Source code for plastid.bin.crossmap

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This script empirically determines which positions in a genome yield 
multimapping reads under a given set of alignment parameters. These positions
are saved in a `BED`_-formatted :term:`mask file`, so that they may be excluded
as from further analyses.

To identify multimapping regions, a genome sequence is diced into :term:`k-mers
<k-mer>` and the :term:`k-mers` aligned back to the genome. Positions in the
genome that give rise to :term:`k-mers <k-mer>` that align equally well to more
than one genomic location are then marked as multimapping..

`k` is specified by the user, as are the alignment parameters.

Output files
The following files are made:

        Final :term:`mask file` annotation, in `BED`_ format

        :term:`K-mers <k-mer>` derived from chromosome `CHROMOSOME`. These
        files can be reused in subsequent runs allowing a different number of
        mismatches, using the ``--have_kmers`` option


  - `OUTBASE` is a name meaningful to the user
  - `READLENGTH` is the :term:`k-mer` length chosen by the user
  - `MISMATCHES` is the number of mismatches permitted during alignment,
    also set by the user.

Considerations for large genomes

For large genomes (e.g. vertebrate, plant, or some *very* big amoebas):

  - |crossmap| can require a ton of memory if genome sequence is stored 
    in a fasta file. If |crossmap| maxes out your system's memory, it may
    be terminated by your system before it completes.

    Consider converting the file to a `2bit`_ file to save memory and
    avoid this potential problem

  - Enabling mismatches with short read sizes will make |crossmap| take
    a lot longer, especially on large genomes. Consider using ``--mismatches
    0`` if you run into this problem 

  - Using multiple processes (e.g. via ``-p 2``) will speed |crossmap|'s
    execution time, but will increase its memory footprint, as each process
    will need its own memory space to create and align k-mers from chromosomal

  - By default, |crossmap| creates `BED`_ files. Consider converting these to
    `BigBed`_ files will save substantial amounts of time and memory in the future.

    This can be achieved using Jim Kent's ``bedToBigBed`` utility as follows
    (from the terminal)::

        $ bowtie-inspect --summary BOWTIE_INDEX | grep Sequence |\\
                         cut -f2,3 | sed -e "s/\([^ ]\+\).*\\t/\\1\\t/"  >OUTFILE.sizes
        $ sort -k1,1 -k2,2n OUTBASE.bed > OUTBASE_sorted.bed
        $ bedToBigBed OUTBASE_sorted.bed OUTBASE.sizes

    for download & documentation of Kent utilities
__author__ = "joshua"
import argparse
import functools
import glob
import inspect
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from import NameDateWriter, AbstractReader
from import get_short_name, argsopener
from plastid.genomics.roitools import SegmentChain, positionlist_to_segments, GenomicSegment
from plastid.util.scriptlib.help_formatters import format_module_docstring
from import xrange
from import MalformedFileError
from plastid.util.scriptlib.argparsers import SequenceParser, BaseParser

namepat = re.compile(r"(.*):([0-9]+)\(\+\)")
printer = NameDateWriter(get_short_name(inspect.stack()[-1][1]))

BigBedMessage = """Crossmap complete and saved as 'OUTFILE.bed'.

    For large (e.g. mammalian) genomes, it is highly recommended to convert
    the BED-format output to a BigBed file, using Jim Kent's bedToBigBed
    utility as follows (from the terminal):

        $ bowtie-inspect --summary BOWTIE_INDEX | grep Sequence |\\
                         cut -f2,3 | sed -e "s/\\([^ ]\+\\).*\\t/\\1\\t/"  >OUTFILE.sizes
        $ sort -k1,1 -k2,2n OUTFILE.bed > OUTFILE_sorted.bed
        $ bedToBigBed OUTFILE_sorted.bed OUTFILE.sizes

