,
        in which each row of pixels is a maximal spanning window for a gene,
        and rows are sorted by the column in which they reach their
        max value. To facilitate visualization, colors in the heatmap are scaled
        from 0 to the 95th percentile of non-zero numbers in the normalized counts
    `OUTBASE` is supplied by the user.

    One or more metagene profiles generated by the ``count`` subprogram,
    for example, on different datasets, are plotted against each other. 

See command-line help for each subprogram for details on parameters for each 
__author__ = "joshua"

import gc
import sys
import warnings
import argparse
import inspect
import numpy
import pandas as pd
from plastid.genomics.roitools import SegmentChain, positions_to_segments
from import NameDateWriter
from import get_short_name, argsopener, NullWriter
from plastid.util.scriptlib.help_formatters import format_module_docstring
from import (
from plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers import (
from plastid.readers.bigbed import BigBedReader

warnings.simplefilter("once", DataWarning)

printer = NameDateWriter(get_short_name(inspect.stack()[-1][1]))

# helper functions to generate/handle maximum spanning windows / ROIs

[docs]def window_landmark(region, flank_upstream=50, flank_downstream=50, ref_delta=0, landmark=0): """Define a window surrounding a landmark in a region, if the region has such a landmark, (e.g. a start codon in a transcript), accounting for splicing of the region, if the region is discontinuous Parameters ---------- transcript : |SegmentChain| or |Transcript| Region on which to generate a window surrounding a landmark landmark : int Position of the landmark within `region` flank_upstream : int Nucleotides upstream of `landmark` to include in window flank_downstream : int Nucleotides downstream of `landmark` to include in window ref_delta : int Offset from `landmark` to the reference point. If 0, the landmark is the reference point. Default: 0 Returns ------- |SegmentChain| Window of `region` surrounding landmark int alignment offset to the window start, if `region` itself wasn't long enough in the 5' direction to include the entire distance specified by `flank_upstream`. Use this to align windows generated around similar landmarks from different `regions` (e.g. windows surrounding start codons in various transcripts). (str, int, str) Genomic coordinate of reference point as *(chromosome name, coordinate, strand)* """ if landmark + ref_delta >= flank_upstream: fiveprime_offset = 0 my_start = landmark + ref_delta - flank_upstream else: fiveprime_offset = flank_upstream - landmark my_start = 0 my_end = min(region.length, landmark + ref_delta + flank_downstream) roi = region.get_subchain(my_start, my_end) span = region.spanning_segment chrom = span.chrom strand = span.strand if landmark + ref_delta == region.length: if span.strand == "+": ref_point = (chrom, span.end, strand) else: ref_point = (chrom, span.start - 1, strand) else: ref_point = region.get_genomic_coordinate(landmark + ref_delta) return roi, fiveprime_offset, ref_point
[docs]def window_cds_start(transcript, flank_upstream, flank_downstream, ref_delta=0): """Returns a window surrounding a start codon. Parameters ---------- transcript : |Transcript| Transcript on which to generate window flank_upstream : int Nucleotide length upstream of start codon to include in window, if `transcript` has a start codon flank_downstream : int Nucleotide length downstream of start codon to include in window, if `transcript` has a start codon ref_delta : int, optional Offset from start codon to the reference point. If `0`, the landmark is the reference point. (Default: `0`) Returns ------- |SegmentChain| Window surrounding start codon if `transcript` is coding. Otherwise, zero-length |SegmentChain| int Alignment offset to the window start, if `transcript` itself wasn't long enough in the 5' direction to include the entire distance specified by `flank_upstream`. Use this to align this window to other windows generated around start codons in other transcripts. If transcript is not coding, returns :obj:`numpy.nan` (str, int, str) Genomic coordinate of reference point as *(chromosome name, coordinate, strand)*. If `transcript` has no start codon, returns :obj:`numpy.nan` """ if transcript.cds_start is None: return SegmentChain(), numpy.nan, numpy.nan return window_landmark( transcript, flank_upstream, flank_downstream, ref_delta=ref_delta, landmark=transcript.cds_start )
