Source code for plastid.bin.cs

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Count the number of :term:`read alignments<alignment>` and calculate
read densities (in :term:`RPKM`) over genes, correcting gene boundaries
for overlap with other genes or regions specified in a :term:`mask file`.

:term:`Counts <counts>` and densities are calculated separately per gene for
exons, 5' UTRs, coding regions, and 3' UTRs. In addition, positions overlapped
by multiple genes are excluded, as are positions annotated in
:term:`mask annotation files<crossmap>`, if one is provided.

The script's operation is divided into three subprograms:

    The :func:`generate <do_generate>` mode pre-process a genome annotation
    as follows:

     #. All genes whose transcripts share exact exons are collapsed to
        "merged" genes.

     #. Positions covered by more than one merged gene on the same strand
        are excluded from analysis, and subtracted from each merged genes.

     #. Remaining positions in each merged gene are then divided
        into the following groups:

                all positions in all transcripts mapping to the merged gene

                positions which appear in coding regions in *all* transcript
                isoforms mapping to the merged gene. i.e. These positions
                are never part of a fiveprime or threeprime UTR in *any*
                transcript mapping to the merged gene

                positions which are annotated only as *5' UTR* in all
                transcript isoforms mapping to the merged gene

                positions which are annotated only as *3 UTR* in all
                transcript isoforms mapping to the merged gene

                positions excluded from analyses as directed in an optional
                :term:`mask file`

    The following files are output, where `OUTBASE` is a name supplied
    by the user:

            Tab-delimited text file. Each line is a merged gene, and columns
            indicate the genomic coordinates and lengths of each of the position
            sets above.

            Tab-delimited text file. Each line is a transcript, and columns
            indicate the genomic coordinates and lengths of each of the position
            sets above.

             `BED`_ files showing position sets for `REGION`,
             where `REGION` is one of *exon*, *CDS*, *UTR5*, and *UTR3* or
             *masked*. These contain the same information in
             ``OUTBASE_gene.positions``, but can be visualized easily in a
             :term:`genome browser`

    The :func:`count <do_count>` mode counts the number and density of
    read alignments in each sub-region (*exon*, *CDS*, *UTR5*, and *UTR3*)
    of each gene.

    The :func:`chart <do_chart>` mode takes output from one or more samples
    run under :func:`count <do_count>` mode and generates several tables and
    charts that provide broad overviews of the data.

See command-line help for each subprogram for details on each mode

See also
:mod:`~plastid.bin.counts_in_region` script
    Calculate  the number and density  of :term:`read alignments <alignment>`
    covering any set of regions of interest, making no corrections for gene
import os
import sys
import argparse
import itertools
import copy
import inspect
import gc
import warnings

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats

from plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers import AnnotationParser,\
                                              PlottingParser, \

from plastid.util.scriptlib.help_formatters import format_module_docstring

from plastid.genomics.roitools import positions_to_segments, SegmentChain
from plastid.genomics.genome_hash import GenomeHash
from import opener, get_short_name, argsopener, read_pl_table
from import NameDateWriter
from import merge_sets
from import skipdoc
from import DataWarning, FileFormatWarning
import as ma
from plastid.plotting.plots import scatterhist_xy, ma_plot, clean_invalid
from plastid.plotting.colors import process_black
from plastid.readers.bigbed import BigBedReader

printer = NameDateWriter(get_short_name(inspect.stack()[-1][1]))

# 'generate' subprogram

def write_output_files(table, title, args):
    """Write gene info table from :py:func:`do_generate` to several output files:

        Tab-delimited text file. Each line is a merged gene, and columns
        indicate the genomic coordinates and lengths of each of the position
        sets above.

        Tab-delimited text file. Each line is a transcript, and columns
        indicate the genomic coordinates and lengths of each of the position
        sets above.

         `BED`_ files showing position sets for `REGION`,
         where `REGION` is one of *exon*, *utr5*, *cds*, *utr3*, or
         *masked*. These contain the same information in
         ``OUTBASE_gene.positions``, but can be visualized easily in a
         :term:`genome browser`

    table : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Gene info table made in :py:func:`do_generate`

    title : str
        Title ("gene" or "transcript")

    args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace`
        Command-line arguments
    keys = ("utr5", "utr3", "cds", "masked", "exon")
    bed_columns = ["%s_bed" % K for K in keys]

    bedfiles = {X: argsopener("%s_%s_%s.bed" % (args.outbase, title, X), args) for X in keys}

    for _, row in table[bed_columns].iterrows():
        for k in keys:
            bedfiles[k].write(row["%s_bed" % k])

    for k in bedfiles:

    pos_out = argsopener("%s_%s.positions" % (args.outbase, title), args)
        sep          = "\t",
        header       = True,
        index        = False,
        na_rep       = "nan",
        float_format = "%.8f",
        columns      = [
            "region", "exon", "utr5", "cds", "utr3", "masked", "exon_unmasked",
        ]) # yapf: disable