    for download & documentation of Kent utilities


[docs]def simulate_reads(seq_record, fh=sys.stdout, k=30): """Chops a DNA sequence into :term:`k-mers <k-mer>`, mimicking a sequencing run. Output is delivered in fasta format. Sequences are named for position of origin using 0-based indices. Parameters ---------- seq_record : :py:class:`Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord` DNA sequence fh : file-like filehandle to write output k : int, optional length of k-mers to generate (Default: `30`) """ seq = str(seq_record.seq) for x in xrange(0, len(seq_record) - k + 1): fh.write(">%s:%s(+)\n" % (, x)) fh.write("%s\n" % seq[x:x + k]) return None
[docs]class FastaNameReader(AbstractReader): """Returns names of sequences in a fasta file"""
[docs] def filter(self, line): """Return next sequence name in a fasta file Parameters ---------- line : str Line of text Returns ------- str Name of next sequence, excluding prefix `'>'` and line terminator """ if line.startswith(">"): return line[1:].rstrip() else: return self.__next__()
[docs]def revcomp_mask_chain(seg, k, offset=0): """Reverse-complement a single-interval mask, correcting for `offset`. Parameters ---------- seg : |SegmentChain| Plus-strand mask, including `offset` k : int Length of k-mers offset : int, optional Offset from 5' end of read at which to map mask (Default: `0`) Returns ------- |SegmentChain| Mask on minus strand corresponding to `seg` """ # Algorithm note: # # Let # FW = plus-strand coordinate # RC = minus-strand coordinate # # Then # RC = FW + k - 1 - offset # # But we are given FW + offset, so: # # RC + offset = (FW + offset) + k - 1 - offset # RC = (FW + offset) + k - 1 - 2*offset span = seg.spanning_segment new_offset = k - 1 - 2 * offset ivminus = GenomicSegment(span.chrom, span.start + new_offset, span.end + new_offset, "-") return SegmentChain(ivminus)
[docs]def fa_to_bed(toomany_fh, k, offset=0): """Create a `BED`_ file indicating genomic origins of reads in a `bowtie`_ ``toomany`` file Parameters ---------- toomany_fh : file-like Open filehandle to fasta-formatted ``toomany`` file from `bowtie`_ k : int Length of k-mers offset : int, optional Offset from 5' end of read at which to map read, if any (Default: `0`) Yields ------ |SegmentChain| Plus-strand |SegmentChain| representing a repetitive region |SegmentChain| Minus-strand |SegmentChain| representing a repetitive region """ last_chrom = chrom = None last_pos = None start_pos = None reader = FastaNameReader(toomany_fh) for n, read_name in enumerate(reader): chrom, pos = pos = int(pos) + offset if chrom != last_chrom: if last_chrom is not None: plus_chain = SegmentChain(GenomicSegment(last_chrom, start_pos, last_pos + 1, "+")) minus_chain = revcomp_mask_chain(plus_chain, k, offset) last_chrom = chrom start_pos = pos last_pos = pos yield plus_chain, minus_chain else: last_chrom = chrom start_pos = pos last_pos = pos else: delta = pos - last_pos if delta > 1: plus_chain = SegmentChain(GenomicSegment(chrom, start_pos, last_pos + 1, "+")) minus_chain = revcomp_mask_chain(plus_chain, k, offset) last_pos = pos start_pos = pos yield plus_chain, minus_chain elif delta == 1: last_pos = pos else: msg = "k-mers are not sorted at read '%s' ! Aborting." % read_name raise MalformedFileError(toomany_fh, msg, line_num=n) if chrom is not None: plus_chain = SegmentChain(GenomicSegment(chrom, start_pos, last_pos + 1, "+")) minus_chain = revcomp_mask_chain(plus_chain, k, offset) yield plus_chain, minus_chain
[docs]def chrom_worker(chrom_seq, args=None): name, seq_or_kmers = chrom_seq printer.write("Processing chromosome '%s' ..." % name) base = "%s_%s_%s_%s" % (args.outbase, args.read_length, args.mismatches, name) kmer_file = "%s_kmers.fa" % base toomany_file = "%s_multimap.fa" % base bed_file = "%s_crossmap.bed" % base if args.have_kmers == False: with open(kmer_file, "w") as kmer: simulate_reads(seq_or_kmers, kmer, args.read_length) kmer.close() else: kmer_file = seq_or_kmers argdict = { "mismatches": args.mismatches, "processors": 1, "bowtie" : args.bowtie, "toomany" : toomany_file, "kmers" : kmer_file, "ebwt" : args.ebwt, "null" : os.devnull, } # yapf: disable cmd = "%(bowtie)s -m1 -a --best -f -v %(mismatches)s -p %(processors)s %(ebwt)s %(kmers)s --max %(toomany)s >%(null)s" % argdict printer.write("Aligning %s-mers for chromosome '%s' :\n\t'%s'" % (args.read_length, name, cmd)) try: retcode =, shell=True) if retcode < 0 or retcode == 2: printer.write( "Alignment for chromosome '%s' terminated with status %s" % (name, retcode) ) else: if os.path.exists(toomany_file): printer.write( "Assembling multimappers from chromosome '%s' into crossmap ..." % name ) with argsopener(bed_file, args, "w") as bed_out: for plus_chain, minus_chain in fa_to_bed(open(toomany_file), args.read_length, offset=args.offset): bed_out.write(plus_chain.as_bed()) bed_out.write(minus_chain.as_bed()) bed_out.close() os.remove(toomany_file) else: printer.write( "Could not find multimapper source file '%s' ." % toomany_file ) except OSError as e: printer.write("Alignment failed for chromosome '%s': %s" % (name, e)) printer.write("Cleaning up chromosome '%s' ..." % name) if args.have_kmers == False and args.save_kmers == False: os.remove(kmer_file) return bed_file
[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): """Command-line program Parameters ---------- argv : list, optional A list of command-line arguments, which will be processed as if the script were called from the command line if :py:func:`main` is called directly. Default: `sys.argv[1:]`. The command-line arguments, if the script is invoked from the command line """ sp = SequenceParser() bp = BaseParser() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description = format_module_docstring(__doc__), formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, parents = [bp.get_parser(), sp.get_parser()], ) parser.add_argument( "-k", dest = "read_length", metavar = "READ_LENGTH", type = int, default = 29, help = "K-mer length to generate from input file. (Default: 29)", ) parser.add_argument( "--offset", type = int, default = 14, help = "Offset from 5' end of plus-strand read at which to attribute score (Default: 14)" ) parser.add_argument( "--mismatches", metavar="N", type=int, default=0, help="Number of mismatches tolerated in alignment. (Default: 0)" ) parser.add_argument( "--bowtie", dest = "bowtie", default = "/usr/bin/bowtie", type = str, help = "Location of bowtie binary (Default: /usr/bin/bowtie)", ) parser.add_argument( "--have_kmers", default=False, action="store_true", help=( "If specified, use k-mer files from previous run. In this case " "'sequence_file' should be the value 'outbase' from the k-mer " "files you want to use. (Default: False)" ), ) parser.add_argument( "--save_kmers", default = False, action = "store_true", help = "Save k-mer files for reuse in a subsequent run.", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--processes", type = int, default = 2, metavar = "N", help = ( "Number of processes to use (should be <= number of chromosomes; " "default: 2)" ), ) parser.add_argument( "ebwt", type = str, help = ( "Bowtie index of genome against which crossmap will be made. " "In most cases, should be generated from the same sequences that " "are in `sequence_file`." ), ) parser.add_argument("outbase", type=str, help="Basename for output files") args = parser.parse_args(argv) bp.get_base_ops_from_args(args) #filenames base = "%s_%s_%s" % (args.outbase, args.read_length, args.mismatches) bed_file = "%s_crossmap.bed" % base if args.have_kmers == True: kmer_files = glob.glob(args.sequence_file + "*kmers.fa") seq_pat = re.compile(r".*_([^_]*)_kmers.fa") seqs = {[0]: X for X in kmer_files} else: seqs = sp.get_seqdict_from_args(args, index=True) worker = functools.partial(chrom_worker, args=args) chroms = seqs.items() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=args.processes) bed_filenames =, chroms, 1) pool.close() pool.join() with open(bed_file, "w") as fout: for f in sorted(bed_filenames): if os.path.exists(f): shutil.copyfileobj(open(f, "r"), fout) os.remove(f) else: printer.write("Could not find intermediate bed file '%s' ." % f) fout.close() printer.write("Done.") printer.write( BigBedMessage.replace( "OUTFILE", bed_file.replace(".bed", "") ).replace("BOWTIE_INDEX", args.ebwt) )
if __name__ == "__main__": main()