Source code for plastid.readers.gff_tokens

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This module contains functions for escaping, unescaping, and parsing 
tokens from the ninth column of `GTF2`_ and `GFF3`_ files.

Important methods
    Format a dictionary of attributes as `GTF2`_ column 9 attributes

    Format a dictionary of attributes as `GFF3`_ column 9 attributes

    Parse `GTF2`_ column 9 tokens into a dictionary of key-value pairs

    Parse `GFF3`_ column 9 tokens into a dictionary of key-value pairs

See also

  - `The Sequence Ontology GFF3 specification <>`_
  - `The Brent lab GTF2.2 specification <>`_

# Unit tests for these are in :py:mod:`plastid.test.unit.genomics.readers.test_gff`

import re
import shlex
import copy
from import FileFormatWarning, warn

gtfpat = re.compile(r"^ *([^ ]*) +(.*) *$")

# From the spec:
# In addition to Parent, the Alias, Note, Dbxref and Ontology_term attributes can have multiple values.
# Also, SGD uses 'dbxref' instead of 'Dbxref'
_GFF3_DEFAULT_LISTS = ("Parent", "Alias", "Note", "Dbxref", "Ontology_term", "dbxref")

# INDEX: helper functions for escaping

# must escape % first, otherwise we'll end up escaping everything else,
# since other escape codes start with percent signs
_GFF3_escape_sequences = [
    ('%', '%25'),  # percent signs MUST be escaped FIRST 
    (';', '%3B'),
    (',', '%2C'),
    ('=', '%3D'),
    ('&', '%26'),
    ('\x00', '%00'),
    ('\x01', '%01'),
    ('\x02', '%02'),
    ('\x03', '%03'),
    ('\x04', '%04'),
    ('\x05', '%05'),
    ('\x06', '%06'),
    ('\x07', '%07'),
    ('\x08', '%08'),
    ('\t', '%09'),
    ('\n', '%0A'),
    ('\x0b', '%0B'),
    ('\x0c', '%0C'),
    ('\r', '%0D'),
    ('\x0e', '%0E'),
    ('\x0f', '%0F'),
    ('\x10', '%10'),
    ('\x11', '%11'),
    ('\x12', '%12'),
    ('\x13', '%13'),
    ('\x14', '%14'),
    ('\x15', '%15'),
    ('\x16', '%16'),
    ('\x17', '%17'),
    ('\x18', '%18'),
    ('\x19', '%19'),
    ('\x1a', '%1A'),
    ('\x1b', '%1B'),
    ('\x1c', '%1C'),
    ('\x1d', '%1D'),
    ('\x1e', '%1E'),
    ('\x1f', '%1F'),
    ('\x7f', '%7F'),
    ('\x80', '%80'),
    ('\x81', '%81'),
    ('\x82', '%82'),
    ('\x83', '%83'),
    ('\x84', '%84'),
    ('\x85', '%85'),
    ('\x86', '%86'),
    ('\x87', '%87'),
    ('\x88', '%88'),
    ('\x89', '%89'),
    ('\x8a', '%8A'),
    ('\x8b', '%8B'),
    ('\x8c', '%8C'),
    ('\x8d', '%8D'),
    ('\x8e', '%8E'),
    ('\x8f', '%8F'),
    ('\x90', '%90'),
    ('\x91', '%91'),
    ('\x92', '%92'),
    ('\x93', '%93'),
    ('\x94', '%94'),
    ('\x95', '%95'),
    ('\x96', '%96'),
    ('\x97', '%97'),
    ('\x98', '%98'),
    ('\x99', '%99'),
    ('\x9a', '%9A'),
    ('\x9b', '%9B'),
    ('\x9c', '%9C'),
    ('\x9d', '%9D'),
    ('\x9e', '%9E'),
    ('\x9f', '%9F')
"""List mapping characters to their escape sequences, per the `GFF3`_ specification"""

_GTF2_escape_sequences = copy.deepcopy(_GFF3_escape_sequences)
_GTF2_escape_sequences.append(("\"", "%22"))
"""List mapping characters to their escape sequences for `GTF2`_. These are undefined,
but we are using `GFF3`_ characters plus double quotation marks as a convention.