[docs]def merge_genes(tx_ivcs): """Merge genes whose transcripts share exons into a combined, "merged" gene Parameters ---------- tx_ivcs : dict Dictionary mapping unique transcript IDs to |Transcripts| Returns ------- dict Dictionary mapping raw gene names to the names of the merged genes """ dout = {} exondicts = {"+": {}, "-": {}} # backmap exons to genes as tuples printer.write("Mapping exons to genes ...") for txid in tx_ivcs.keys(): my_segmentchain = tx_ivcs[txid] my_gene = my_segmentchain.get_gene() chrom = my_segmentchain.spanning_segment.chrom strand = my_segmentchain.spanning_segment.strand for my_iv in my_segmentchain: start = my_iv.start end = my_iv.end # separate exons by chromosome and strand to reduce # downstream comparisons in merging if chrom not in exondicts[strand]: exondicts[strand][chrom] = {} try: exondicts[strand][chrom][(start, end)].append(my_gene) except KeyError: exondicts[strand][chrom][(start, end)] = [my_gene] for strand in exondicts: for chrom in exondicts[strand]: exondicts[strand][chrom] = {K: set(V) for K, V in exondicts[strand][chrom].items()} printer.write("Flattening genes on %s(%s) ..." % (chrom, strand)) gene_groups = merge_sets(exondicts[strand][chrom].values(), printer=printer) for group in gene_groups: merged_name = ",".join(sorted(group)) for gene in group: dout[gene] = merged_name printer.write("Flattened to %s groups." % len(dout)) return dout
[docs]def process_partial_group(transcripts, mask_hash, printer): """Correct boundaries of merged genes, as described in :func:`do_generate` Parameters ---------- transcripts : dict Dictionary mapping unique transcript IDs to |Transcripts|. This set should be complete in the sense that it should contain all transcripts that have any chance of mutually overlapping each other (e.g. all on same chromosome and strand). mask_hash : |GenomeHash| |GenomeHash| of regions to exclude from analysis Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Table of merged gene positions :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Table of adjusted transcript positions :class:`dict` Dictionary mapping raw gene names to merged gene names """ gene_table = { "region" : [], "transcript_ids" : [], "exon_unmasked" : [], "exon" : [], "masked" : [], "utr5" : [], "cds" : [], "utr3" : [], "exon_bed" : [], "utr5_bed" : [], "cds_bed" : [], "utr3_bed" : [], "masked_bed" : [], } # yapf: disable # data table for transcripts transcript_table = { "region" : [], "exon" : [], "utr5" : [], "cds" : [], "utr3" : [], "masked" : [], "exon_unmasked" : [], "transcript_ids" : [], "exon_bed" : [], "utr5_bed" : [], "cds_bed" : [], "utr3_bed" : [], "masked_bed" : [], } # yapf: disable keycombos = list(itertools.permutations(("utr5", "cds", "utr3"), 2)) # merge genes that share exons & write output printer.write("Collapsing genes that share exons ...") merged_genes = merge_genes(transcripts) # remap transcripts to merged genes # and vice-versa merged_gene_tx = {} tx_merged_gene = {} printer.write("Mapping transcripts to merged genes...") for txid in transcripts: my_tx = transcripts[txid] my_gene = my_tx.get_gene() my_merged = merged_genes[my_gene] tx_merged_gene[txid] = my_merged try: merged_gene_tx[my_merged].append(txid) except KeyError: merged_gene_tx[my_merged] = [txid] # flatten merged genes printer.write("Flattening merged genes, masking positions, and labeling subfeatures ...") for n, (gene_id, my_txids) in enumerate(merged_gene_tx.items()): if n % 1000 == 0 and n > 0: printer.write(" %s genes ..." % n) my_gene_positions = [] chroms = [] strands = [] for my_txid in my_txids: my_segmentchain = transcripts[my_txid] chroms.append(my_segmentchain.chrom) strands.append(my_segmentchain.strand) my_gene_positions.extend(my_segmentchain.get_position_list()) try: assert len(set(chroms)) == 1 except AssertionError: printer.write( "Skipping gene %s which contains multiple chromosomes: %s" % (gene_id, ",".join(chroms)) ) try: assert len(set(strands)) == 1 except AssertionError: printer.write( "Skipping gene %s which contains multiple strands: %s" % (gene_id, ",".join(strands)) ) my_gene_positions = set(my_gene_positions) gene_ivc_raw = SegmentChain( *positions_to_segments(chroms[0], strands[0], my_gene_positions) ) gene_table["region"].append(gene_id) gene_table["transcript_ids"].append(",".join(sorted(my_txids))) gene_table["exon_unmasked"].append(gene_ivc_raw) printer.write(" %s genes total." % (n + 1)) # mask genes printer.write("Masking positions and labeling subfeature positions ...") gene_hash = GenomeHash(gene_table["exon_unmasked"], do_copy=False) for n, (gene_id, gene_ivc_raw) in