[docs]def window_cds_stop(transcript, flank_upstream, flank_downstream, ref_delta=0): """Returns a window surrounding a stop codon. Parameters ---------- transcript : |Transcript| Transcript on which to generate window flank_upstream : int Nucleotide length upstream of stop codon to include in window, if `transcript` has a stop codon flank_downstream : int Nucleotide length downstream of stop codon to include in window, if `transcript` has a stop codon ref_delta : int, optional Offset from stop codon to the reference point. If `0`, the landmark is the reference point. (Default: `0`) Returns ------- |SegmentChain| Window surrounding stop codon if transcript is coding. Otherwise, zero-length |SegmentChain| int alignment offset to the window start, if `transcript` itself wasn't long enough in the 5' direction to include the entire distance specified by `flank_upstream`. Use this to align this window to other windows generated around stop codons in other transcripts. If transcript is not coding, returns :obj:`numpy.nan` (str, int, str) Genomic coordinate of reference point as *(chromosome name, coordinate, strand)*. If `transcript` has no stop codon, returns :obj:`numpy.nan` """ if transcript.cds_start is None: return SegmentChain(), numpy.nan, numpy.nan return window_landmark( transcript, flank_upstream, flank_downstream, ref_delta=ref_delta, landmark=transcript.cds_end - 3 )
[docs]def maximal_spanning_window( regions, mask_hash, flank_upstream, flank_downstream, window_func=window_cds_start, name=None, printer=NullWriter() ): """Create a maximal spanning window over `regions` surrounding a landmark, The maximal spanning window is created by: #. Applying `window_func` to each `region` in `regions` to create a sub-window of `region` that surrounds a landmark identified by `window_func`, with up to `flank_upstream` bases 5' of the landmark, and `flank_downstream` bases 3` of the landmark. #. If the landmark in all regions corresponds to the same genomic position, a maximal spanning window is created by starting at the landmark, and growing the window in the 5' and 3' directions along all regions until either: - the next nucleotide position added no longer corresponds to the same genomic position in all regions - the window reaches the maximum size specified by`flank_upstream` (in 5' direction) or `flank_downstream` (in 3' direction) Parameters ---------- regions : list List of |SegmentChains| or |Transcripts| mask_hash : |GenomeHash| |GenomeHash| containing regions to exclude from analysis flank_upstream : int Number of nucleotides upstream of landmark to include in maximal spanning window, if possible flank_downstream: int Number of nucleotides downstream of landmark to include in maximal spanning window, if possible window_func : func, optional Function that defines a landmark in an individual region, and builds a window around that landmark over that region. As examples, :func:`window_cds_start` and :func:`window_cds_stop` are provided, though any function that meets the following criteria can be used: 1. It must take the same parameters as :func:`window_cds_start` 2. It must return the same types as :func:`window_cds_start` Such functions could choose arbitrary features as landmarks, such as peaks in ribosome density, nucleic acid sequence features, transcript start or end sites, or any property that can be deduced from a |Transcript|. (Default: :func:`window_cds_start`) name : str or None, optional Name for maximal spanning window, to which it's `ID` attribute will be set. If `None`, a name will be generated. printer : file-like, optional filehandle to write logging info to (Default: :func:`NullWriter`) Returns ------- SegmentChain Maximal spanning window, if `regions` share the same landmark. Otherwise, 0-length |SegmentChain| int or :obj:`numpy.nan` Alignment offset to the window start, if the maximal spanning window itself is not long enough in the 5' direction to include the entire distance specified by `flank_upstream`. Use this to align this window to other maximal spanning windows. If `regions` do not share the same landmark, :obj:`numpy.nan` """ refpoints = [] window_size = flank_upstream + flank_downstream # find common positions position_matrix = numpy.tile(numpy.nan, (len(regions), window_size)) for n, region in enumerate(regions): try: my_roi, my_offset, genomic_refpoint = window_func( region, flank_upstream, flank_downstream ) refpoints.append(genomic_refpoint) if genomic_refpoint is not numpy.nan and len(my_roi) > 0: pos_list = my_roi.get_position_list() # ascending list of positions my_len = len(pos_list) assert my_offset + my_len <= window_size if my_roi.spanning_segment.strand == "+": position_matrix[n, my_offset:my_offset + my_len] = pos_list else: my_len = len(pos_list) position_matrix[n, my_offset:my_offset + my_len] = pos_list[::-1] except IndexError: warnings.warn( "IndexError finding common positions at region '%s'. Ignoring region: " % region.get_name() ) # continue only if refpoints all match if len(set(refpoints)) == 1 and numpy.nan not in refpoints: new_shared_positions = [] if len(set(refpoints)) == 1: for i in range(0, position_matrix.shape[1]): col = position_matrix[:, i] if len(set(col)) == 1 and not numpy.isnan(col[0]): new_shared_positions.append(int(col[0])) # continue only if there exist positions shared between all regions if len(set(new_shared_positions)) > 0: # define new ROI covering all positions common to all transcripts new_roi = SegmentChain( *positions_to_segments(regions[0].chrom, regions[0].strand, new_shared_positions) ) if name is None: name = new_roi.get_name() new_roi.attr["ID"] = name if new_roi.spanning_segment.strand == "+": new_roi.attr["thickstart"] = genomic_refpoint[1] new_roi.attr["thickend"] = genomic_refpoint[1] + 1 else: new_roi.attr["thickstart"] = genomic_refpoint[1] new_roi.attr["thickend"] = genomic_refpoint[1] + 1 # having made sure that refpoint is same for all transcripts, # we use last ROI and last offset to find new offset # this fails if ref point is at the 3' end of the roi, # due to quirks of half-open coordinate systems # so we test it explicitly if flank_upstream - my_offset == my_roi.length: new_offset = my_offset else: zero_point_roi = new_roi.get_segmentchain_coordinate(*genomic_refpoint) new_offset = flank_upstream - zero_point_roi masks = mask_hash.get_overlapping_features(new_roi) mask_segs = [] for mask in masks: mask_segs.extend(mask.segments) new_roi.add_masks(*mask_segs) return new_roi, new_offset return SegmentChain(), numpy.nan
#=============================================================================== # Subprograms #===============================================================================
[docs]def group_regions_make_windows( source, mask_hash, flank_upstream, flank_downstream, window_func=window_cds_start, is_sorted=False, group_by="gene_id", printer=NullWriter() ): """Group regions of interest by a shared attribute, and generate maximal spanning windows for them. Results are given in a table suitable for use in ``count`` subprogram. Windows are generated by the following algorithm: 1. Transcripts are grouped by `group_by` attribute (default: by gene). If all transcripts in a group share the same genomic coordinate for the landmark of interest (for example, if all share the same start codon), then the set of transcripts is included in the analysis. If not, the set of transcripts and their associated gene are excluded from further processing. 2. For each set of transcripts that pass step (1), the maximal spanning window is created by aligning the set of transcripts at the landmark, and adding nucleotide positions in transcript coordinates to the growing window in both 5' and 3' directions until either: - the next nucleotide position added is no longer corresponds to the same genomic position in all transcripts - the window reaches the maximum user-specified size Parameters ---------- source : list or generator Source of |SegmentChain| or |Transcript| objects, preferably with `gene_id` and `transcript_id` (e.g. transcripts assembled from a `GTF2`_ or `GFF3`_ file), so that transcripts can be grouped by gene when making maximal spanning windows. mask_hash : |GenomeHash| |GenomeHash| containing regions to exclude from analysis flank_upstream : int Number of nucleotides upstream of landmark to include in windows (in transcript coordinates) flank_downstream: int Number of nucleotides downstream of landmark to include in windows (in transcript coordinates) window_func : func, optional Function that defines a landmark in an individual transcript, and builds a window around that landmark over that region. As examples, :func:`window_cds_start` and :func:`window_cds_stop` are provided, though any function that meets the following criteria can be used: 1. It must take the same parameters as :func:`window_cds_start` 2. It must return the same types as :func:`window_cds_start` Such functions could choose arbitrary features as landmarks, such as peaks in ribosome density, nucleic