[docs]def escape(inp, char_pairs): """Escape reserved characters specified in the list of tuples `char_pairs` Parameters ---------- inp : str Input string chair_pairs : list List of tuples of (character, escape sequence for character) Returns ------- str Escaped output See also -------- unescape_GFF3 """ for char_, repl in char_pairs: inp = inp.replace(char_, repl) return inp
[docs]def unescape(inp, char_pairs): """Unescape reserved characters specified in the list of tuples `char_pairs` Parameters ---------- inp : str Input string Returns ------- str Unescaped output See also -------- escape_GFF3 """ for repl, char_ in reversed(char_pairs): inp = inp.replace(char_, repl) return inp
[docs]def escape_GFF3(inp): """Escape reserved characters in `GFF3`_ tokens using percentage notation. In the `GFF3`_ spec, reserved characters include: - control characters (ASCII 0-32, 127, and 128-159) - tab, newline, & carriage return - semicolons & commas - the percent sign - the equals sign - the ampersand Parameters ---------- inp : str Input string chair_pairs : list List of tuples of (character, escape sequence for character) Returns ------- str Escaped output See also -------- unescape_GFF3 """ return escape(inp, _GFF3_escape_sequences)
[docs]def unescape_GFF3(inp): """Unescape reserved characters in `GFF3`_ tokens using percentage notation. In the `GFF3`_ spec, reserved characters include: - control characters (ASCII 0-32, 127, and 128-159) - tab, newline, & carriage return - semicolons & commas - the percent sign - the equals sign - the ampersand Parameters ---------- inp : str Input string Returns ------- str Unescaped output See also -------- escape_GFF3 """ return unescape(inp, _GFF3_escape_sequences)
[docs]def escape_GTF2(inp): """Escape reserved characters in `GTF2`_ tokens using percentage notation. While the `GTF2`_ spec is agnostic for escaping, it is useful when adding extra attributes to files. As a convention, we escape the characters specified in the `GFF3`_ spec, as well as double quotation marks. In the `GTF2`_ spec, reserved characters include: - control characters (ASCII 0-32, 127, and 128-159) - tab, newline, & carriage return - semicolons & commas - the percent sign - the equals sign - the ampersand Parameters ---------- inp : str Input string chair_pairs : list List of tuples of (character, escape sequence for character) Returns ------- str Escaped output See also -------- unescape_GFF3 """ return escape(inp, _GTF2_escape_sequences)
[docs]def unescape_GTF2(inp): """Unescape reserved characters in `GTF2`_ tokens using percentage notation. While the `GTF2`_ spec is agnostic for escaping, it is useful when adding extra attributes to files. As a convention, we escape the characters specified in the `GFF3`_ spec, as well as single quotation marks. In the `GFF3`_ spec, reserved characters include: - control characters (ASCII 0-32, 127, and 128-159) - tab, newline, & carriage return - semicolons & commas - the percent sign - the equals sign - the ampersand Parameters ---------- inp : str Input string Returns ------- str Unescaped output See also -------- escape_GFF3 """ return unescape(inp, _GTF2_escape_sequences)
#=============================================================================== # INDEX: attribute token formatting and parsing #=============================================================================== def _make_generic_tokens(attr, excludes=None, join_pat='%s %s; ', escape=None): """Helper function to convert the `attr` dict of a |SegmentChain| into the string representation used in GFF files. This includes URL escaping of keys and values, and catenating lists with `','` before string conversion Parameters ---------- attr : dict Dictionary of key-value pairs to export excludes : list<str> List of keys to exclude from string join_pat printf-style pattern explaining how to join key:value pairs escape : None or func, optional If None, no special characters are escaped. If a function, that funciton will be used to perform the escaping. (Default: `False`) Returns ------- str """ f = lambda x: x[0] not in excludes if escape is None: esc = lambda inp: inp else: esc = lambda inp: escape(str(inp)) excludes = [] if excludes is None else excludes ltmp = [] for key, val in filter(f, attr.items()): if isinstance(val, list): val = ",".join([esc(X) for X in val]) else: val = esc(val) ltmp.append(join_pat % (esc(key), val)) return ''.join(ltmp)
[docs]def make_GFF3_tokens(attr, excludes=None, escape=True): """Helper function to convert the `attr` dict of a |SegmentChain| into the string representation used in `GFF3`_ files. This includes URL escaping of special characters, and catenating lists with '`,`' before string conversion Examples -------- >>> d = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'d':4,'e':5,'z':26,'text':"something; with escape sequences"} >>> _make_GFF3_tokens(d) 'a=1;c=3;b=2;e=5;d=4;z=26;text=something%3B with escape sequences' >>> excludes=['a','b','c'] >>> _make_GFF3_tokens(d,excludes) 'e=5;d=4;z=26;text=something%3B with escape sequences' >>> d = {'a':1,'b':2,'c':[3,7],'d':4,'e':5,'z':26} >>> _make_GFF3_tokens(d) 'a=1;c=3,7;b=2;e=5;d=4;z=26' Parameters ---------- attr : dict Dictionary of key-value pairs to export excludes : list, optional List of keys to exclude from string escape : bool, optional If True, special characters in output are `GFF3`_-escaped (Default: `True`) Returns ------- str Data formatted for *attributes* column of `GFF3`_ (column 9) """ escape = escape_GFF3 if escape == True else None excludes = [] if excludes is None else excludes return _make_generic_tokens(attr, excludes=excludes, join_pat="%s=%s;", escape=escape)