enumerate(zip(gene_table["region"], gene_table["exon_unmasked"])): if n % 2000 == 0: printer.write(" %s genes ..." % n) my_chrom = gene_ivc_raw.spanning_segment.chrom my_strand = gene_ivc_raw.spanning_segment.strand masked_positions = [] nearby_genes = gene_hash[gene_ivc_raw] # don't mask out positions from identical gene gene_ivc_raw_positions = gene_ivc_raw.get_position_set() nearby_genes = [X for X in nearby_genes if X.get_position_set() != gene_ivc_raw_positions] for gene in nearby_genes: masked_positions.extend(gene.get_position_list()) nearby_masks = mask_hash[gene_ivc_raw] for mask in nearby_masks: masked_positions.extend(mask.get_position_list()) masked_positions = set(masked_positions) gene_positions_raw = gene_ivc_raw.get_position_set() mask_ivc_positions = gene_positions_raw & masked_positions total_mask_ivc = SegmentChain( *positions_to_segments(my_chrom, my_strand, mask_ivc_positions), ID=gene_id ) gene_table["masked"].append(total_mask_ivc) gene_table["masked_bed"].append(total_mask_ivc.as_bed()) gene_post_mask = gene_positions_raw - masked_positions gene_post_mask_ivc = SegmentChain( *positions_to_segments(my_chrom, my_strand, gene_post_mask), ID=gene_id ) gene_table["exon"].append(gene_post_mask_ivc) gene_table["exon_bed"].append(gene_post_mask_ivc.as_bed()) masked_positions = total_mask_ivc.get_position_set() tmp_positions = { "utr5" : set(), "cds" : set(), "utr3" : set(), } # yapf: disable txids = sorted(merged_gene_tx[gene_id]) chrom = gene_post_mask_ivc.chrom strand = gene_post_mask_ivc.strand # pool transcript positions for txid in txids: transcript = transcripts[txid] # yapf: disable utr5pos = transcript.get_utr5().get_position_set() cdspos = transcript.get_cds().get_position_set() utr3pos = transcript.get_utr3().get_position_set() tmp_positions["utr5"] |= utr5pos tmp_positions["cds"] |= cdspos tmp_positions["utr3"] |= utr3pos # yapf: enable # eliminate positions in which CDS & UTRs overlap from each transcript for txid in txids: transcript = transcripts[txid] transcript_positions = { "utr5": transcript.get_utr5().get_position_set(), "cds" : transcript.get_cds().get_position_set(), "utr3": transcript.get_utr3().get_position_set(), } # yapf: disable for key1, key2 in keycombos: transcript_positions[key1] -= tmp_positions[key2] transcript_positions[key1] -= masked_positions transcript_table["region"].append(txid) # all unmasked positions my_chain = SegmentChain( *positions_to_segments( chrom, strand, transcript.get_position_set() - masked_positions ), ID=txid ) transcript_table["exon"].append(str(my_chain)) transcript_table["exon_bed"].append(my_chain.as_bed()) # all uniquely-labeled unmasked positions for k, v in transcript_positions.items(): my_chain = SegmentChain(*positions_to_segments(chrom, strand, v), ID=txid) transcript_table[k].append(str(my_chain)) transcript_table["%s_bed" % k].append(my_chain.as_bed()) total_mask_ivc.attr["ID"] = txid transcript_table["masked"].append(str(total_mask_ivc)) transcript_table["masked_bed"].append(total_mask_ivc.as_bed()) transcript_table["exon_unmasked"].append(str(transcript)) transcript_table["transcript_ids"].append(txid) tmp_positions2 = copy.deepcopy(tmp_positions) for k1, k2 in keycombos: tmp_positions[k1] -= tmp_positions2[k2] tmp_positions[k1] -= masked_positions for k in (tmp_positions.keys()): my_chain = SegmentChain( *positions_to_segments(chrom, strand, tmp_positions[k]), ID=gene_id ) gene_table[k].append(str(my_chain)) gene_table["%s_bed" % k].append(my_chain.as_bed()) printer.write(" %s genes total." % (n + 1)) # cast SegmentChains/Transcripts to strings to keep numpy from unpacking them conversion_keys = ["exon", "utr5", "cds", "utr3", "masked", "exon_unmasked"] for k in conversion_keys: gene_table[k] = [str(X) for X in gene_table[k]] transcript_table[k] = [str(X) for X in transcript_table[k]] gene_df = pd.DataFrame(gene_table) gene_df.sort_values(["region"], inplace=True) transcript_df = pd.DataFrame(transcript_table) transcript_df.sort_values(["region"], inplace=True) return gene_df, transcript_df, merged_genes