acid sequence features, transcript start or end sites, or any property that can be deduced from a |Transcript|. (Default: :func:`window_cds_start`) group_by : str, optional Attribute by which |SegmentChains| or |Transcripts| should be grouped before generating maximal spanning windows (Default: `"gene_id"`) is_sorted : bool, optional Input file is sorted and/or `tabix`_-indexed. If `True`, :func:`group_regions_make_windows` will take advantage of this to save memory. (Default: `False`) printer : file-like, optional filehandle to write logging info to (Default: :func:`NullWriter`) Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing the following columns describing the maximal spanning windows: ==================== ================================================== *Column* *Contains* -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- alignment_offset Offset to align window to all other windows in the file from the 5' end, if the window happens to be shorter on the 5' end than specified in `flank_upstream` region_id ID of region, given by shared value of `group_by` parameter (i.e. by default is 'gene_id') region Maximal spanning window, formatted as `chromosome:start-end:(strand)` region_length Length of maximal spanning window region_bed Maximal spanning window, formatted as a `BED`_ line window_size Requested length of maximal spanning window. May be larger than actual window if `alignment_offset` or `threeprime_offset` is nonzero zero_point Distance from 5' end of window to landmark, including `alignment_offset` threeprime_offset Offset to align window to all other windows the file from the 3' end, if the window happens to be shorter on the 3' end than specified in `flank_downstream` ==================== ================================================== list List of |SegmentChain| representing each window. These data are also represented as strings in the :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Notes ----- Not all genes will be included in the output if, for example, there isn't a position set common to all transcripts surrounding the landmark """ import itertools window_size = flank_upstream + flank_downstream dtmp = { "region_id" : [], "region" : [], "region_length" : [], "masked" : [], "alignment_offset" : [], "window_size" : [], "zero_point" : [], "region_bed" : [], "threeprime_offset": [], } # yapf: disable transcripts = [] group_transcript = {} last_chrom = None do_loop = True source = iter(source) c = -1 # to save memory, we process one chromosome at a time if input file is sorted # knowing that at that moment all transcript parts are assembled while do_loop == True: try: tx = next(source) except StopIteration: do_loop = False try: # end of chromosome or end of file if (is_sorted and tx.spanning_segment.chrom != last_chrom) or do_loop == False: last_chrom = tx.spanning_segment.chrom if do_loop == True: source = itertools.chain([tx], source) for tx_chain in transcripts: # if attr is missing, use transcript name, which should be unique attr = tx_chain.attr if group_by == "gene_id": if "gene_id" in attr: group_attr = attr["gene_id"] else: group_attr = tx_chain.get_gene() warnings.warn( "Region '%s' has no gene_id. Inferring gene_id to be '%s'" % (tx_chain.get_name(), group_attr), DataWarning ) else: if group_by in attr: group_attr = attr[group_by] else: warnings.warn( "Region '%s' has no attribute '%s', and will not be grouped. Using region name as default group." % (tx_chain.get_name(), group_by), DataWarning ) group_attr = tx_chain.get_name() try: group_transcript[group_attr].append(tx_chain) except KeyError: group_transcript[group_attr] = [tx_chain] # for each gene, find maximal window in which all points # are represented in all transcripts. return window and offset for region_id, tx_list in group_transcript.items(): c += 1 if c % 1000 == 1: printer.write( "Processed %s genes, included %s ..." % (c, len(list(dtmp.values())[0])) ) name = region_id # name regions after gene id max_spanning_window, offset = maximal_spanning_window( tx_list, mask_hash, flank_upstream, flank_downstream, window_func=window_func, name=name, printer=printer ) if len(max_spanning_window) > 0: mask_chain = max_spanning_window.get_masks_as_segmentchain() dtmp["region_id"].append(region_id) dtmp["window_size"].append(window_size) # need to cast `region` to string to keep numpy from converting to array