[docs]def make_GTF2_tokens(attr, excludes=None, escape=True): """Helper function to convert the `attr` dict of a |SegmentChain| into the string representation used in `GTF2`_ files. By default, special characters defined in the `GFF3`_ spec will be URL-escaped. Examples -------- >>> d = {'transcript_id' : 't;id', 'a':1,'b':2,'c':3,'d':4,'e':5,'z':26, 'gene_id' : 'gid'} >>> _make_GTF2_tokens(d) 'transcript_id "t%3Bid"; gene_id "gid"; a "1"; c "3"; b "2"; e "5"; d "4"; z "26";' >>> excludes=['a','b','c'] >>> _make_GTF2_tokens(d,excludes) 'transcript_id "t%3Bid"; gene_id "gid"; e "5"; d "4"; z "26";' Parameters ---------- attr : dict Dictionary of key-value pairs to export excludes : list, optional List of keys to exclude from string escape : bool, optional If True, special characters in output are `GTF2`_-escaped (Default: `True`) Returns ------- str Data formatted for *attributes* column of `GTF2`_ (column 9) """ excludes = [] if excludes is None else excludes excludes.extend(["transcript_id", "gene_id"]) stmp = 'gene_id "%s"; transcript_id "%s"; ' % (attr.get("gene_id"), attr.get("transcript_id")) if escape == True: escape = escape_GTF2 else: escape = None return stmp + _make_generic_tokens( attr, excludes=excludes, join_pat='%s "%s"; ', escape=escape ).strip(" ")
[docs]def parse_GFF3_tokens(inp, list_types=None): """Helper function to parse tokens in the final column of a `GFF3`_ file into a dictionary of attributes. Because, the following attributes are permitted to have multiple values in the `GFF3`_ spec, their values, if present are returned as lists in the dictionary rather than strings: - `Parent` - `Alias` - `Note` - `Dbxref` - `Ontology_term` All values are unescaped folowing the `GFF3`_ specification. Examples -------- >>> tokens = 'a=1;c=3;b=2;e=5;d=4;z=26,Parents=gene01' >>> parse_GFF3_tokens(tokens) {'a': '1', 'c': '3', 'b': '2', 'e': '5', 'd': '4', 'z': '26', 'parents' : ['gene01'] } >>> tokens = 'a=1;c=3,7;b=2;e=5;d=4;z=26,Parents=gene01,gene02' >>> parse_GFF3_tokens(tokens) {'a': '1', 'c': '3,7', 'b': '2', 'e': '5', 'd': '4', 'z': '26', 'parents' : ['gene01','gene02']} Parameters ---------- inp : str Ninth column of `GFF3`_ entry list_types : list, optional Names of attributes that should be returned as lists (Default: %s) Returns ------- dict : key-value pairs """ % ",".join(_GFF3_DEFAULT_LISTS) if list_types is None: list_types = _GFF3_DEFAULT_LISTS d = {} items = inp.strip("\n").strip(";").split(";") for item in items: if len(item) > 0: key, val = item.split("=") key = unescape_GFF3(key.strip(" ")) if key in list_types: val = [unescape_GFF3(X) for X in val.strip(" ").split(",")] else: val = unescape_GFF3(val.strip(" ")) if key in d: warn( "Found duplicate attribute key '%s' in GFF3 line. Catenating value with previous value for key in attr dict:\n %s" % (key, inp), FileFormatWarning ) val = "%s,%s" % (d[key], val) d[key] = val return d
[docs]def parse_GTF2_tokens(inp): """Helper function to parse tokens in the final column of a `GTF2`_ file into a dictionary of attributes. All attributes are returned as strings, and are unescaped if GFF escape sequences (e.g. *'%2B'*) are present. If duplicate keys are present (e.g. as in GENCODE `GTF2`_ files), their values are catenated, separated by a comma. Examples -------- >>> tokens = 'gene_id "mygene"; transcript_id "mytranscript";' >>> parse_GTF2_tokens(tokens) {'gene_id' : 'mygene', 'transcript_id' : 'mytranscript'} >>> tokens = 'gene_id "mygene"; transcript_id "mytranscript"' >>> parse_GTF2_tokens(tokens) {'gene_id' : 'mygene', 'transcript_id' : 'mytranscript'} >>> tokens = 'gene_id "mygene;"; transcript_id "myt;ranscript"' >>> parse_GTF2_tokens(tokens) {'gene_id' : 'mygene;', 'transcript_id' : 'myt;ranscript'} >>> tokens = 'gene_id "mygene"; transcript_id "mytranscript"; tag "tag value";' >>> parse_GTF2_tokens(tokens) {'gene_id' : 'mygene', 'tag' : 'tag value', 'transcript_id' : 'mytranscript'} >>> tokens = 'gene_id "mygene"; transcript_id "mytranscript"; tag "tag value"; tag "tag value 2";' >>> parse_GTF2_tokens(tokens) {'gene_id' : 'mygene', 'tag' : 'tag value,tag value 2', 'transcript_id' : 'mytranscript'} Parameters ---------- inp : str Ninth column of `GTF2`_ entry Returns ------- dict : key-value pairs """ d = {} items = shlex.split(inp.strip("\n")) assert len(items) % 2 == 0 for i in range(0, len(items), 2): key = unescape_GTF2(items[i]) val = items[i + 1] # require separation by semicolons for all but final token if i + 1 < len(items) - 2: assert val.endswith(";") if val.endswith(";"): val = val[:-1] if key in d: warn( "Found duplicate attribute key '%s' in GTF2 line. Catenating value with previous value for key in attr dict:\n %s" % (key, inp), FileFormatWarning ) d[key] = "%s,%s" % (d[key], unescape_GTF2(val)) else: d[key] = unescape_GTF2(val) return d