[docs]def do_generate(args, annotation_parser, mask_parser): """Generate gene position files from gene annotations. 1. Genes whose transcripts share exons are first collapsed into merged genes. 2. Within merged genes, all positions are classified. All positions are included in a set called *exon*. All positions that appear as coding regions in all transcripts (i.e. are never part of a 5'UTR or 3'UTR) included in a set called *CDS*. Similarly, all positions that appear as 5' UTR or 3' UTR in all transcripts are included in sets called *UTR5* or *UTR3*, respectively. 3. Genomic positions that are overlapped by multiple merged genes are excluded from the position sets for those genes. 4. If a :term:`mask file` is supplied, positions annotated in the mask file are also excluded 5. Output is given as a series of `BED`_ files and a `positions` file containing the same data. Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` command-line arguments for ``generate`` subprogram """ # variables for transcript <-> merged gene mapping transcripts = {} merged_genes = {} # data table for merged genes gene_table = pd.DataFrame({ "region" : [], "transcript_ids" : [], "exon_unmasked" : [], "exon" : [], "masked" : [], "utr5" : [], "cds" : [], "utr3" : [], "exon_bed" : [], "utr5_bed" : [], "cds_bed" : [], "utr3_bed" : [], "masked_bed" : [], }) # yapf: disable # data table for transcripts transcript_table = pd.DataFrame({ "region" : [], "exon" : [], "utr5" : [], "cds" : [], "utr3" : [], "exon_bed" : [], "utr5_bed" : [], "cds_bed" : [], "utr3_bed" : [], "masked" : [], "exon_unmasked" : [], "transcript_ids" : [], "masked_bed" : [], }) # yapf: disable # data is_sorted = (args.sorted == True) or \ (args.tabix == True) or \ (args.annotation_format == "BigBed") annotation_message = ( "`cs` relies upon relationships between transcripts and genes " "to collapse transcripts to genes for quantitation. " "Gene-transcript relationships are not generally preserved in BED " "or BigBed files, and a `gene_id` column could not be found in the " "input data. This may yield nonsensical results in the output. " "Consider either (1) using a GTF2 or GFF3 file or (2) creating an " "extended BED or BigBed file with a `gene_id` column." ) if args.annotation_format == "BED": if not isinstance(args.bed_extra_columns, list) \ or 'gene_id' not in args.bed_extra_columns: warnings.warn(annotation_message, FileFormatWarning) elif args.annotation_format == "BigBed": reader = BigBedReader(args.annotation_files[0]) if 'gene_id' not in reader.extension_fields: warnings.warn(annotation_message, FileFormatWarning) source = iter( annotation_parser.get_transcripts_from_args(args, printer=printer) ) mask_hash = mask_parser.get_genome_hash_from_args(args) # loop conditions last_chrom = None do_loop = True # to save memory, we process one chromosome at a time if input file is sorted # knowing that at that moment all transcript parts are assembled while do_loop == True: try: tx = next(source) except StopIteration: do_loop = False try: # if chromosome is completely processed or EOF if (is_sorted and tx.spanning_segment.chrom != last_chrom) \ or do_loop == False: if do_loop == True: source = itertools.chain([tx], source) if last_chrom is not None or do_loop == False: printer.write("Merging genes on chromosome/contig '%s'" % last_chrom) my_gene_table, my_transcript_table, my_merged_genes = process_partial_group( transcripts, mask_hash, printer, ) gene_table = pd.concat((gene_table, my_gene_table), axis=0) transcript_table = pd.concat((transcript_table, my_transcript_table), axis=0) merged_genes.update(my_merged_genes) del transcripts gc.collect() del gc.garbage[:] transcripts = {} # reset last chrom last_chrom = tx.spanning_segment.chrom # otherwise, remember transcript else: transcripts[tx.get_name()] = tx # exit gracefully if no transcripts found except UnboundLocalError: pass # write output printer.write("Writing output ...") merged_fn = "%s_merged.txt" % args.outbase number_merged = len(set(merged_genes.values())) printer.write( "Collapsed %s genes to %s merged groups. Writing to %s" % (len(merged_genes), number_merged, merged_fn) ) fout = argsopener(merged_fn, args, "w") for gene, merged_name in sorted(merged_genes.items()): fout.write("%s\t%s\n" % (gene, merged_name)) fout.close() printer.write("Writing gene table and BED files ...") write_output_files(gene_table, "gene", args) printer.write("Writing transcript summary table and BED files ...") write_output_files(transcript_table, "transcript", args) printer.write("Done!")
#=============================================================================== # 'count' subprogram #===============================================================================