dtmp["region"].append(str(max_spanning_window)) dtmp["masked"].append(str(mask_chain)) dtmp["alignment_offset"].append(offset) dtmp["zero_point"].append(flank_upstream) dtmp["region_bed"].append(max_spanning_window.as_bed()) dtmp["region_length"].append(max_spanning_window.length) dtmp["threeprime_offset" ].append(window_size - offset - max_spanning_window.length) # clean up del transcripts del group_transcript gc.collect() del gc.garbage[:] transcripts = [] group_transcript = {} else: transcripts.append(tx) except UnboundLocalError: pass df = pd.DataFrame(dtmp) df.sort_values(["region_id"], inplace=True) printer.write("Processed %s genes total. Included %s." % (c + 1, len(df))) # Warn in case of annotation problems if (df["alignment_offset"] == flank_upstream).all(): warnings.warn( "All maximal spanning windows lack flanks upstream of reference landmark. This occurs e.g. for start codons when annotation files don't contain UTR data. Please check your annotation file.", DataWarning ) # N.b. This warning will only be invoked for zero-length landmarks # e.g. won't work for stop codons, which are 3nt wide if (df["threeprime_offset"] == flank_downstream).all(): warnings.warn( "All maximal spanning windows lack flanks downstream of reference landmark. This occurs e.g. for stop codons when annotation files don't contain UTR data. Please check your annotation file.", DataWarning ) return df
_NORM_START_DEFAULT = 20 _NORM_END_DEFAULT = 50 def _get_norm_region(roi_table, args): """Helper function to get normalization region from current and deprecated command-line arguments. This function will be removed in plastid v0.6.1, when the deprecated command-line arguments will also be removed. Parameters ---------- roi_table : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` DataFrame of output from |metagene| generate subprogram args : :class:`argparse.NameSpace` Command-line arguments to |metagene| or |psite| count subprograms Returns ------- (int, int) Start and end of normalization region, with respect to start of window, including `alignment_offset`. """ # TODO: remove --norm_region in Plastid v0.6.1 flank_upstream = roi_table["zero_point"][0] if args.normalize_over is not None: norm_start, norm_end = args.normalize_over norm_start += flank_upstream norm_end += flank_upstream if args.norm_region is not None: warnings.warn( "`--normalize_over` replaces `--norm_region`, which is deprecated. Ignoring `--norm_region` and using `--normalize_over`. See `metagene count --help` for differences.", ArgumentWarning ) elif args.norm_region is not None: warnings.warn( "`--norm_region` is deprecated and will be removed in plastid v0.5. Use `--normalize_over` instead. See `metagene count --help` for differences.", ArgumentWarning ) norm_start, norm_end = args.norm_region else: norm_start = _NORM_START_DEFAULT norm_end = _NORM_END_DEFAULT return norm_start, norm_end
[docs]def do_count(args, alignment_parser, plot_parser, printer=NullWriter()): """Calculate a metagene average over maximal spanning windows specified in `roi_table`, taking the following steps: 1. The **raw counts** at each position in each :term:`maximal spanning window` (from the ``generate`` subprogram) are totaled to create a raw count vector for the ROI. 2. A **normalized count vector** is created fore each window by dividing its raw count vector by the total number of counts occurring within a user-defined normalization window within the window. 3. A **metagene average** is created by taking aligning all of the normalized count vectors, and taking the median normalized counts over all vectors at each nucleotide position. Count vectors deriving from ROIs that don't meet a minimum count threshold (set via the ``--norm_region`` option) are excluded. Parameters ---------- args : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace containing arguments printer : file-like, optional Anything implementing a ``write()`` method, for logging purposes. Returns ------- :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` raw counts at each position (column) in each window (row) :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` counts at each position (column) in each window (row), normalized by the total number of counts in that row from `norm_start` to `norm_end` :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Metagene profile of median normalized counts at each position across all windows, and the number of windows included in the calculation of each median """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from plastid.plotting.plots import profile_heatmap plot_parser.set_style_from_args(args) # yapf: disable outbase = args.outbase count_fn = "%s_rawcounts.txt.gz" % outbase normcount_fn = "%s_normcounts.txt.gz" % outbase mask_fn = "%s_mask.txt.gz" % outbase profile_fn = "%s_metagene_profile.txt" % outbase fig_fn = "%s_metagene_overview.