[docs]def do_count(args, alignment_parser): """Count the number and density covering each merged gene in an annotation made made using the `generate` subcommand). Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` command-line arguments for ``count`` subprogram """ # we expect many zero-lenght segmentchains, so turn these off for now warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", ".*zero-length SegmentChain.*", ) keys = ("exon", "utr5", "cds", "utr3") column_order = ["region"] gene_positions = read_pl_table(args.position_file) # read count files ga = alignment_parser.get_genome_array_from_args(args, printer=printer) total_counts = ga.sum() normconst = 1000.0 * 1e6 / total_counts printer.write("Dataset has %s counts in it." % total_counts) printer.write("Tallying genes ...") dtmp = {"region": []} for x in keys: for y in ("reads", "length", "rpkm"): label = "%s_%s" % (x, y) dtmp[label] = [] column_order.append(label) for i, name in enumerate(gene_positions["region"]): dtmp["region"].append(name) if i % 500 == 0: printer.write("Processed %s genes ..." % i) for k in keys: ivc = SegmentChain.from_str(gene_positions[k][i]) total = sum(ivc.get_counts(ga)) length = ivc.length rpkm = (normconst * total / length) if length > 0 else numpy.nan dtmp["%s_reads" % k].append(total) dtmp["%s_length" % k].append(length) dtmp["%s_rpkm" % k].append(rpkm) fout = argsopener("%s.txt" % args.outbase, args, "w") dtmp = pd.DataFrame(dtmp) dtmp.to_csv( fout, sep = "\t", header = True, index = False, columns = column_order, na_rep = "nan", float_format="%.8f" ) # yapf: disable fout.close() printer.write("Done.")
#=============================================================================== # 'chart' subprogram #=============================================================================== @skipdoc def read_count_file(fh, genes_to_include=None): """Read rows selected by gene name from a count file Parameters ---------- fname : str Name of output file from genes_to_include : list or None List of genes to include in output. If `None`, all are included Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Count data """ df = read_pl_table(fh) if genes_to_include is not None: import_mask = numpy.array( [True if X in genes_to_include else False for X in df["region"]] ) return df[import_mask] else: return df @skipdoc def get_bin_mask_by_summed_key(rep_a, rep_b, bins, key="exon_reads"): """Bins genes into groups based upon the summed counts in samples `rep_a` and `rep_b` Parameters ---------- rep_a : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` replicate a, from :func:`read_count_file` rep_b : :class:`pandas.DataFrame` replicate b, from :func:`read_count_file` bins : :class:`numpy.ndarray` sequence of bins, specified as floors key : str, optional quantity on which to perform binning (Default: `exon_reads`) Returns ------- dict[bin] = numpy boolean mask """ my_sums = rep_a[key] + rep_b[key] bins = sorted(bins) dout = dict.fromkeys(bins) for k in dout.keys(): dout[k] = numpy.tile(False, len(my_sums)) for n, my_sum in enumerate(my_sums): for i in range(len(bins) - 1): bin1 = bins[i] bin2 = bins[i + 1] if my_sum >= bin1 and my_sum < bin2: dout[bin1][n] = True if my_sum >= bins[-1]: dout[bins[-1]][n] = True return dout @skipdoc def get_nonzero_either_mask(vector_a, vector_b): """Returns a numpy array of boolean values indicating where values in two vectors are both greater than zero. Parameters ---------- vector_a : numpy.ndarray Array of counts or RPKM vector_b : numpy.ndarray Array of counts or RPKM Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Boolean array that is `True` where both `vector_a` and `vector_b` have values greater than zero, and `False` elsewhere. """ return (vector_a > 0) & (vector_b > 0) @skipdoc def get_short_samplename(inp): """Creates a sample legend label from a sample filename by removing everything including and after ``".txt"`` Parameters ---------- inp : str filename Returns ------- str """ return get_short_name(inp, separator=os.path.sep, terminator=".txt")
[docs]def do_scatter( x, y, count_mask, plot_parser, args, pearsonr = None, xlabel = None, ylabel = None, title = None, min_x = 10**-3, min_y = 10**-3 ): # yapf: disable """Scatter plot helper for cs `chart` subprogram Parameters ---------- x, y : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Data to plot count_mask : :class:`numpy.ndarray` Threshold mask args : :class:`~argparse.Namespace` Command-line arguments pearsonr : float Pearson's r of the two samples xlabel : str or None, optional If not `None`, an x-axis label ylabel : str or None, optional If not `None`, a y-axis label min_x,min_y : float value to which low x- or y-values will respectively be truncated Returns ------- :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure` Formatted figure """ fig = plot_parser.get_figure_from_args(args) xm = x[count_mask] ym = y[count_mask] xb, yb = clean_invalid(x[~count_mask], y[~count_mask], min_x=min_x, min_y=min_y) _, axdict = scatterhist_xy(xm, ym, log="xy", label=">= 128 counts") _, _ = scatterhist_xy( xb, yb, axes = axdict, color = process_black, label = "< 128 counts", mask_invalid=False, ) # yapf: disable text_kwargs = { "horizontalalignment": "left", "verticalalignment": "baseline", "transform": axdict["main"].transAxes } mainax = axdict["main"] mainax.legend(loc="lower right", frameon=False) if pearsonr is not None: mainax.text(0.02, 0.9, "Pearson r**2 >= 128: %0.4e" % pearsonr**2, **text_kwargs) if xlabel is not None: mainax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: mainax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title) mainax.set_xlim(min_x / 5.0, mainax.get_xlim()[1]) mainax.set_ylim(min_y / 5.0, mainax.get_ylim()[1]) return fig
[docs]def do_chart(args, plot_parser): """Produce a set of charts comparing multiple samples pairwise. Charts include histograms of log2 fold changes and scatter plots with correlation coefficients, both generated for raw count and RPKM data. Parameters ---------- args : :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` command-line arguments for ``chart`` subprogram """ plot_parser.set_style_from_args(args) outbase = args.outbase bins = numpy.array(args.bins) figformat = args.figformat # read input files printer.write("Reading input files: %s ..." % ", ".join(args.infiles)) samples = { get_short_samplename(X) : read_count_file(opener(X),args.list_of_regions)\ for X in args.infiles } # Define some variables for later sample_names = sorted(samples.keys()) comparisons = [X for X in itertools.combinations(sample_names, 2) if X[0] != X[1]] colors = plot_parser.get_colors_from_args(args, len(comparisons)) binkeys = tuple(["%s_reads" % k for k in args.regions]) comparison_labels = sorted(["%s_vs_%s" % (X, Y) for X, Y in comparisons]) bigtable = {}.fromkeys(comparison_labels) corrcoef_by_bin_table = {}.fromkeys(comparison_labels) # ki, kj = names of samples i and j # vi, vj = data of samples i and j for ki, kj in comparisons: try: assert (samples[ki]["region"] == samples[kj]["region"]).all() except AssertionError: printer.write( "Mismatched line entries for samples %s and %s. " "Were different gene lists used for counting?" % (ki, kj) ) vi = samples[ki] vj = samples[kj] printer.write("Comparing %s to %s:" % (ki, kj)) label = "%s_vs_%s" % (ki, kj) bigtable[label] = {} corrcoef_by_bin_table[label] = {} for binkey in binkeys: bigtable[label][binkey] = {K: copy.deepcopy({}) for K in args.metrics} corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][binkey] = {K: copy.deepcopy({}) for K in args.metrics} for region in args.regions: region_counts = "%s_reads" % region count_mask = (vi[region_counts].values + vj[region_counts].values >= 128) for metric in args.metrics: region_metric = "%s_%s" % (region, metric) printer.write(" -%s across %s for all >=128 ..." % (metric, region)) # divide into regions >=128 and <128 and plot viover = vi[region_metric][count_mask].values vjover = vj[region_metric][count_mask].values viunder = vi[region_metric][~count_mask].values vjunder = vj[region_metric][~count_mask].values pearsonr = scipy.stats.pearsonr(viover, vjover)[0] spearmanr = scipy.stats.spearmanr(viover, vjover)[0] # log2 fold change stats log2_ratios = numpy.log2( / viover)) log2_mean = log2_ratios.mean() log2_std = log2_ratios.std() min_diff = 2**(3 * log2_std) num_genes_log2 = (~log2_ratios.mask).sum() # ma plot try: ma_title = "%s vs %s (%s %s)" % (ki, kj, region, metric) fig = plot_parser.get_figure_from_args(args) _, axdict = ma_plot( viunder, vjunder, color = process_black, label = "< 128 counts", axes = plt.gca(), kdalpha = 0.2, title = ma_title) # yapf: disable _, _ = ma_plot( viover, vjover, axes = axdict, label = ">= 128 counts", kdalpha = 0.8) # yapf: disable mainax = axdict["main"] mainax.set_xlabel("%s %s" % (ki, metric)) mainax.legend(loc="upper right", frameon=False) text_kwargs = { "horizontalalignment": "right", "verticalalignment": "baseline", "linespacing": 1.6, "transform": mainax.transAxes, } plot_text = "\n".join( [ "sample mean: %0.3e" % log2_mean, "sample stdev: %0.3e" % log2_std, "3-sigma fold change: %0.2f" % min_diff, "regions_counted: %s" % count_mask.sum(), ] ) mainax.text(0.96, 0.04, plot_text, **text_kwargs) plt.savefig( "%s_ma_%s_%s_%s.%s" % (outbase, label, region, metric, figformat), bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() except Exception as e: warnings.warn( "Could not make MA plot for samples %s and %s. Error message:\n %s" % (ki, kj, e.message), DataWarning ) # scatter plot try: scatter_title = "%s vs %s (%s %s)" % (ki, kj, region, metric) do_scatter( vi[region_metric].values, vj[region_metric].values, count_mask, plot_parser, args, pearsonr = pearsonr, xlabel = ki, ylabel = kj, title = scatter_title ) # yapf: disable plt.savefig( "%s_scatter_%s_%s_%s.%s" % (outbase, label, region, metric, figformat), bbox_inches="tight" ) plt.close() except ValueError as e: warnings.warn( "Could not make scatter plot for samples %s and %s. Error message:\n %s" % (ki, kj, e.message), DataWarning ) # TODO: make these tables into dataframes. this scheme is difficult to read # add entries to bigtable for export later # yapf: disable bigtable[label][region_counts][metric]["pearsonr"] = pearsonr bigtable[label][region_counts][metric]["spearmanr"] = spearmanr bigtable[label][region_counts][metric]["log2_mean"] = log2_mean bigtable[label][region_counts][metric]["log2_std"] = log2_std bigtable[label][region_counts][metric]["2**3sigma"] = 2**(3 * log2_std) bigtable[label][region_counts][metric][ "num_genes_128plus"] = count_mask.sum() bigtable[label][region_counts][metric][ "num_genes_log2"] = num_genes_log2 # yapf: enable # do bin-by-bin counting printer.write(" -%s across %s by bin ..." % (metric, region)) bin_masks = get_bin_mask_by_summed_key(vi, vj, bins=args.bins, key=region_counts) for my_bin, bin_mask in sorted(bin_masks.items()): bin_vec_i = vi[region_metric][bin_mask] bin_vec_j = vj[region_metric][bin_mask] # make sure there are genes in bin before attempting calculations if len(bin_vec_i) > 0: nonzero_binmask = get_nonzero_either_mask(bin_vec_i, bin_vec_j) bin_vi_log2 = bin_vec_i[nonzero_binmask] bin_vj_log2 = bin_vec_j[nonzero_binmask] my_logs = numpy.log2(bin_vj_log2 / bin_vi_log2) my_logmean = numpy.mean(my_logs) my_logstd = numpy.std(my_logs) if len(bin_vec_i) > 2: my_pearsonr = scipy.stats.pearsonr(bin_vec_i, bin_vec_j)[0] my_spearmanr = scipy.stats.spearmanr(bin_vec_i, bin_vec_j)[0] else: my_spearmanr = numpy.nan my_pearsonr = numpy.nan else: # yapf: disable # fill with dummy values my_logs = numpy.array([]) my_logmean = numpy.nan my_logstd = numpy.nan my_spearmanr = numpy.nan my_pearsonr = numpy.nan corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][region_counts][metric][my_bin] = {} corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][region_counts][metric][my_bin]["pearsonr"] = my_pearsonr corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][region_counts][metric][my_bin]["spearmanr"] = my_spearmanr corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][region_counts][metric][my_bin]["genes_in_bin"] = sum(bin_mask) corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][region_counts][metric][my_bin]["log2_genes_in_bin"] = sum(nonzero_binmask) corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][region_counts][metric][my_bin]["log2_mean"] = my_logmean corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][region_counts][metric][my_bin]["log2_std"] = my_logstd # export big (non-binned) table printer.write("Writing tables ...") bigtable_out = argsopener("%s_bigtable.txt" % args.outbase, args, "w") stats = ( "num_genes_128plus", # 0 "pearsonr", # 1 "spearmanr", # 2 "num_genes_log2", # 3 "log2_mean", # 4 "log2_std", # 5 "2**3sigma", # 6 ) # yapf: enable header = ["#region", "metric", "statistic"] header += [X for X in comparison_labels] bigtable_out.write("\t".join(header) + "\n") for region in binkeys: for metric in args.metrics: for stat in stats: ltmp = [region, metric, stat] for key in comparison_labels: ltmp.append(bigtable[key][region][metric][stat]) ltmp = [str(X) for X in ltmp] bigtable_out.write("\t".join(ltmp) + "\n") bigtable_out.close() # export binned data table and make bin-by-bin plots bintable_out = argsopener("%s_bintable.txt" % args.outbase, args, "w") region_metrics = ["%s_%s" % (X, Y) for X in args.regions for Y in args.metrics] stats = [ "genes_in_bin", # 0 "pearsonr", # 1 "spearmanr", # 2 "", # 3 "log2_genes_in_bin", # 4 "log2_mean", # 5 "log2_std", # 6 "", # 7 ] # yapf: disable for region_metric in region_metrics: plt.close() fig = plot_parser.get_figure_from_args(args) plt.semilogx(basex=2) plt.title("Correlation coefficients by bin for %s" % region_metric) plt.xlabel("Bin") plt.ylabel("Spearman rho") region, metric = region_metric.split("_") region_counts = "%s_reads" % region bintable_out.write("%s\n\n" % region_metric) try: for n, label in enumerate(comparison_labels): corrcoefs = [] bintable_out.write("%s\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" % label) bintable_out.write("\n") bintable_out.write("bin\t" + "\t".join(stats) + "\n") for my_bin in bins: ltmp = [my_bin] for stat in stats: ltmp.append( corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][region_counts][metric][my_bin].get( stat, "" ) ) ltmp = [str(X) for X in ltmp] bintable_out.write("\t".join(ltmp) + "\n\n") corrcoefs.append( corrcoef_by_bin_table[label][region_counts][metric][my_bin]["spearmanr"] ) corrcoefs = ma.masked_invalid(corrcoefs) plt.plot( bins[~corrcoefs.mask], corrcoefs[~corrcoefs.mask], label=label, color=colors[n] ) plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.savefig( "%s_corrcoef_by_bin_%s_%s.