%s" % (outbase,args.figformat) # yapf: enable printer.write("Opening ROI file %s ..." % args.roi_file) with open(args.roi_file) as fh: roi_table = pd.read_table(fh, sep="\t", comment="#", index_col=None, header=0) fh.close() # wrapper to deal with multiple command-line arguments norm_start, norm_end = _get_norm_region(roi_table, args) #norm_start, norm_end = args.norm_region min_counts = args.min_counts # open count files ga = alignment_parser.get_genome_array_from_args(args, printer=printer) # following value are identical for all genes, so 0th val is fine window_size = roi_table["window_size"][0] upstream_flank = roi_table["zero_point"][0] cshape = (len(roi_table), window_size) # by default, mask everything counts =, cshape), mask=numpy.tile(True, cshape)) for i, row in roi_table.iterrows(): if i % 1000 == 1: printer.write("Counted %s ROIs ..." % (i)) roi = SegmentChain.from_str(row["region"]) mask = SegmentChain.from_str(row["masked"]) roi.add_masks(*mask) offset = int(round((row["alignment_offset"]))) assert offset + roi.length <= window_size # take away from masked array mvec = roi.get_masked_counts(ga)[i, offset:offset + roi.length] = counts.mask[i, offset:offset + roi.length] = mvec.mask #counts[i,offset:offset+roi.length] = roi.get_masked_counts(ga) printer.write("Counted %s ROIs total." % (i + 1)) denominator = numpy.nansum(counts[:, norm_start:norm_end], axis=1) row_select = denominator >= min_counts norm_counts = (counts.T.astype(float) / denominator).T norm_counts =, mask=counts.mask) norm_counts.mask[numpy.isnan(norm_counts)] = True norm_counts.mask[numpy.isinf(norm_counts)] = True if args.keep == True: printer.write("Saving counts to %s ..." % count_fn) numpy.savetxt(count_fn, counts, delimiter="\t", fmt='%.8f') printer.write("Saving normalized counts to %s ..." % normcount_fn) numpy.savetxt(normcount_fn, norm_counts, delimiter="\t") printer.write("Saving masks used in profile building to %s ..." % mask_fn) numpy.savetxt(mask_fn, norm_counts.mask, delimiter="\t") try: if args.use_mean == True: pfunc = else: pfunc = profile = pfunc(norm_counts[row_select], axis=0) except IndexError: profile = numpy.zeros(norm_counts.shape[0]) except ValueError: profile = numpy.zeros(norm_counts.shape[0]) if profile.sum() == 0: printer.write( "Metagene profile is zero at all positions. %s ROIs made the minimum count cutoff." % row_select.sum() ) printer.write("Consider lowering --min_counts (currently %s)." % min_counts) num_genes = ((~norm_counts.mask)[row_select]).sum(0) profile_table = pd.DataFrame( { "metagene_average": profile, "regions_counted": num_genes, "x": numpy.arange(-upstream_flank, window_size - upstream_flank), } ) printer.write("Saving metagene profile to %s ..." % profile_fn) with argsopener(profile_fn, args, "w") as profile_out: profile_table.to_csv( profile_out, sep="\t", header=True, index=False, na_rep="nan", columns=["x", "metagene_average", "regions_counted"], ) profile_out.close() # plot printer.write("Plotting to %s ..." % fig_fn) rs = norm_counts[row_select, :] p95 = numpy.nanpercentile(rs[rs > 0], 95) im_args = { "interpolation": "none", "vmin": 0, "vmax": p95, # limit color space for better plotting } if args.cmap is not None: im_args["cmap"] = args.cmap plot_args = {} plot_args["color"] = plot_parser.get_colors_from_args(args, 1)[0] fig = plot_parser.get_figure_from_args(args) ax = plt.gca() fig, ax = profile_heatmap( norm_counts[row_select], profile=profile_table["metagene_average"], axes=ax, x=profile_table["x"], im_args=im_args, plot_args=plot_args ) title = args.title if args.title is not None else "Metagene overview for %s" % outbase fig.suptitle(title) ax["main"].set_ylabel("Normalized ribosome density (au), by gene") landmark = args.landmark if args.landmark is not None: ax["main"].set_xlabel("Distance (nt) from %s" % landmark) printer.write("Saving image to %s ..." % fig_fn) fig.savefig(fig_fn, dpi=args.dpi, bbox_inches="tight") return counts, norm_counts, profile_table
[docs]def do_chart(args, plot_parser, printer=NullWriter()): """Plot metagene profiles against one another Parameters ---------- args : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Namespace containing arguments printer : file-like, optional Anything implementing a ``write()`` method, for logging purposes. Returns ------- :py:class:`matplotlib.Figure` """ import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if len(args.labels) == len(args.infiles): samples = { K: pd.read_table(V, sep="\t", comment="#", header=0, index_col=None) for K, V in zip(args.labels, args.infiles) } else: if len(args.labels) > 0: warnings.warn( "Expected %s labels supplied for %s infiles; found only %s. Ignoring labels" % (len(args.infiles), len(args.infiles), len(args.labels)), ArgumentWarning ) samples = { get_short_name(V): pd.read_table(V, sep="\t", comment="#", header=0, index_col=None) for V in args.infiles } plot_parser.set_style_from_args(args) title = args.title colors = plot_parser.get_colors_from_args(args, len(args.infiles)) fig = plot_parser.get_figure_from_args(args) ax = plt.gca() min_x = numpy.inf max_x = -numpy.inf for n, (k, v) in enumerate(samples.items()): plt.plot(v["x"], v["metagene_average"], label=k, color=colors[n]) min_x = min(min_x, min(v["x"])) max_x = max(max_x, max(v["x"])) plt.xlim(min_x, max_x) ylim = ax.get_ylim() plt.ylim(0, ylim[1]) plt.xlabel("Distance from %s (nt)" % args.landmark) plt.ylabel("Normalized read density (au)") if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.02, 1.02), loc="upper left", borderaxespad=0) fn = "%s.%s" % (args.outbase, args.figformat) printer.write("Saving to %s ..." % fn) fig.savefig(fn, dpi=args.dpi, bbox_inches="tight") return fig
#=============================================================================== # PROGRAM BODY #===============================================================================
[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): """Command-line program Parameters ---------- argv : list, optional A list of command-line arguments, which will be processed as if the script were called from the command line if :py:func:`main` is called directly. Default: `sys.argv[1:]`. The command-line arguments, if the script is invoked from the command line """ al = AlignmentParser(disabled=["normalize"]) an = AnnotationParser() pp = PlottingParser() mp = MaskParser() bp = BaseParser() alignment_file_parser = al.get_parser() annotation_file_parser = an.get_parser() mask_file_parser = mp.get_parser() plotting_parser = pp.get_parser() base_parser = bp.get_parser() generator_help = "Create ROI file from genome annotation" generator_desc = format_module_docstring(group_regions_make_windows.__doc__) count_help = "Count reads falling into regions of interest, normalize, and average into a metagene profile" count_desc = format_module_docstring(do_count.__doc__) chart_help = "Plot metagene profiles" chart_desc = format_module_docstring(do_chart.__doc__) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=format_module_docstring(__doc__), formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title="subcommands", description="choose one of the following", dest="program" ) gparser = subparsers.add_parser( "generate", help=generator_help, description=generator_desc, parents=[base_parser, annotation_file_parser, mask_file_parser], formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) cparser = subparsers.add_parser( "count", help=count_help, description=count_desc, parents=[base_parser, alignment_file_parser, plotting_parser], formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) pparser = subparsers.add_parser( "chart", help=chart_help, description=chart_desc, parents=[base_parser, plotting_parser], formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) # generate subprogram options gparser.add_argument( "--landmark", type=str, choices=("cds_start", "cds_stop"), default="cds_start", help="Landmark around which to build metagene profile (Default: cds_start)" ) gparser.add_argument( "--upstream", type=int, default=50, help="Nucleotides to include upstream of landmark (Default: 50)" ) gparser.add_argument( "--downstream", type=int, default=50, help="Nucleotides to include downstream of landmark (Default: 50)" ) gparser.add_argument("--group_by",type=str,default="gene_id", help="Attribute (e.g. in GTF2/GFF3 column 9) by which to group regions "+ \ "before generating maximal spanning windows "+ \ "(Default: group transcripts by gene using 'gene_id' attribute from GTF2, or 'Parent' attribute in GFF3)") gparser.add_argument("outbase", type=str, help="Basename for output files") # count subprogram options cparser.add_argument( "roi_file", type=str, help="Text file containing maximal spanning windows and offsets, " + "generated by the ``generate`` subprogram." ) cparser.add_argument( "--min_counts", type=int, default=10, metavar="N", help="Minimum counts required in normalization region " + "to be included in metagene average (Default: 10)" ) cparser.add_argument( "--normalize_over", type=int, nargs=2, metavar="N", default=None, #default=(20,50), help="Portion of each window against which its individual raw count profile" + " will be normalized. Specify two integers, in nucleotide" + " distance from landmark (negative for upstream, positive for downstream. Surround negative numbers with quotes.). (Default: 20 50)" ) cparser.add_argument( "--norm_region", type=int, nargs=2, metavar="N", default=None, help="Deprecated. Use ``--normalize_over`` instead. " + "Formerly, Portion of each window against which its individual raw count profile" + " will be normalized. Specify two integers, in nucleotide" + " distance, from 5\' end of window. (Default: 70 100)" ) cparser.add_argument( "--landmark", type=str, default=None, help="Name of landmark at zero point, optional." ) cparser.add_argument( "--use_mean", default=False, action="store_true", help="If supplied, use columnwise mean to generate profile (Default: use median)" ) cparser.add_argument( "--keep", default=False, action="store_true", help="Save intermediate count files. Useful for additional computations (Default: False)" ) cparser.add_argument("outbase", type=str, help="Basename for output files") # chart subprogram arguments pparser.add_argument("outbase", type=str, help="Basename for output file.") pparser.add_argument( "infiles", type=str, nargs="+", help="One or more metagene profiles, generated by the" + " ``count`` subprogram, which will be plotted together." ) pparser.add_argument( "--labels", type=str, nargs="+", default=[], help="Sample names for each metagene profile (optional)." ) pparser.add_argument( "--landmark", type=str, default=None, help="Name of landmark at zero point (e.g. 'CDS start' or 'CDS stop'; optional)" ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) bp.get_base_ops_from_args(args) # 'generate' subprogram if args.program == "generate": printer.write("Generating ROI file ...") if args.landmark == "cds_start": map_function = window_cds_start elif args.landmark == "cds_stop": map_function = window_cds_stop # check sorting is_sorted = (args.sorted == True) or \ (args.tabix == True) or \ (args.annotation_format == "BigBed") # open annotations printer.write("Opening annotation files: %s ..." % ", ".join(args.annotation_files)) annotation_message = """`metagene` relies upon relationships between transcripts/genes to make maximal spanning windows that cover them. The `%s` attribute used to group these is not found in your %s file. Consider either (1) using a GTF2 or GFF3 file, (2) creating an extended BED file with this additional column, or (3) creating a BigBed file containing this extra column.""".replace(" ", "").replace( "\n", " " ) % (args.group_by, args.annotation_format) if args.annotation_format == "BED": if not isinstance(args.bed_extra_columns, list) or args.group_by not in args.bed_extra_columns: warnings.warn(annotation_message, FileFormatWarning) elif args.annotation_format == "BigBed": reader = BigBedReader(args.annotation_files[0]) if args.group_by not in reader.extension_fields: warnings.warn(annotation_message, FileFormatWarning) transcripts = an.get_transcripts_from_args(args, printer=printer) mask_hash = mp.get_genome_hash_from_args(args) # get ROIs printer.write("Generating regions of interest ...") roi_table = group_regions_make_windows( transcripts, mask_hash, args.upstream, args.downstream, window_func=map_function, printer=printer, is_sorted=is_sorted, group_by=args.group_by ) roi_file = "%s_rois.txt" % args.outbase bed_file = "%s_rois.bed" % args.outbase printer.write("Saving to ROIs %s ..." % roi_file) with argsopener(roi_file, args, "w") as roi_fh: roi_table.to_csv( roi_fh, sep="\t", header=True, index=False, na_rep="nan", columns=[ "region_id", "window_size", "region", "masked", "alignment_offset", "zero_point" ] ) roi_fh.close() printer.write("Saving BED output as %s ..." % bed_file) with argsopener(bed_file, args, "w") as bed_fh: for roi in roi_table["region_bed"]: bed_fh.write(roi) bed_fh.close() # 'count' subprogram elif args.program == "count": do_count(args, al, pp, printer) # 'plot' subprogram elif args.program == "chart": assert len(args.labels) in (0, len(args.infiles)) do_chart(args, pp, printer) printer.write("Done.")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()