%s" % (outbase, region_metric, label, figformat), bbox_inches="tight" ) except Exception as e: warnings.warn( "Could not plot correlation-by-bin plot for '%s', '%s'" % (outbase, region_metric), DataWarning ) bintable_out.write("\n\n") bintable_out.close() printer.write("Done.")
#=============================================================================== # main program body #===============================================================================
[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): """Command-line program Parameters ---------- argv : list, optional A list of command-line arguments, which will be processed as if the script were called from the command line if :func:`main` is called directly. Default: `sys.argv[1:]`. The command-line arguments, if the script is invoked from the command line """ al = AlignmentParser(disabled=["normalize"]) an = AnnotationParser() mp = MaskParser() pl = PlottingParser() bp = BaseParser() # yapf: disable alignment_file_parser = al.get_parser() annotation_file_parser = an.get_parser() mask_file_parser = mp.get_parser() plotting_parser = pl.get_parser() base_parser = bp.get_parser() generator_help = "Create unambiguous position file from GFF3 annotation" generator_desc = format_module_docstring(do_generate.__doc__) counter_help = "Count reads in unambiguous gene positions" counter_desc = format_module_docstring(do_count.__doc__) chart_help = "Produce charts comparing reads between samples" chart_desc = format_module_docstring(do_chart.__doc__) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = format_module_docstring(__doc__), formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title = "subcommands", description = "choose one of the following", dest = "program" ) gparser = subparsers.add_parser( "generate", help = generator_help, description = generator_desc, parents = [base_parser, annotation_file_parser, mask_file_parser], formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) cparser = subparsers.add_parser( "count", help = counter_help, description = counter_desc, parents = [base_parser, alignment_file_parser], formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, ) pparser = subparsers.add_parser( "chart", help = chart_help, description = chart_desc, parents = [base_parser, plotting_parser], formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) gparser.add_argument( "outbase", metavar ="outbase", type = str, help = "Basename for output files" ) cparser.add_argument( "position_file", type = str, metavar = "file.positions", help = ( "File assigning positions to genes or transcripts " "(made using 'generate' subcommand)" ) ) cparser.add_argument("outbase", type=str, help="Basename for output files") pparser.add_argument( "-i", "--in", nargs="+", type=str, dest="infiles", help="input files, made by 'count' subprogram") pparser.add_argument( "--bins", nargs="+", type=int, default=(0, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096), help="Bins into which features are partitioned based on counts") pparser.add_argument( "--regions", nargs="+", type=str, default=("exon", "utr5", "cds", "utr3"), help="Regions to compare (default: exon, utr5, cds, utr3)") pparser.add_argument( "--metrics", nargs="+", type=str, default=("rpkm", "reads"), help="Metrics to compare (default: rpkm, reads)") pparser.add_argument( "list_of_regions", type=str, metavar='gene_list.txt', nargs="?", default=None, help=( "Optional. File listing regions (genes or transcripts), one per " "line, to include in comparisons. If not given, all genes are " "included." ) ) pparser.add_argument("outbase", type=str, help="Basename for output files") args = parser.parse_args(argv) bp.get_base_ops_from_args(args) if args.program == "generate": #generate position file do_generate(args, an, mp) elif args.program == "count": #use position file to count gene expression in infiles do_count(args, al) elif args.program == "chart": #use count files to generate a family of charts and tables do_chart(args, pl)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()